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The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway

No Mercy / No Malice: Boys to Men

Sat Jul 22 2023
American boysmenmale role modelseducationvocational trainingmarriageinvestmentprogress


The episode discusses the challenges facing American boys and men, including worsening outcomes, lack of male role models, and declining household formation. It explores solutions such as promoting male mentorship programs, investing in vocational education and college opportunities, prioritizing stable childhoods and marriage, and the need for investment and progress. The episode emphasizes the importance of addressing these issues to create a prosperous and progressive society.


American boys and men face numerous challenges

They experience worsening outcomes in various areas such as education, mental health, and employment. Lack of male role models and declining household formation contribute to these challenges.

Promoting male mentorship programs can make a difference

Encouraging men to serve as role models for boys through programs like building better men, growing kings, and the mentoring alliance can have positive impacts on sports participation, volunteering, and leadership at school.

Investing in vocational education and expanding college opportunities is crucial

Vocational education has been neglected, and investment in programs like Biden's apprenticeship building program is necessary. Additionally, expanding four-year colleges can provide more opportunities for upward mobility.

Stable childhoods and marriage contribute to positive outcomes

Having stable childhoods with male role models can prevent negative outcomes for boys. The increase in children born to unmarried mothers and financial disagreements in relationships are challenges that need to be addressed. Congress should consider extending the child tax credit to support young parents.

Investment and progress are essential for a prosperous society

The focus on arbitrage and exploitation of resources without considering externalities hinders true investment and progress. It is crucial to prioritize creating deep and meaningful relationships and providing economic opportunities for young men.


  1. The Challenges Facing American Boys and Men
  2. Addressing the Lack of Male Role Models
  3. Investing in Vocational Education and College Opportunities
  4. The Importance of Stable Childhoods and Marriage
  5. The Need for Investment and Progress

The Challenges Facing American Boys and Men

00:01 - 09:06

  • American boys and men are facing worsening outcomes on nearly every measure
  • Boys start school less prepared than girls and they're less likely to graduate from high school and attend or graduate from college
  • One in seven men reports having no friends, and three of every four deaths of despair in America suicides and drug overdoses
  • High school dropouts are four times more likely to be arrested, fired by their employer, ungovernment aid, or addicted to drugs than their peers who graduate
  • We face declining household formation, reduced birth rates, and slowing economic growth just as baby boomers enter decades of non-productive retirement
  • The lack of an open dialogue about these issues has created a void filled by voices espousing thinly veiled misogyny, demonization of vulnerable groups, and a vision for masculinity that wants to take non-whites and women back to the 50s in old Spain
  • There's a growing recognition of the size and severity of the challenge facing young men, and we can now turn our focus to solutions
  • Returning to our tradition of investment could rebuild the engine of capitalism and reverse the slide in their fortunes
  • Boys have fewer male role models as fewer than one in four teachers in America are men down from one in three in 1980

Addressing the Lack of Male Role Models

08:37 - 18:07

  • Fewer than one in four teachers in America are men down from one in three in 1980.
  • Boys become less interested in pursuing teaching when they see fewer male teachers as role models.
  • More programs encouraging men to go back to school and serve as role models for boys are needed.
  • Kids with mentors are more likely to participate in sports, volunteer, and hold leadership positions at school.
  • Male mentorship programs like building better men, growing kings, and the mentoring alliance should be promoted.

Investing in Vocational Education and College Opportunities

08:37 - 18:07

  • Vocational education has been overshadowed by the emphasis on college preparation.
  • Investment in vocational training programs like Biden's $150 million apprenticeship building program is necessary.
  • Four-year colleges should be expanded to provide more opportunities for upward mobility.

The Importance of Stable Childhoods and Marriage

08:37 - 18:07

  • Stable childhoods with male role models contribute to preventing boys from becoming broke and lonely men.
  • The number of children born to unmarried mothers has increased significantly since the 1960s.
  • Children raised by married parents have stronger relationships with their fathers and experience greater health and educational achievements.
  • Financial disagreements are a major source of conflict in relationships and a predictor of divorce.
  • Economic stress is affecting young families, while older Americans have accumulated more wealth.
  • Congress should extend the child tax credit to relieve economic burden on young parents.

The Need for Investment and Progress

17:37 - 20:12

  • $8 trillion worth of stocks and bonds trade hang, but only $300 billion represents true investment used to grow companies.
  • The nation has become focused on arbitrage rather than investing in growth.
  • Fossil fuels are being exploited without considering the externalities.
  • Youth are being taken advantage of for capital and labor by incumbents.
  • The American ideal of a clean start and second chance is not being given to the generation that deserves it most.
  • The purpose of our economy, education, laws, and society is to create deep and meaningful relationships.
  • Deaths of despair, lack of economic opportunity, and lost young men indicate that our nation offers prosperity but not progress.
  • It's time to start investing again in young men.