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The Microdose | Psychedelics, Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, DMT Trip

Lessons from a Deep Mushroom Trip – How to Surf the Psychedelic Waves

Wed Jul 12 2023
mushroom tripssurrendering controlmaintaining balancelife as an illusionnon-attachmentguidance in trips


The episode explores the lessons learned from a recent exhilarating mushroom trip, emphasizing trust, balance, and maintaining composure. It discusses the importance of surrendering control and maintaining balance during deep trips and in life. The concept of life as an illusion is explored, along with the purpose of training the soul. Non-attachment and guidance in trips are also discussed, highlighting the importance of openness and readiness to learn.


Approach mushrooms with intention and no expectations

Going into a deep trip with good intention and an intentional dose, without any expectations, allows for a smoother experience.

Trust, surrender, and activate new frequencies during deep trips

Deep trips provide opportunities to trust the universe, surrender control, and activate new frequencies for personal growth.

Maintain balance and remain unmoved in deep trips and in life

Balance is crucial during deep trips and in life. Remaining unmoved helps navigate challenges and maintain stability.

Life is an illusion, learn from its lessons

Life is like a video game or hologram. The purpose is to train the soul and learn from the lessons presented in the illusion.

Non-attachment allows for openness and readiness to learn

Going into a trip with no attachments allows for a more open mindset and readiness to learn from the experience.


  1. Lessons from a Recent Mushroom Trip
  2. Experiencing and Integrating Lessons from a Trip
  3. Surrendering Control and Maintaining Balance
  4. Life as an Illusion and Lessons Learned
  5. Non-Attachment and Guidance in Trips

Lessons from a Recent Mushroom Trip

00:00 - 07:36

  • Approach mushrooms with good intention and an intentional dose
  • Go into a deep trip with no expectations and be ready for a rough or smooth ride
  • Tune in beforehand to ensure sound mind and stability
  • Exploring the world of mushrooms helps in learning how to navigate and surf the waves of energy
  • Trust, balance, and maintaining composure are key factors for a deep trip
  • Reframe challenging moments as part of the trip's education and growth
  • Preparation work is essential before starting a deep trip
  • Trust that everything that happens in the trip is meant for personal growth and learning opportunities

Experiencing and Integrating Lessons from a Trip

07:11 - 15:29

  • Trips can be both exhilarating and challenging
  • Lessons from the trip can be integrated in the moment or revisited in future trips
  • View every moment of the trip as part of the ceremony for growth
  • Avoid labeling moments as right or wrong, flow with the waves of the trip
  • Maintain balance and avoid blaming oneself for reactions during deep trips
  • Trust, surrender, and activate new frequencies during deep trips
  • Mushrooms provide invitations to claim energetic lessons and activations
  • Infinite timelines are available, some hold more evolution and power for one's soul's journey
  • Balance control and surrender during a trip, directing the experience is important

Surrendering Control and Maintaining Balance

15:09 - 23:01

  • Surrender control in a mushroom trip, but know when to take action
  • Discernment is key in knowing when to surrender and when to take action
  • Collaborate with the mushrooms and work with them rather than overpowering them
  • Maintain balance and remain unmoved in deep trips and in life
  • Observe experiences without becoming emotionally attached for better navigation
  • Realize the illusion of the trip and life itself for perspective and balance

Life as an Illusion and Lessons Learned

22:40 - 30:42

  • Life is an illusion, like a video game or a hologram
  • The purpose of life is to train your soul
  • Your real self is safe and eternal, challenges are part of the game
  • Learn from the lessons in life but don't get caught up in the illusion
  • The book 'Busting Loose from the Money Game' explores the concept of everything being an illusion
  • Gratitude is a constant lesson, savor every moment in life
  • Consider mental state and non-attachment when planning a psychedelic trip

Non-Attachment and Guidance in Trips

30:21 - 32:43

  • Non-attachment is key when going on a trip
  • Being stressed can create subconscious attachments to solving specific problems
  • Go into the trip with no attachments for openness and readiness to learn
  • Something will be gained from the experience, whether or not lessons are learned
  • Deep trips provide lessons but may not solve your problems for you
  • Mushrooms offer guidance, but don't prescribe which guidance you want to receive
  • A playlist called Marsh DJ Set Live from Castello is highly recommended for trips
  • Other tested and proven effective playlists can be found at