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Corrective Culture

Gabriella Sassi - Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopath. Blood Work, Parasites & Heavy Metals

Thu Jul 20 2023
nutritionnaturopathygut healthhormonesparasitesheavy metal detoxificationskincare


The episode covers various topics related to nutrition, naturopathy, gut health, hormones, parasites, heavy metal detoxification, and skincare. It explores the role of heritage and microbiome in health, the importance of gut health for overall well-being, and the impact of lifestyle factors on hormonal balance. The episode also discusses the challenges of making lifestyle changes, the effects of parasites on gut health and skin conditions, and the role of essential nutrients in skin disorders. Additionally, it delves into the significance of magnesium and zinc supplementation, the relationship between cholesterol and inflammation, and the impact of cultural factors on hormone levels. The episode concludes with insights on heavy metal detoxification, pain sensitization, and the benefits of cleansing programs for skin conditions.


Heritage and microbiome influence health

The episode highlights the role of heritage and microbiome in determining dietary preferences and gut health.

Gut health is crucial for overall well-being

The episode emphasizes the importance of addressing gut health as a priority when treating various conditions.

Lifestyle changes are essential for long-term health

The episode discusses the challenges of making lifestyle changes but emphasizes their significance for overall well-being.

Parasites can have significant effects on gut health and skin conditions

The episode explores the impact of parasites on gut health and their potential role in skin disorders.

Essential nutrients play a crucial role in skin disorders

The episode highlights the importance of essential fatty acids (EFA) and zinc in maintaining healthy skin.

Magnesium and zinc supplementation can support hormonal balance

The episode discusses the benefits of magnesium and zinc supplementation for hormone production and immune function.

Cholesterol levels can be influenced by inflammation and lifestyle factors

The episode explores the relationship between cholesterol, inflammation, and lifestyle factors.

Cultural factors may impact hormone levels

The episode raises the question of whether cultural factors, such as competitiveness and physical activities, contribute to hormone level variations.

Heavy metal detoxification is a complex process

The episode delves into the challenges and methods of heavy metal detoxification, highlighting the importance of small changes over time.

Cleansing programs can have positive effects on skin conditions

The episode discusses the potential benefits of cleansing programs for improving skin conditions.


  1. Introduction
  2. Heritage, Microbiome, and Health
  3. Gut Health and Hormones
  4. Challenges of Lifestyle Change
  5. Parasites and Gut Health
  6. Eliminating Parasites and Cleansing
  7. Skin Disorders and Essential Nutrients
  8. Balancing Hormones and Nutrient Deficiencies
  9. Cholesterol, Testosterone, and Lifestyle Factors
  10. Magnesium and Heavy Metal Detoxification
  11. Detoxifying Heavy Metals and Pain Sensitization
  12. Supplements, Parasites, and Cleansing Programs
  13. Skincare and Healthy Living


00:02 - 06:37

  • Gabriella Sassy, a nutritionist and naturopath, is the guest on the Corrective Culture podcast.
  • Gabby works with Kirsty, who has been on the podcast before.
  • They recently had blood work done to get quantifiable data about their health.
  • Gabby mentions that she still needs to do a microbiome test.
  • The testing opened their eyes to potential areas of improvement in their health.
  • Gabby got into nutrition and naturopathy after a knee injury and wanting to recover well.
  • She studied something else at university but became interested in nutrition upon returning from traveling.
  • She didn't have any major health issues but had some hormone issues as a teenager.
  • She tried being vegan but felt terrible, so she switched back to an animal-based diet and felt better.
  • There are tests available, such as gene tests and microbiome analysis, that can help determine how well someone can handle meat or carbs in their diet.
  • Heritage plays a role in dietary preferences and microbiome composition.

