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Stay Free with Russell Brand

Jack Kornfield (Morality, Spirituality & AI)

Wed Jul 19 2023
DiscussionMigrationMoralityTrumpWarMedia ControlHypocrisyIntegrityAuthenticityAI EthicsAwakeningPositive Change


The episode covers a wide range of topics including discussions on various subjects, migration to another platform, morality in behavior and governance, Trump's claim to end war in 24 hours, emergent independent voices in media, integrity and authenticity, AI ethics, personal awakening, starting anew, personal power, and positive change. The conversation explores the need for alternatives to ongoing wars, concerns over media control and censorship, hypocrisy in politics, the source of warfare, societal addiction to consumption, teaching alternative values, and the fusion of libertarianism and anarchism. It also emphasizes the importance of inner revolution, deep community connections, nature and connection, and open conversations about personal values.


Integrity and authenticity are becoming increasingly important in society.

Trust in institutions is waning, and people crave integrity more than anything. The conversation highlights the lack of integrity and authenticity in public and political discourse.

There is a need for alternatives to ongoing wars.

Increasingly peripheral figures are pointing out the need for something to back up the rhetoric of ending wars. The establishment, including Mike Pence and Joe Biden, advocate for forever wars.

Individual awakening is crucial for societal change.

The conversation emphasizes the power of individual awakening to combat corruption and centralized power. It also highlights the significance of personal power in contributing to positive change.

Reducing dependence on the state and system requires empowerment and community building.

The episode discusses the importance of reducing dependence on the state and system through empowerment, trust, and community building. It emphasizes the value of deep community connections and reaching out to build goodwill in communities.

AI ethics and collaboration are crucial for responsible development.

The conversation explores the challenges of building honesty, integrity, and ethical values within AI. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration rather than competition in AI development.

Personal values and connections play a key role in fostering peace.

Teaching children alternative values and connections is crucial for societal change. The episode also highlights the economic engine behind war and the need for a shift in societal values.

Inner revolution empowers individuals to step out of fear and addiction.

The conversation emphasizes the power of inner revolution in empowering individuals to overcome fear and addiction. It highlights the importance of connecting with others based on mutual care and spending time in nature.

Looking for similarities rather than differences can bring about positive change.

The episode discusses the value of looking for similarities rather than differences in our culture. It emphasizes the importance of connecting with others and building goodwill in communities.

Courage and personal awakening can have a profound effect on collective reality.

The conversation highlights the necessity of courage and personal awakening in addressing suffering without contributing to divisiveness. It emphasizes the power of individual awakenings to change collective reality.

Individuals have the power to act from inner freedom and contribute to positive change.

The episode emphasizes that each person has the power to act from inner freedom and make a difference. It highlights the recognition by great leaders like Malcolm X and Gandhi of the power of individuals working together.


  1. Discussion and Introduction
  2. Trump's Claim and Media Control
  3. Emerging Voices and Hypocrisy
  4. Integrity, Authenticity, and Change
  5. AI, Ethics, and Awakening
  6. Starting Anew and Personal Power
  7. Courage, Awakening, and Positive Change

Discussion and Introduction

00:00 - 06:21

  • Discussion of various subjects and a guest on the podcast
  • Mention of migrating to another platform due to potential algorithm issues
  • Introduction of Jack Cornfield as a guest to discuss morality in behavior and governance
  • Mention of Tucker's revelation and questions about his responsibility as a public figure
  • Discussion about Trump's claim to end war in 24 hours, referencing Zelensky and the perfect phone call
  • Mention of emergent independent voices in media and the impact of Trump on the establishment
  • Reference to RFK as an emerging figure and mention of a pull-up competition against him
  • Summary request for how Trump would end war in 24 hours

Trump's Claim and Media Control

05:56 - 12:44

  • Trump's claim to end war in 24 hours is questioned
  • US government and military frustrated with Ukraine's counter-offensive
  • Concerns over censorship and control of media institutions
  • Biden administration allowed to continue colluding with social media for censorship
  • Institutions failing and not fit for purpose
  • Discussion on Tucker Carlson's admission of not taking COVID shots
  • Trump's reaction to being a target of January 6th grand jury

