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Revisionist History

From Broken Record: Rick Rubin in Conversation with Malcolm Gladwell

Thu Jan 26 2023

Apple Card

00:06 - 06:04

  • Offers unlimited daily cashback and a high-yield savings account at 4.15% APY

eBay Motors

00:06 - 06:04

  • Provides over 122 million parts and accessories with guaranteed fit

T-Mobile's network

00:06 - 06:04

  • Covers more highway miles with 5G than any other provider

Rick Rubin's book 'The Creative Act'

05:35 - 12:02

  • 'The Creative Act' is about how all creative choices are made, not just in music or visual arts
  • Explores the spiritual component of belief in something bigger that takes you out of the ordinary to allow you to see a wilder potential
  • Emphasizes the importance of overcoming voices that tell us we can't do things for creativity
  • Highlights the power of belief and its ability to allow you to go further than you think
  • Discusses the obligation of artists to look outside of themselves when finding solutions to creative problems

Creativity and problem-solving

11:33 - 17:14

  • Pay close attention to what's happening around you for creative problem-solving
  • Hold the question in your awareness and engage in something else to solve a problem
  • Creativity can be internal and deliberate, but it can also be external and unconscious
  • Self-expression is not about you; everything we are comes from outside of us
  • Distraction can be a productive strategy in service of the work
  • Connection with the outside world can be inspiring if you pick places that are inspiring

Strategies for finding inspiration

16:47 - 22:25

  • Different artists have different strategies for finding inspiration
  • Inhabiting someone else's voice or tradition can spark new innovation
  • Imitation can turn into legitimate innovation
  • The Beatles were doing American Motown music but did it differently because they were English

Embracing inspiration and learning from other genres

21:56 - 27:44

  • Inspiration should be celebrated, not feared or guarded
  • Learning from other genres or trends can lead to beautiful creations

Challenges in girls' sports and hiring platforms

27:16 - 33:04

  • Girls' sports are facing a crisis due to chronic injuries, pressure to get into the best colleges, and overbearing parents
  • Coaches face difficulties dealing with crazy parents who call at all hours or make nuisances of themselves during games
  • Zip Recruiter is a hiring platform that can help businesses find qualified candidates quickly and easily
  • BetterHelp is an online therapy service designed for convenience and flexibility. It offers licensed therapists and a brief questionnaire to match users with the right therapist

The importance of cooperation and harmony in creativity

32:40 - 38:31

  • Competition is not the driving force behind creating great work
  • Success is when you feel good enough about your work to share it with the world
  • The moment of success is when you sign off on a project and move on to the next one
  • Car designers in the past fell in love with similar design aesthetics, even though they were competitors
  • Artistic movements can spring up simultaneously around the world without any direct influence from each other
  • Love for an idea or concept is what drives creativity and innovation, not competition or perfectionism

Embracing imperfections and personal expression in art

38:06 - 44:06

  • Imperfections in art can make it more soulful and authentic
  • Audiences want to see the mind or heart of the creator, not an abstract thing that fits every criteria of perfection
  • Journalism through a personal filter is engaging and interesting

Letting go of beliefs and assumptions for breakthroughs

43:40 - 50:11

  • Letting go of beliefs and assumptions can lead to breakthroughs in any field
  • 'The Creative Act' has many moments where seemingly contradictory points are made, but they are actually compatible
  • There is a balance between being inwardly and outwardly sensitive that must be observed

Improving communication and embracing different perspectives

49:52 - 55:23

  • The language we use to describe our feelings and emotions is important for mental health
  • Framing devices and settings in language can cause unnecessary suffering
  • 'Nonviolent Communication' by Marshall Rosenberg is a good resource for better communication
  • 'Should' is a make wrong word that makes us feel like we were wrong at the time

Working together and achieving harmony in creative projects

55:02 - 1:00:54

  • The best way to work with other people is through cooperation and demonstrating ideas
  • There should be no rivalry of ideas, but rather a respect for each other's opinions
  • If everyone works together for the best outcome, conflicts can be avoided
  • The goal is to achieve harmony among all voices involved in a project
  • When there are dissenting opinions, it means that the project has not gone far enough
  • A project is better when all parties involved love it rather than just some of them

Rick Rubin's book 'The Creative Act'

1:00:37 - 1:06:33

  • 'The Creative Act' explores these philosophies around creativity
  • Rick Rubin talks about his experience with a group called Trouble Funk in high school who played hip-hop