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Stay Free with Russell Brand

Jack Dorsey (Banning Trump, Twitter Files & Elon Musk)

Thu Jul 06 2023
Free SpeechDecentralizationTwitterOpen ProtocolsTechnologyGovernance ModelsRFKFestival


This episode discusses the importance of free speech, decentralization, and the challenges faced by platforms like Twitter. Jack Dorsey's endorsement of a presidential candidate, his beliefs in open protocols, and the need for decentralized models are explored. The episode also covers the impact of policy changes, the banning of Trump, and the removal of Parler. The speaker's journey, the rise of technology, and the potential for new governance models are discussed. The episode concludes with insights on technology's relationship with individuals and the importance of a spiritual model in understanding its role. Additionally, details about a festival and RFK's candidature are provided.


The Importance of Decentralization

Decentralized models are needed to protect open discourse and prevent centralized control by companies or governments. Platforms like Twitter should diversify their revenue streams and build resilience against dependence on one ad model.

Challenges Faced by Twitter

Twitter faced pressure from advertisers, users, and media due to policy and functionality changes. Mistakes were made, but the company admitted them and aims to fix them. The rise of AI and global regulation necessitates platforms that prioritize free speech without being controlled by centralized interests.

The Need for Open Protocols

Building upon open protocols that are not owned by anyone is seen as the true answer to prevent excessive power concentration. Consensus-driven decision-making is important to address issues related to centralized control.

Technology's Relationship with Individuals

Technology can be predatory, seeking to control attention and freedom. Platforms like Twitter started as friendly and joyful but turned into places of darkness. Legislative actions in the EU reflect the realization that forces are colonizing technology for their own interests.

The Potential of Decentralized Models

Decentralized models like Bitcoin and Noster can remove constraints from governments and markets. Micro payments through Bitcoin can help fix predatory practices on the internet.

The Importance of Questioning Systems

Questioning systems and building answers that benefit the people, especially artists, is crucial. Consciousness is unique and cannot be replicated through technology. Technology should be an assistant rather than a replacement for human capabilities.

Details on the Festival and RFK's Candidature

The festival is held on the River Y and offers activities like jujitsu, breath work, and cold plunges. RFK's candidature is important for preserving free speech and communication. A pull-up challenge is being organized to raise money for RFK's campaign, with Russell Brand as a competitor.


