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Marketing Made Simple

How Social Media Can Fuel Nonprofit Fundraising Efforts

Wed Jun 21 2023
nonprofit fundraisingmarketingStory Brand frameworksocial media engagementdonor appreciation


The episode covers various topics related to nonprofit fundraising and marketing using the Story Brand framework. It provides insights on creating compelling stories, engaging with the right audience on social media, and expressing gratitude. The episode also offers practical examples and actionable steps for nonprofits to improve their fundraising efforts.


Focus on the mission and the donor

Nonprofits should create two different stories - one for the mission and one for the donors. Weaving these stories together can have a huge impact in drawing people into the cause and becoming donors.

Engage directly with the right people on social media

Asking for advice, connections, or tangible items besides money can be effective in fundraising through social media. Engaging with the right people leads to more activity and conversions, regardless of the size of the following.

Practical examples of successful strategies

Traffic Non-1-1 received more backpack donations than monetary donations after pivoting their messaging. Vehicle For Good gained over $160,000 in online donations by speaking directly to donors.

Guidance for nonprofits and expressing gratitude

Story Brand Certified Guides and Business Made Simple Coaches provide guidance for nonprofits. The book 'Lasting Donor Locator' helps nonprofits identify and speak directly to their target audience. Expressing gratitude for those who help nonprofits do good in the world is important.


  1. Story Brand Marketing Livestream
  2. Inclusion and Marketing Podcast
  3. Fundraising for Nonprofits
  4. Creating a Compelling Story for Nonprofits
  5. Engaging with the Right Audience on Social Media
  6. Guidance for Nonprofits and Expressing Gratitude

Story Brand Marketing Livestream

00:01 - 07:57

  • Register for the July 18th and 19th Story Brand Marketing livestream at to overhaul your marketing and messaging using the Storybrand framework.

Inclusion and Marketing Podcast

00:01 - 07:57

  • The Inclusion and Marketing podcast explores topics like belonging, customer experience, and diversity in inclusive marketing.
  • Listen to the episode titled 'Diversity and Inclusion Data, How to Capture It and Use It to Achieve Your Business Goals' featuring Mandy Price, CEO of Canaries.

Fundraising for Nonprofits

00:01 - 07:57

  • Fundraising for nonprofits can be challenging, as it is difficult to create a clear message that resonates with potential donors.
  • Nonprofits often make their stories confusing and fail to engage people effectively on social media.
  • This podcast series aims to help fundraisers use the Story Brand framework to create compelling posts on social media.
  • Tips will be provided on what fundraisers should post if they work for a nonprofit organization.

Creating a Compelling Story for Nonprofits

07:34 - 14:44

  • Using the Storybrand framework, a brand script can be created to have all the talking points for each piece of the framework.
  • Nonprofits should focus on finding people who are already passionate about their cause and inviting them in.
  • Social media can be a great strategy for nonprofits to find lasting donors.
  • Nonprofits need to keep their donors in mind and make them feel known, seen, heard, and appreciated.
  • Creating two different stories - one for the mission and one for the donors - is important for nonprofits.
  • Weaving together the donor story and the mission-based story can have a huge impact in drawing people into the cause and becoming donors.
  • A social media strategy involves being mission-minded, showcasing success, making donors the heroes, and not just asking for money.
  • Asking for advice, connections, or other forms of support besides money can also be effective in fundraising through social media.

Engaging with the Right Audience on Social Media

14:17 - 21:32

  • Asking for money is just one way to engage with your audience on social media.
  • You can also ask for advice, connections, or tangible items.
  • A three-step framework for social media success: focus on the mission, focus on the donor, and ask for something non-monetary.
  • Engaging directly with the right people leads to more activity and conversions.
  • Having a large following is not necessary if you're talking to the right people.
  • By asking for connections and engagement, you can increase your audience of the right kind of people.
  • Practical examples of this strategy working for nonprofits: Traffic Non-1-1 received more backpack donations than monetary donations after pivoting their messaging; Vehicle For Good gained over $160,000 in online donations by speaking directly to donors.
  • The book 'Lasting Donor Locator' helps nonprofits identify and speak directly to their target audience.

Guidance for Nonprofits and Expressing Gratitude

21:11 - 26:25

  • Story Brand Certified Guides and Business Made Simple Coaches provide guidance and a path for people to get involved in important work
  • To find more information, search for 'lasting donor locator' on your local bookstore website or Amazon
  • Connect with the team called Quirk at or
  • Helping nonprofits focus on their mission and spend less time on other tasks is a key goal
  • Expressing gratitude for those who help nonprofits do good in the world
  • Actionable step: Create three posts - one about your mission, one focused on donors, and one asking for non-monetary engagement
  • Creating these posts will connect with more donors and make posting easier
  • Inviting donors to help solve the mission's problems makes them heroes in the story