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The Microdose | Psychedelics, Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, DMT Trip

How Psilocybin Opens the Door to Synchronicity: A Mushroom Trip Lesson

Sat Jun 24 2023
mushroom triplife's turbulence


The episode discusses the importance of navigating bumps on a mushroom trip and staying centered in life's turbulence. It emphasizes remaining open and unblocking resistance to allow for positive transformations. The episode also highlights the choice to stay centered and not be distracted by frustrations or unexpected events in life.


Remaining Open and Unblocking Resistance

The mushrooms teach to unblock resistance and attachment to outcomes, allowing for synchronicity and inspiration.

Choosing to Stay Centered

When faced with frustration or bumps in life, you have the choice to stay centered and not let them distract you.

Accepting Bumps with Amusement

Acknowledging that bumps are part of the journey and accepting them with amusement and laughter can make life more enjoyable.

Flowing with Life Instead of Controlling Everything

Approaching each day with a relaxed attitude towards turbulence or unexpected events allows for a more enjoyable experience.

Similarities Between Navigating Trips and Life's Turbulence

Surfing the waves of intention and navigating turbulence in life is similar to navigating a psychedelic trip.

Staying Grounded in Both Trips and Life Experiences

Staying centered and grounded is important in both psychedelic trips and various life experiences.


  1. Navigating Bumps on a Mushroom Trip
  2. Staying Centered in Life's Turbulence

Staying Centered in Life's Turbulence

07:34 - 11:45

  • When faced with frustration or bumps in life, you have two choices: get entangled and emotional, or keep going
  • Just like when driving and hitting a pothole, you don't stop the car and scream at it; you keep driving
  • In life, you will inevitably hit potholes and bumps, but you can choose to stay centered and not let them distract you
  • Accept the bumps with amusement and laughter, acknowledging that they are just part of the journey
  • Don't make a story out of the bumps or allow yourself to be overly perturbed by them
  • Approach each day with a relaxed attitude towards turbulence or unexpected events
  • Life becomes more enjoyable when you flow with it instead of trying to control everything
  • Surfing the waves of intention and navigating turbulence in life is similar to navigating a psychedelic trip
  • Stay grounded by staying centered and grounded in both trips and life experiences