Heritage, Microbiome, and Health

06:09 - 12:35

  • Heritage and microbiome play a role in our health
  • Italian diet is different from the stereotypical Italian diet
  • Eating certain foods can affect mood and overall well-being
  • Personal food intolerances can vary
  • Gut health is important and can influence overall health
  • Microbiome testing is recommended for understanding gut health

Gut Health and Hormones

12:09 - 19:15

  • Gut health is important for overall health and should be addressed first when treating conditions.
  • A hormone panel test, such as the Dutch test, is comprehensive and useful for understanding hormone levels throughout the day.
  • The Dutch test also looks at hormone metabolites and how they are processed in the body.
  • Estrogen dominance can occur if hormones are not effectively broken down and eliminated from the body.
  • PCOS and endometriosis can be detected through the Dutch test by looking at hormone levels.
  • Inflammation in the gut can lead to hormonal imbalances and inflammatory diseases like endometriosis.
  • Complete healing from endometriosis is possible but requires a combination of treatments and lifestyle changes.
  • The rise in endometriosis may be due to factors such as inflammation, diet, environment, and lifestyle choices.
  • Lifestyle factors play a significant role in overall health, including hormonal balance.
  • Changing lifestyle habits can be challenging but is crucial for long-term health.

Challenges of Lifestyle Change

18:48 - 24:26

  • Some people would rather get sick than change their lifestyle because change is scary.
  • Changing without any hardships is the real hard work.
  • Older generations may be resistant to change, but some individuals fully embrace it.
  • People sometimes ignore advice and make excuses for not changing their habits.
  • Making small changes can inspire others to follow suit.
  • Controlling what you put in your mouth reflects control over other aspects of life.
  • The speaker had a funny encounter with two women who were stuck in the matrix of societal rules and regulations.
  • The speaker believes in following moral rules rather than arbitrary laws set by authorities.
  • The speaker shares an example of avoiding a fine by standing up against unjust rules and regulations.

Parasites and Gut Health

23:56 - 29:43

  • The speaker recounts a situation where they avoided a fine by walking away from an altercation on the beach.
  • They discuss the ethics of following rules and how sometimes it's necessary to question them.
  • The speaker mentions that many doctors are unhealthy and suggests seeking advice from someone who looks healthy and is doing the work.
  • They talk about testing for parasites and how it's important to consider symptoms even if tests don't show anything.
  • The most common parasites in Australia are blastocystis and dientamoeba, which often co-infect with other things.
  • It can take up to six months or longer to get rid of stubborn parasites through herbal treatments.
  • Taking antibiotics may worsen the situation and require rebuilding later.
  • The speaker shares a story about someone who took a pill for worms but still had parasites because the worm had laid eggs.

Eliminating Parasites and Cleansing

29:13 - 35:35

  • Taking a pill can kill parasites, but they may lay eggs and require another treatment
  • Changing diet and using herbs can help eliminate parasites
  • Reducing sugar intake and drinking herbal remedies can be effective
  • Parasites have interactions with the brain and can cause anxiety and nervousness
  • Cleansing can lead to low energy, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms
  • Charcoal and clay binders can cause bloating during cleansing
  • Constipation is common during cleansing, especially for women
  • Enemas or other methods may be used to relieve constipation during cleansing
  • Skin issues like rosacea and eczema can be related to gut health
  • Food allergies may contribute to skin issues
  • Deficiencies in essential fatty acids or zinc may worsen skin problems

Skin Disorders and Essential Nutrients

35:07 - 41:48

  • Skin disorders can be caused by deficiencies in essential fatty acids (EFA) or zinc.
  • Fungal issues are common causes of skin problems.
  • Cultured wellness ferments are a type of probiotic that is safe for people with gut issues.
  • Start slowly when consuming fermented foods to avoid bloating.
  • Fermented fruit on a parasite cleanse removes most of the sugar content.
  • Blood work revealed low levels of zinc and magnesium, high cortisol, and elevated cardiovascular markers.
  • Functional range practitioners focus on prevention rather than waiting for disease to occur.
  • Adrenal herbs and adaptogens like Ashwagandha can help balance cortisol levels.

