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The AI Breakdown: Daily Artificial Intelligence News and Discussions

Is Open Source AI Dangerous?

Sun Jul 23 2023
Open-Source AIMetaDebateTransparencyCollaborationStress TestingDiscordGratitudePeace


The episode discusses the debate around open-source AI, highlighting Meta's release of llama 2. It explores the benefits of open-source development, emphasizing transparency, collaboration, stress testing, and sharing of details. The podcast concludes with a special thread on Discord, gratitude for the audience, and a message of peace.


Open-source AI Debate

Meta's release of llama 2 sparks a debate on the safety and potential dangers of open-source AI. Google, OpenAI, and Meta executives have differing opinions on the matter.

Benefits of Open Source

Open source models have already been successful, and the internet infrastructure heavily relies on open source code. Transparency, collaboration, stress testing, and sharing of details are key aspects of open-source AI development.

Podcast Conclusion

The podcast concludes with a special thread on Discord for audience questions, gratitude for the support, and a message of peace.


  1. Open-Source AI Debate
  2. Benefits of Open Source
  3. Podcast Conclusion

Open-Source AI Debate

00:01 - 06:26

  • Meta released their llama 2, the biggest open-source AI release so far
  • The debate is whether open-source AI is dangerous or not
  • Open source development can create a bulwark against concentration in the hands of a few hyper-powerful corporations
  • Open source models may make it easier for powerful AI to get into the wrong hands
  • Google and OpenAI have criticized Meta's open-source approach as dangerous
  • Leaked internal Google memo argued that open-source software built in the meta-ecosystem poses a threat to Google
  • OpenAI used to make their AI models open source but changed their approach because they believe it's not wise
  • Mark Zuckerberg believes that open sourcing improves safety and security by allowing more people to scrutinize the software
  • Nick Clegg, president of Global Affairs at Meta, argues that openness is the way forward for tech and helps combat fears about AI control

Benefits of Open Source

06:08 - 12:22

  • Many large language models have already been open sourced like Falcon 40B, MBT 30B, and dozens before them.
  • The infrastructure of the internet runs on open source code, as do web browsers and many of the apps we use every day.
  • Tech companies should be transparent about how their systems work.
  • Meta has released system cards for Facebook and Instagram to give people insight into the AI behind content ranking and recommendation.
  • Openness should be accompanied by collaboration across industry, government, academia, and civil society.
  • Meta is a founding member of Partnership on AI and participating in its framework for collective action on synthetic media.
  • AI systems should be stress tested to identify flaws and unintended consequences.
  • Meta is undertaking red teaming for its next generation llama language model and submitting it to DEFCON Conference for further analysis.
  • Releasing source code or model weights does not make systems more vulnerable; external developers can identify problems faster than internal teams.
  • Companies should share details of their work through academic papers, public announcements, open discussions, or making technology available for research and product development.
  • Not every model needs to be open sourced; there's a role for both proprietary and OpenAI models.

Podcast Conclusion

12:04 - 12:22

  • The podcast host mentions creating a special thread on Discord for a specific question.
  • Listeners are invited to check out the thread at
  • The host expresses gratitude for the audience's support.
  • The episode concludes with a message of peace.