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Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Off To The Ice Follies

Thu Jul 20 2023
BoxingDrug InvestigationRole-PlayUndercover Operations


In this episode, Conan talks to Terry, a boxing trainer and promoter. They discuss the science of boxing, advantages of being tall in the sport, and Terry's transition from being a drug investigator to pursuing a career in boxing promotion. They also engage in a humorous role-play scenario where Conan pretends to be an undercover cop trying to buy drugs from Terry. The episode provides insights into the world of boxing and undercover investigations.


Advantages of Being Tall in Boxing

Terry mentions that being tall can be advantageous in boxing due to increased reach and power.

Transition from Drug Investigation to Boxing Promotion

The guest used to be a drug investigator before getting into boxing. They explain their transition into promoting charity boxing shows and discuss the challenges of undercover work.

Humorous Role-Play Scenario

Conan and Terry engage in a role-play scenario where Conan pretends to be an undercover cop trying to buy drugs from Terry. They joke about the situation and reveal unexpected twists.


  1. Introduction
  2. Transition to Boxing Promotion
  3. Undercover Drug Deal Role-Play


00:04 - 06:36

  • Terry is a boxing trainer and promoter from Buckhead Fight Club in Georgia.
  • Conan expresses interest in learning the science of boxing and Terry agrees to teach him.
  • Terry mentions that being tall can be advantageous in boxing due to increased reach and power.
  • Hand-eye coordination is important in boxing, but Conan jokes about ending the conversation when Terry brings it up.
  • Terry estimates that it would take a few years for Conan to become a decent fighter at his age of 60.
  • Conan expresses interest in slapping people like a 17th-century dandy with white gloves, but Terry explains that modern boxing has changed.
  • Terry used to work as a drug investigator before pursuing his career in boxing.

Transition to Boxing Promotion

06:11 - 13:03

  • The guest used to be a drug investigator before getting into boxing.
  • The guest worked undercover, investigating drug cases.
  • There were some scary moments while working undercover, such as when someone recognized the guest as a police officer and when the guest tried to buy drugs from someone who was using them at the time.
  • The host expresses respect for the guest's previous career and transition into boxing promotion.
  • The guest explains that they started promoting charity boxing shows where business people would raise money by boxing each other.
  • The host jokes about wanting to fight wealthy old billionaires in a white collar boxing show.
  • The conversation turns to the possibility of the host becoming an undercover narcotics officer, but it is deemed unlikely due to his recognizable appearance.
  • Role-playing is suggested, with the host pretending to be an undercover buyer trying to purchase drugs from the guest.

Undercover Drug Deal Role-Play

12:33 - 18:40

  • Conan and Ice Cube thought the guest was a narc.
  • They role-played a scenario where Conan pretended to be an undercover cop trying to buy drugs from Terry.
  • Terry, the guest, played the role of a drug dealer named Pierre.
  • Conan asked for 'math' (slang for meth) and Terry confirmed he had it.
  • Conan mentioned that legally it's only a crime if money is exchanged.
  • Conan pretended to take the drugs but revealed he was actually eating pieces of Ezekiel bread.
  • They joked about forming a gang and escaping on a tandem bicycle.
  • The conversation shifted to discussing stings and nerves before operations.