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"MIT Professor Max Tegmark: LIVE in Boston"

Thu Jul 13 2023
Smart List Live TourArtificial IntelligenceBeneficial AIAI ImpactEthics and Future of AIAI's Impact on SocietyEthics and Future of Advanced AIAligning Incentives for HumanityWeb Telescope


The episode covers a range of topics including Smart List's live tour, Max Tegmark's insights on artificial intelligence, creating beneficial AI for humanity, AI's impact and challenges, ethical considerations and the future of AI, AI's impact on society and ethics, ethics and the future of advanced AI, aligning incentives for humanity's benefit, and the Web Telescope.


AI has the potential to be both the best and worst thing ever

Depending on how it is managed, AI can bring about great advancements or lead to human extinction.

Creating beneficial AI requires understanding human goals

To create beneficial AI for humanity, machines need to understand human goals, adopt those goals, and keep them as they get smarter.

Machines lack the background knowledge that humans possess

One of the challenges in creating beneficial AI is that machines lack the background knowledge that humans possess.

AI's impact goes beyond robots

AI's biggest impact is not in robots, but in social media manipulation for ad revenue.

Autonomous vehicles will have a significant impact on the job market

The introduction of autonomous vehicles will have a significant impact on the job market.

There should be a built-in kill switch for AI

To prevent any negative consequences, there should be a built-in kill switch for AI.

Advanced AI could accelerate technological development beyond human limitations

Building advanced AI has the potential to accelerate technological development beyond human limitations.

Aligning incentives of machines and organizations with what's good for humanity is crucial

It is crucial to align the incentives of machines and organizations with what's good for humanity.

The problem of misalignment cannot be solved by AI alone

The problem of misalignment between powerful entities and the greater good cannot be solved by AI alone; action must be taken now.

The Web Telescope is discussed, but its comparison to something else is unclear

The podcast hosts discuss the Web Telescope, mentioning that it is better than something else, although it is unclear what they are referring to.


  1. Smart List Live Tour
  2. Max Tegmark on Artificial Intelligence
  3. Creating Beneficial AI for Humanity
  4. AI's Impact and Challenges
  5. AI's Potential and Risks
  6. Ethical Considerations and Future of AI
  7. AI's Impact on Society and Ethics
  8. Ethics and Future of Advanced AI
  9. Aligning Incentives for Humanity's Benefit
  10. Web Telescope and Unspecified Comparison

Smart List Live Tour

00:00 - 05:47

  • Smart List went on a tour and recorded 10 live episodes
  • The live episodes are available on Wondrey Plus
  • They are excited to be in Boston
  • They joke about being professional and copying each other
  • They discuss their travel experiences
  • One of them is always late, while another is always on time
  • They talk about getting songs stuck in their heads
  • One of them discovers they have shingles

Max Tegmark on Artificial Intelligence

05:18 - 12:06

  • Introduction of Max Tegmark, a physicist and cosmologist
  • Max Tegmark explains his various roles in teaching and research
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is still relatively dumb compared to humans or animals
  • AI has the potential to be both the best and worst thing ever depending on how it is managed
  • It is crucial to prevent AI from becoming the worst thing ever before it's too late

Creating Beneficial AI for Humanity

11:47 - 18:27

  • Humans have had to play the game of managing technology and its power by learning from mistakes.
  • The big safeguard humans have over machines is ethics, empathy, and emotion.
  • To create beneficial AI for humanity, three things are needed: AI understanding human goals, adopting those goals, and keeping them as it gets smarter.
  • Machines lack the background knowledge that humans possess.
  • Creating a computer equation for emotions, responsibility, and ethics is currently unknown but possible in the future.
  • There is a limited window with computers before they become too smart to listen or align their goals with ours.
  • Even if all these challenges are solved, there is still the risk of an unfavorable leader controlling superintelligence and imposing their will on society.