  1. The Importance of Free Speech and Decentralization
  2. Details on the Festival and RFK's Candidature

The Importance of Free Speech and Decentralization

00:00 - 1:01:50

  • This week is turning out to be the biggest in stay free history and perhaps the biggest in the history of free speech.
  • Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter, is endorsing the same presidential candidate as us.
  • Dorsey appreciates RFK's curiosity, willingness to admit mistakes, and humanitarian angle.
  • Biden's refusal to engage with RFK publicly is disappointing and removes trust from the system.
  • Dorsey stepped away from Twitter due to the influence of brand advertisers and his belief in open protocols.
  • He believes Bitcoin reminded him of what the internet wants to be.
  • The commercial model of platforms like Twitter has an implicit ideology built into it
  • There is a need for decentralized models to protect open discourse and significant principles
  • Decentralization means removing single points of failure and giving people more ownership
  • Bitcoin and Noster are examples of distributed, decentralized protocols
  • Twitter needs to diversify its revenue stream and build resilience against dependence on one ad model
  • Jack acknowledges the critique about allowing the US government to mislead the American people on Twitter
  • He admits that he wasn't paying enough attention and had to focus on growing Twitter as a public company
  • US companies bound by US law feel pressure from the hosting government to act on inquiries or requests
  • Pressure from advertisers, users, and media also influences policy changes on Twitter
  • Twitter faced pressure from advertisers and users due to policy and functionality changes.
  • Significant mistakes were made, such as blocking a publication's account, but the company admitted its mistakes and reversed some actions.
  • The company acknowledges the potential for bias in decision-making and believes policies should be transparent and not owned by any one organization.
  • The speaker expresses regret for not paying enough attention to certain issues and aims to fix mistakes to prevent their recurrence.
  • The rise of AI and global regulation necessitates platforms that prioritize free speech without being controlled by companies or governments.
  • The interviewer perceives the speaker's journey as one of atonement, while acknowledging the challenges of creating a platform like Twitter.
  • Privately owned entities like Twitter have power that surpasses political power, leading to decisions like banning Trump from the platform.
  • The speaker believes no one person should hold excessive power and supports decentralization.
  • Taking action against Trump was a challenging decision, but it felt wrong within the existing structure. The speaker feels bad about it.
  • The removal of Parler from services like AWS is seen as opening an undesirable gate, prompting a search for alternative solutions within Twitter's structure.
  • The speaker personally found these actions heartbreaking, having grown up with a punk ethos of questioning the system.
  • The speaker grew up as a punk and loved questioning the system.
  • They never wanted to be an entrepreneur or build a company, but it was necessary for Twitter's growth.
  • They have rediscovered their love for the decentralized internet and want to ensure its future.
  • There is proposed legislation in EU countries and the Five Eyes countries that could lead to centralized control of social media platforms.
  • The speaker believes this is an attempt to retain a 20th century power model in cyberspace.
  • Political decisions are made that benefit companies but not the world, leading to censorship and control of open spaces like Twitter and Facebook.
  • The speaker believes we need new modes of communication, media, democracy, and election that can respond to these changes.
  • They believe the only true answer is building upon a foundation of open protocols that are not owned by anyone.
  • These protocols should be designed in such a way that they do not require trust in any one person or government.
  • Consensus-driven decision-making is important to address various issues related to centralized control.
  • Individual fallibility must be addressed through the models we create on the internet.
  • Allowing power to be seized would result in unprecedented centralized control.
  • The speaker was overjoyed when Elon Musk wanted to buy Twitter because he saw him as an authentic user who spoke his mind without filters.
  • Elon Musk invested in Twitter but later realized a different answer and left the board.
  • Elon Musk invested in the company and joined the board, but later realized a different answer.
  • The digital ad market crashed due to COVID-19, causing a drop in value for many companies.
  • This led to reactive decisions and cost reduction efforts at the company.
  • The speaker still owns two to three percent of the company and believes in its future.
  • They hope to build open protocols like Bitcoin and noster to remove constraints from governments and markets.
  • The speaker sees potential for Twitter to become stronger through collaboration with Elon Musk.
  • Alternative models on the free web can challenge centralized platforms like Apple's App Store.
  • Regulation may not be necessary if people choose open and free technologies that solve their problems.
  • There is a connection between proposed regulations and the changing media and political landscape.
  • Smaller governance models connected with one another are becoming more important.
  • The trend is towards hyper local communities and smaller governance models that are connected with one another.
  • People are choosing to go to a governance that they feel connected to, rather than being governed by unelected officials.
  • Decisions made by unelected regulators have many abstractions between themselves and the actual people, making it difficult to solve for all.
  • The rise of technology has followed a similar pattern throughout history, with each new technology becoming more resilient and in the hands of individuals.
  • The biggest problem to solve is one of discovery, making decentralized platforms for finding content and voices.
  • Technology's relationship with individuals can be predatory, seeking to control attention and freedom.
  • There is a corollary between technology and mysticism, where platforms like Twitter started as friendly and joyful but turned into places of darkness and oppositionism.
  • Twitter became a tool used by centralized interests despite its potential for direct communication among individuals.
  • We are at an epochal moment where forces are colonizing the potential of technology for their own interests.
  • Legislative actions in the EU reflect this realization and raise questions about the future of technology.
  • Jack believes there is something out there regarding UFOs but doubts we will get the truth unless there is transparency from governments around the world.
  • There are claims that the promotion of distractions is meant to divert attention from political issues.
  • Twitter started as a platform for global connection and sharing, but it has become controversial due to hate speech and other negative aspects.
  • Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, aims to create alternatives to corruptible models and emphasizes transparency and decentralization.
  • Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and Ross Ulbricht should be freed according to Jack Dorsey.
  • Blue Sky is an open-source protocol funded by Twitter with the goal of decentralization.
  • Noster is another decentralized model that Jack Dorsey supports.
  • Apple forced Noster to remove a significant feature that allowed free Bitcoin transactions on the platform.
  • Jack Dorsey believes that micro payments through Bitcoin can fix some of the predatory practices on the internet.
  • The possibility of a model that is more respectful of freedom and individual transactions
  • The connection between the new possibilities and spiritual practice
  • The speaker's personal experiences with practices like one meal a day and ice baths
  • The importance of questioning systems and building answers that benefit the people, especially artists
  • The belief that consciousness is unique and cannot be replicated through technology
  • Technology as an assistant rather than a replacement for human capabilities
  • The potential for technology to bring us back to what we are born with
  • The importance of a spiritual model in understanding technology's role
  • Invitation to a festival called community

Details on the Festival and RFK's Candidature

56:36 - 1:01:50

  • The festival is held on the River Y, between Celtic Wales and Saxon England.
  • The festival is drug-free and does not allow alcohol.
  • Activities at the festival include jujitsu, breath work, and cold plunges.
  • RFK's candidature is important for preserving free speech and communication.
  • A pull-up challenge is being organized to raise money for RFK's campaign.
  • Russell Brand will compete against RFK in the pull-up competition.
  • $100,000 needs to be raised through digital donations for the campaign.
  • Running a company and government simultaneously can be complex.
  • Forming new alliances requires open hearts and open communication.
  • Tucker Carlson will be joining Russell Brand for an upcoming live conversation.