Emerging Voices and Hypocrisy

12:27 - 19:58

  • There is a need for something to back up the rhetoric of ending wars.
  • Increasingly peripheral figures are pointing out the need for an alternative to ongoing war.
  • The establishment, including Mike Pence and Joe Biden, advocate for forever wars.
  • Trump received a letter on Sunday night, which he sees as interference with the election.
  • Tucker Carlson engages in playground negotiation tactics during his chat.
  • Independent media figures like Tucker Carlson handle national conversations more deftly than political figures.
  • Tucker Carlson points out hypocrisy in politicians' positions on war and COVID vaccines.
  • Trump's fan base remains loyal despite his position on lockdowns and vaccines.
  • There is an appetite for raw authenticity and clear communication in politics.
  • 65% of respondents liked Tucker Carlson more after his vaccine revelation.

Integrity, Authenticity, and Change

19:30 - 27:37

  • Integrity and authenticity are becoming the currency of our time.
  • Trust in institutions is waning, including government and mainstream media.
  • People crave integrity more than anything.
  • Interview with guest Jack Cornfield, a Buddhist monk and spiritual teacher.
  • The source of warfare is the human heart; technology alone cannot stop it.
  • Society needs to change from within to foster peace.
  • There is a lack of integrity and authenticity in public and political discourse.
  • Society is addicted to consumption and lacks personal values.
  • War has an economic engine that perpetuates its continuation.
  • Teaching children alternative values and connections is crucial for change.
  • Globalist forces are introducing control through censorship and digital currency.

AI, Ethics, and Awakening

27:22 - 35:16

  • An inner personal revolution is empowering and can alter reality.
  • Accumulating forces of opposition through technology is important.
  • AI has the potential to wreak economic havoc and divide people further.
  • Building honesty, integrity, and ethical values within AI is a challenge.
  • Collaboration rather than competition in AI development is crucial.
  • Creating a wise society requires responsibility, ethics, and caring for the community as a whole.
  • Systems and institutions need a radical reevaluation of their ethics.
  • Decentralization and devolution are making themselves felt through technological advances.
  • Individual awakening is necessary to combat corruption and centralized power.
  • A fusion of libertarianism and anarchism can lead to new societies with individual freedom meshed with community duty.
  • A significant spiritual awakening at the individual level is essential for societal change.

Starting Anew and Personal Power

34:54 - 41:50

  • We can always start again and begin anew.
  • Liberia has transitioned from being known for child soldiers to women leaders.
  • Inner revolution allows us to step out of fear and addiction.
  • Hate and ignorance are often clung to because they mask pain and fear.
  • Connecting with others based on mutual care is a beautiful concept.
  • Reducing dependence on the state and system requires empowerment, trust, and community building.
  • The pandemic highlighted the importance of deep community connections.
  • Media and consumerism have misled us about what brings happiness.
  • Spending time in nature and connecting with others can bring fulfillment.
  • Individuals can make a difference by reaching out, mending, connecting, and building goodwill in their communities.
  • Bear Grylls shares similar ideas about nature, community, and connection.
  • Looking for similarities rather than differences is valuable in our culture.
  • Keeping in touch with Ramdass after his passing involves quiet meditation and tuning into consciousness and the heart's state.
  • 'What's your highest intention?' is a guiding question from Ramdass' teachings that requires courage and fearlessness to answer.
  • 'Getting real' involves creating spaces for open conversations about what we truly care about.

Courage, Awakening, and Positive Change

41:20 - 44:19

  • The participants in the conversation took off their hoods and hats, signaling a shift towards authenticity and genuine discussion.
  • Courage of the heart is necessary to see and address suffering without contributing to divisiveness.
  • Individual awakening can have a profound effect on collective reality.
  • Our personal power should not be underestimated; individual awakenings can change reality.
  • Acknowledging our personal power prevents us from feeling impotent in the face of global issues.
  • Great leaders like Malcolm X and Gandhi recognized the power of individuals working together.
  • A small elite can dominate by creating fracture, impotence, and despair among the population.
  • Each person has the power to act from inner freedom and contribute to positive change.