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New Discourses


Mon Jul 24 2023
Left-wing activismNullification tacticsMedia influenceConsequences of being coded as right-wingCountering nullification tacticsUnderstanding political nullificationStruggle sessions


The episode discusses left-wing activism and its use of nullification tactics, which seek to undermine opponents and worsen their situation. It explores how men are nullified in woke ideology, the common game of political nullification in leftist media, and the mainstream media's role in ignoring certain stories until right-wing media picks them up. The episode also delves into the consequences of being coded as right-wing, including social ostracization and a lack of trust. It highlights the importance of speaking the truth consistently, diminishing trust in those perpetrating psyops, and becoming credible on one's own. The episode concludes with insights on countering nullification tactics and the concept of struggle sessions.


Left-wing activism seeks to nullify opponents

Left-wing activism employs nullification tactics to make anything their opponents do worsen their situation. This includes nullifying men in woke ideology and politically nullifying certain individuals or messages.

Media's role in nullification

The mainstream media ignores and pretends certain stories or individuals don't exist until right-wing media picks them up. They then nullify these stories by associating them with right-wing agendas.

Consequences of being coded as right-wing

Being coded as right-wing can lead to social ostracization and a lack of trust. Individuals face negative consequences whether they choose to speak up or stay silent.

Countering nullification tactics

Speaking the truth consistently and sharing it widely helps break down psyops and diminishes belief in false narratives over time. Diminishing trust in those perpetrating psyops also shortens the time it takes for people to stop believing them. Becoming credible on your own for sharing the truth helps counteract nullification tactics.

Understanding political nullification

Naming and explaining the concept of political nullification can help people understand why certain figures are deemed untrustworthy by some factions. It involves making certain groups or ideas appear worse than they actually are, leading to their dismissal or active opposition.

Struggle sessions and nullification

A struggle session aims to nullify its targets by pressuring them into confessing wrongdoing, thereby diminishing their moral authority.


  1. Left-wing activism and nullification
  2. Consequences of being coded as right-wing
  3. Nullification tactics and countering them

Left-wing activism and nullification

00:11 - 07:08

  • Left-wing activism seeks to nullify their opponents, making anything they do worsen their situation.
  • Men are nullified in woke ideology, as standing up is interpreted as patriarchal assertion.
  • Nullification is a common leftist media game where certain individuals or messages are politically nullified.
  • The mainstream media ignores and pretends certain stories or individuals don't exist until right-wing media picks them up.
  • When right-wing media promotes a story, the mainstream media nullifies it by associating it with right-wing agendas.
  • Political nullification is worse than censorship as it uses narrative warfare and lies to make matters worse for the nullified group.
  • Conservatives have been vigorously mocked and associated with negative categories, leading to their nullification.
  • Mao's tactics of shaming and hating enemies of the state have been mobilized against conservatives in America.
  • Once the nullification of conservatives is broken, their operation ends.

Consequences of being coded as right-wing

06:49 - 13:41

  • The act of being coded as right-wing can lead to social ostracization and a lack of trust.
  • Choosing to speak up or stay silent both have negative consequences, forcing individuals to pick between two undesirable options.

Nullification tactics and countering them

13:19 - 15:15

  • Nullification is the process of making certain groups or ideas appear worse than they actually are, leading to their dismissal or active opposition.
  • The media plays a role in nullifying individuals and groups by insinuating connections to negative ideologies or associations.
  • Speaking the truth consistently and sharing it widely helps break down psyops and diminishes belief in false narratives over time.
  • Diminishing trust in those perpetrating psyops also shortens the time it takes for people to stop believing them.
  • Becoming credible on your own for sharing the truth helps counteract nullification tactics.
  • It is important not to give in to reactionary behavior or become what you hate when facing nullification campaigns.
  • Naming and explaining the concept of political nullification can help people understand why certain figures are deemed untrustworthy by some factions.
  • A struggle session aims to nullify its targets by pressuring them into confessing wrongdoing, thereby diminishing their moral authority.