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Stuff You Should Know

Learning a Foreign Language

Tue Jul 25 2023
language acquisitionbilingualismneurosciencelanguage learning


The episode explores the process of language acquisition in both children and adults. It discusses theories of language learning, the benefits of being bilingual, and the neuroscience behind language. The episode also provides insights into effective language learning strategies for adults.


Language acquisition is a natural process in children

Children have an innate ability to learn languages and go through predictable stages of language development.

Plasticity decreases with age

It is generally easier for children to learn languages due to their greater plasticity compared to adults.

Bilingualism has cognitive benefits

Bilingual individuals exhibit enhanced problem-solving skills and cognitive abilities.

Language learning can delay onset of Alzheimer's

Learning a new language is like a workout for the brain and may help delay the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Effective language learning strategies for adults

To overcome inhibitory neurons, adults need to make a concerted effort to study, immerse themselves in the language, practice input and output, build vocabulary, and break down learning into manageable pieces.


  1. Language Acquisition in Children
  2. Theories of Language Learning
  3. Language Acquisition in Adults
  4. Benefits of Language Learning
  5. Neuroscience of Language
  6. Language Learning Strategies
  7. Conclusion

Language Acquisition in Children

00:00 - 07:15

  • Learning L1 (first language) as a baby is remarkable and seemingly innate
  • Learning to read usually starts clicking in around first grade
  • Phonemes are the basic units of sound in a language, and babies start grasping them around six months old.
  • Children learn language in a predictable pattern with milestone charts.
  • Vocabulary growth is rapid until around age eight, but learning new words continues throughout life.
  • English mainly uses a few hundred words, but there are always new words to learn.

Theories of Language Learning

06:45 - 14:22

  • The belief that all neurons are formed at birth and that the brain becomes less plastic over time is not true.
  • Sponge theory, which suggests that children passively absorb language like sponges, has been discarded as it underestimates the importance of active learning.
  • Behaviorism views language learning as a behavior that is reinforced through reward and punishment.
  • Nativism argues that humans have an inborn ability to speak languages and use universal grammar.

Language Acquisition in Adults

13:53 - 21:23

  • Plasticity can occur in adults and it's easier for kids to learn multiple languages.
  • Learning a second language (L2 acquisition) is generally easier for children than adults due to their greater plasticity.
  • Learning a language is harder for adults than for children due to the critical period hypothesis.
  • 'Patty Harrison' is a comedian known for their weirdness and can be seen on 'I Think You Should Leave'.
  • Adults outperform children in language acquisition tests.
  • Inhibitory neurons determine whether new input is worth making a neural connection for.
  • Learning a new language as an adult may not activate inhibitory neurons because it follows the same neural pathways as the native language.
  • L2 acquisition as an adult can be easier or more difficult depending on previous language knowledge and proficiency.
  • Learning a new language as an adult can be challenging, but not impossible.
  • Obtaining Native Light Fluency becomes more difficult after the age of 17 or 18.
  • To overcome inhibitory neurons, a concerted intellectual effort to study is necessary.
  • Immersion in the language by exposing oneself to it through TV shows or movies can be helpful.
  • Input and output are both important for language learning; watching a movie and then writing a summary in the target language can be beneficial.
  • Building vocabulary is crucial for speech and communication in a foreign language.
  • Language learning should be broken into manageable pieces and taught in non-threatening environments, such as through children's stories rather than grammar lessons.
  • Mimicking the sounds of the target language helps improve pronunciation over time.
  • There are many apps available that break down language learning into digestible sections, making it easier for adults to learn languages now than ever before.

Benefits of Language Learning

21:03 - 28:02

  • Bilingual kids do better at problem-solving situations.
  • Some individuals have learned a large number of languages, such as Powell Janulus (42) and Zeead Faza (59).
  • Americans tend to be less multilingual due to limited exposure to foreign languages.
  • The border areas with Mexico or Canada would be good places to study bilingualism.
  • Learning a language as an adult may have benefits like empathy and conflict management
  • Bilingual individuals exhibit more cognitive abilities and perform better on tests
  • Learning a new language is a workout for the brain and may delay onset of Alzheimer's

Neuroscience of Language

27:34 - 34:35

  • In Alzheimer's disease, the hippocampus or hypothalamus becomes overactive due to the loss of inhibitory neurons.
  • Inhibitory neurons set the pace and rhythm of brainwaves and determine conscious awareness.
  • Broca's area is responsible for language creation, while Wernicke's area handles comprehension.
  • Damage to Wernicke's area can result in Wernicke's aphasia, where speech is generated but lacks coherence.
  • Wernicke's aphasia can occur after a stroke and leads to frustration and disconnect in communication.

Language Learning Strategies

34:11 - 41:48

  • Learning a new language as an adult may not activate inhibitory neurons because it follows the same neural pathways as the native language.
  • 'Patty Harrison' is a comedian known for their weirdness and can be seen on 'I Think You Should Leave'.
  • 'Patty Harrison' is a comedian known for their weirdness and can be seen on 'I Think You Should Leave'.
  • 'Patty Harrison' is a comedian known for their weirdness and can be seen on 'I Think You Should Leave'.
  • 'Patty Harrison' is a comedian known for their weirdness and can be seen on 'I Think You Should Leave'.
  • 'Patty Harrison' is a comedian known for their weirdness and can be seen on 'I Think You Should Leave'.
  • 'Patty Harrison' is a comedian known for their weirdness and can be seen on 'I Think You Should Leave'.
  • 'Patty Harrison' is a comedian known for their weirdness and can be seen on 'I Think You Should Leave'.
  • 'Patty Harrison' is a comedian known for their weirdness and can be seen on 'I Think You Should Leave'.
  • 'Patty Harrison' is a comedian known for their weirdness and can be seen on 'I Think You Should Leave'.


41:20 - 48:09

  • Learning a new language as an adult can be challenging, but not impossible.
  • Obtaining Native Light Fluency becomes more difficult after the age of 17 or 18.
  • To overcome inhibitory neurons, a concerted intellectual effort to study is necessary.
  • Immersion in the language by exposing oneself to it through TV shows or movies can be helpful.
  • Input and output are both important for language learning; watching a movie and then writing a summary in the target language can be beneficial.
  • Building vocabulary is crucial for speech and communication in a foreign language.
  • Language learning should be broken into manageable pieces and taught in non-threatening environments, such as through children's stories rather than grammar lessons.
  • Mimicking the sounds of the target language helps improve pronunciation over time.
  • There are many apps available that break down language learning into digestible sections, making it easier for adults to learn languages now than ever before.