Balancing Hormones and Nutrient Deficiencies

41:27 - 46:58

  • Ashwagandha provides a sense of calm and is noticeable when not taken
  • Staying on Ashwagandha is fine, no need to alternate
  • Changes in lifestyle, such as stopping training at night, may reduce the need for herbs
  • B vitamins can be obtained from liver but absorption may vary based on genetic SNP
  • Blue light blockers have made a significant difference in feeling calmer and more tired at night
  • Melatonin levels can be affected by high cortisol and screens at night
  • Zinc supplementation is recommended for optimal hormone production and immune function
  • Picolinate form of zinc is better absorbed by the body
  • Eating oysters is a good food source of zinc
  • Sick feeling after taking zinc supplements without food is normal
  • Inflammation can cause cholesterol levels to increase

Cholesterol, Testosterone, and Lifestyle Factors

46:29 - 52:44

  • Cholesterol is protective for the body and can increase due to inflammation or lack of fiber.
  • Triglycerides should be under one, which is more important to monitor than cholesterol levels.
  • Testosterone levels were high, which was a relief for the speaker.
  • The speaker wonders if cultural factors, such as competitiveness and physical activities like MMA and jujitsu, contribute to higher testosterone levels in some men.
  • Excessive screen time and lack of physical activity in teenagers can lead to low motivation and hormone imbalances.
  • The COVID-19 pandemic may have further impacted hormone levels due to limited social interactions and activities.
  • Maintaining a balance between traditional gender roles and modern expectations may be beneficial for overall well-being.
  • Some younger men exhibit behaviors that are not conducive to supporting a family or attracting a partner.
  • Magnesium is essential for everyone, especially those with active lifestyles or high stress levels.
  • Magnesium helps regulate the nervous system and supports adrenal health.
  • Different types of magnesium supplements are available, such as Magtor and magnesium breakthrough.

Magnesium and Heavy Metal Detoxification

52:23 - 58:31

  • Magtor is a practitioner product with higher doses and activated bees for better bioavailability.
  • Magtor is not recommended to be taken at night.
  • Different types of magnesium serve different purposes, such as magnesium citrate and glocinate for sleep.
  • Magnesium is relaxing, helps with muscle aches and pains, and has various effects on hormones.
  • Magnesium controls nerve pulses and messaging between nerves and muscles, making it important for training.
  • Coffee consumption may increase the need for magnesium supplementation.
  • Supplements like Ashwagandha can help improve skin appearance and overall well-being.
  • Hair tests can reveal high levels of heavy metals like mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminum, and manganese.
  • Heavy metals can come from various sources including genetics, environment, cleaning products, cosmetics, etc.
  • Detoxification pathways in the body help eliminate heavy metals.

Detoxifying Heavy Metals and Pain Sensitization

58:05 - 1:04:04

  • Heavy metals can accumulate in the brain and other organs, making it difficult to get rid of them.
  • There are different ways to detox heavy metals, such as using binding herbs like bilberry, grape seed, and celery seed.
  • Vitamin E, glutathione, clay, and charcoal are also effective binders for heavy metals.
  • Being in a state of autophagy or static ketosis is important for effective detoxification.
  • Detoxing heavy metals from the brain may involve following a keto diet and taking binders like cellotox.
  • Antioxidants like glutathione and vitamin C can help with heavy metal detoxification.
  • Detoxifying from heavy metals is a long process that requires making small changes over time.
  • Drinking tap water can be an indicator of other unhealthy habits and may hinder the detoxification process.
  • Pain sensitization can be influenced by inputs of stress to the nervous system, including heavy metal toxicity.
  • Correcting overall health and lifestyle factors is important for addressing pain sensitization caused by heavy metal toxicity.

Supplements, Parasites, and Cleansing Programs

1:03:41 - 1:09:10

  • Supplements can provide a variety of herbs and organ meats that may be missing from a limited diet
  • Heavy metal levels can drop after at least six months of dietary changes
  • Parasites can be found in various parts of the body and may take a long time to eliminate
  • Cleansing programs can have positive effects on skin conditions and overall health

Skincare and Healthy Living

1:08:50 - 1:10:13

  • A woman sent photos of her skin after using a product for four weeks and saw significant improvement.
  • The hosts discuss their own experiences with acne and skincare products.
  • They mention a girl with pure skin who eats healthy and organic food.
  • They emphasize the importance of listening to healthy people for advice on health and skincare.