AI's Impact and Challenges

18:06 - 24:55

  • NetSuite offers a special financing offer of no payment and no interest for six months on their cloud financial system
  • More than 36,000 companies have upgraded to NetSuite for real-time visibility and control over their business processes
  • Priceline's VIP program offers savings on hotels, flights, and rental cars with select deals
  • The US and China are both strong in AI research, but it doesn't matter which country gets ahead as the key is who controls the machines
  • In Hollywood movies, the idea of AI becoming more intelligent than humans is often explored
  • A scientist demonstrated a device that could display answers to questions by reading brainwaves
  • There are concerns about machines understanding human intentions

AI's Potential and Risks

24:36 - 30:54

  • Machines need to align their goals with ours to avoid negative consequences.
  • AI's biggest impact is not in robots, but in social media manipulation for ad revenue.
  • AI can be used to solve problems like cancer and poverty.
  • AI can improve science and medical research.
  • Google DeepMind used AI to solve the protein folding problem, advancing medicine development.
  • Autonomous vehicles will have a significant impact on the job market.
  • Concerns about accidents and safety with autonomous vehicles.
  • The possibility of advanced technological intelligence showing up on Earth is more likely than aliens from outer space.

Ethical Considerations and Future of AI

30:39 - 37:11

  • The concept of AI is incredibly alien and different from our evolutionary history.
  • People's lack of interest in the potential arrival of aliens is concerning.
  • There should be a built-in kill switch for AI to prevent any negative consequences.
  • The decision-making power regarding AI should not solely rest with a select group of experts.
  • A future with advanced AI should prioritize improving the living experience and promoting health and kindness.
  • Current allocation of AI resources towards advertising and military applications is problematic.
  • The US government has a policy against delegating kill decisions to machines, but allows other countries to build and export killer robots.
  • The rapid progression from cloning sheep to developing slaughter bots is alarming.
  • Time travel was discussed earlier, but it's unclear if the guest has traveled through time.

AI's Impact on Society and Ethics

36:50 - 43:57

  • In the middle of our galaxy, there's a black hole that bends light so much that you could see your own reflection with a good telescope.
  • Rocket Money is a personal finance app that helps find and cancel unwanted subscriptions, saving up to $720 a year.
  • The podcast 'Dis and Tell' explores celebrity feuds and their impact on society.
  • The Smart List podcast has released episodes featuring A-list guests like Will Ferrell, Conan O'Brien, Kevin Hart, and more.
  • Telescopes can potentially see the start of Earth if they are strong enough.
  • You can travel forward in time by orbiting around a black hole, as time runs at different rates near it.
  • Artificial intelligence can either bring about great advancements or lead to human extinction.

Ethics and Future of Advanced AI

43:29 - 50:13

  • Artificial intelligence can be used to bring about positive advancements or lead to our extinction.
  • Building advanced AI could accelerate technological development beyond human limitations.
  • Ethical considerations arise when deciding how and when to use advanced technology.
  • The question of whether we should create certain things, like dinosaurs or mammoths, is debated.
  • There is a moral responsibility to explore and help life flourish in the universe.
  • AI could be directed towards solving environmental challenges on Earth and beyond.
  • Aligning incentives of corporations, governments, and individuals with the goals of humanity is important for progress.
  • Regulation and consequences are necessary to prevent entities from becoming too powerful.

Aligning Incentives for Humanity's Benefit

49:49 - 56:13

  • Aligning incentives of machines and organizations with what's good for humanity is crucial.
  • Powerful entities, whether machines, dictators, or companies, often become misaligned with the greater good.
  • The problem of misalignment cannot be solved by AI alone; action must be taken now.
  • AI empowerment can help strengthen democracy and protect individuals from being exploited.
  • The guest is passionate about a project called, which uses machine learning to aggregate news articles and provide both factual information and different narratives.
  • Living on the moon is possible but creating a comfortable life on Earth should also be a priority.
  • The guest achieved an unbeatable score in Wordle today.
  • The host feels smarter after the conversation with the guest and appreciates having guests who can educate them on various topics.
  • It's important to take action instead of being complacent in solving big issues.

Web Telescope and Unspecified Comparison

55:43 - 56:45

  • The podcast hosts discuss the Web Telescope.
  • They mention that the telescope is better than something else, but it is unclear what they are referring to.