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Stay Free with Russell Brand

RFK Jr & Cheryl Hines (EXCLUSIVE)

Tue Jul 04 2023
PoliticsHealthFree SpeechMoney in PoliticsCensorshipCorruption


This episode covers a special Independence Day conversation with Robert Kennedy Jr. and his wife Cheryl Hines, fundraising for Bobby's campaign and alternative perspectives on politics, differing perspectives, spirituality, and free speech, connecting with Americans and advocating for change, historical context, corruption, and money in politics, the impact of money in politics and the need for reform, censorship, government control, and the importance of free speech, corruption in regulatory agencies and the need for transparency.


The importance of personal health

The episode emphasizes the importance of personal health and reducing reliance on pharmaceuticals through exercise and avoiding processed foods.

Free speech as a unifying force

The belief that free speech can lead to unity and attacks on establishment systems preventing unification is discussed.

The impact of money in politics

The current political system in the US is dominated by an aristocracy and oligarchy, with politicians focused on raising money for their next election.

Censorship and government control

The episode explores concerns about censorship, government control, and the importance of free speech in open debate.

Corruption in regulatory agencies

Corruption within regulatory agencies such as the FDA and CDC is highlighted, along with the need for transparency.


  1. Special Independence Day conversation with Robert Kennedy Jr. and his wife Cheryl Hines
  2. Fundraising for Bobby's campaign and alternative perspectives on politics
  3. Differing perspectives, spirituality, and free speech
  4. Connecting with Americans and advocating for change
  5. Historical context, corruption, and money in politics
  6. The impact of money in politics and the need for reform
  7. Censorship, government control, and the importance of free speech
  8. Corruption in regulatory agencies and the need for transparency

Special Independence Day conversation with Robert Kennedy Jr. and his wife Cheryl Hines

00:00 - 08:13

  • Cheryl finds herself at the center of a controversial global conversation as Bobbi's on-screen accomplice
  • They are doing alright despite the pressure on their marriage
  • Bobbi's impact is evident from positive and negative coverage, encouraging polling information, and censorship he has faced
  • The EU and five-eyes countries are pushing for censorship legislation
  • Cheryl takes things as they come and aligns with Bobbi on most issues
  • Bobbi considered stepping back to protect Cheryl but believes running together will be better for their family and campaign
  • Spirituality has become significant in Cheryl's life, finding peace in the unknown
  • This is an important time for meaningful changes in politics, big pharma, military industrial complex, media, and money in politics

Fundraising for Bobby's campaign and alternative perspectives on politics

07:51 - 15:45

  • The podcast discusses various topics including how big pharma, the military industrial complex, the media, and politics function.
  • The conversation shifts to fundraising for Bobby's campaign through a pull-up challenge.
  • Russell commits to helping raise funds but expresses concern after seeing Bobby's physical strength.
  • Cheryl is asked if she will donate to the campaign.
  • The goal is to raise $100,000 for the campaign.
  • The conversation becomes more serious about politics and offers a different perspective from mainstream outlets.
  • Russell jokes about taking hormone replacement therapy and eating estrogen to enhance his performance in the pull-up challenge.
  • Cheryl mentions Bobby's self-discipline and preparation for physical activities.
  • A side bet is proposed where the loser has to attend events of the winner's campaign stops.
  • Donations are encouraged through with potential support from Jack Dorsey.
  • The discussion transitions to censorship, control of big pharma, money in politics, and anti-establishment rhetoric in administration.
  • The importance of personal health and reducing reliance on pharmaceuticals is emphasized by referencing JFK's fiscal fitness program.
  • Chronic disease burden and its impact on COVID-19 deaths are discussed as reasons for focusing on personal health and exercise.

Differing perspectives, spirituality, and free speech

15:23 - 23:49

  • Taking responsibility for our health by exercising and avoiding processed foods and corn syrup
  • Cheryl and Bobbion have differing perspectives on facts and feelings
  • Disagreement on whether feelings or science should be addressed first
  • Science can sometimes be influenced by certain interests
  • Perception is reality to people, leading to different beliefs based on different articles read
  • Importance of listening, having conversations, and understanding each other instead of finger-waving
  • Spirituality being included in the discourse as it relates to mental health, connection, and wellness
  • Welcoming Trump's endorsement from a free speech perspective rather than political alignment
  • Belief that free speech can lead to unity and attacks on establishment systems preventing unification

Connecting with Americans and advocating for change

23:28 - 31:17

  • Donald Trump engages with people in an easy manner, which some find refreshing
  • Joe Biden's Freudian slip highlights the complications of exploitative wars based on resources
  • Bobbie aims to end toxic polarization and values healthy debates
  • Personal relationships can bridge political differences, as seen with Bobbie's uncle Edward Kennedy
  • Finding common values is crucial to overcoming division and hatred
  • Trump connects with Americans who feel forgotten and disregarded by elites
  • Many frustrated Americans want to break the political system and be heard
  • Latin American countries faced similar issues of wealth inequality and poverty revolution
  • The Kennedys advocated for supporting the poor in those countries through initiatives like the alliance for progress

Historical context, corruption, and money in politics

38:09 - 46:31

  • During the Gilded Age in the late 1800s, corruption overtook American democracy as big families controlled legislatures and political parties.
  • Social movements and muckraking journalists played a role in exposing corruption.
  • Teddy Roosevelt implemented reforms such as child labor laws, a 40-hour work week, and direct election of senators.
  • In 1908, a law was passed to make it illegal for corporations to make direct contributions to federal elective candidates.
  • The Citizens United case in 2008 allowed unlimited monetary donations to political candidates under freedom of speech protection.
  • This led to a tsunami of wealth pouring into the political process, with presidential elections now costing billions of dollars.
  • Candidates have to raise large sums of money through donations, which often come with expectations for returns on investment.
  • The current system undermines democracy and creates a dependency on wealthy donors.

The impact of money in politics and the need for reform

46:06 - 53:56

  • The current political system in the US is dominated by an aristocracy and oligarchy.
  • Politicians are focused on raising money for their next election, which leads to a disconnect with the concerns of ordinary citizens.
  • The legacy media and Democratic Party are part of this system, attacking those who challenge it.
  • The speaker has been labeled a traitor to the elites because he challenges the system.
  • Success often comes with an expectation to remain grateful and not criticize the system.
  • The speaker's campaign is primarily funded through small donations from individuals rather than corporate money.
  • Citizens United, a Supreme Court decision equating monetary contributions with speech, has had a negative impact on politics in the US.

Censorship, government control, and the importance of free speech

53:33 - 1:01:34

  • The speaker believes that the Supreme Court decision on campaign finance reform is one of the worst in history and has changed the nature of politics in the country.
  • The speaker is alarmed by the actions of European countries in censoring dissent about government policies, viewing it as a characteristic of totalitarian regimes.
  • The speaker argues that censorship is not the remedy for bad information, but rather more information and open debate.
  • The speaker plans to issue executive orders and national security orders to prevent government agencies and officials from participating in any form of censorship.
  • The speaker intends to restore the Smith-Munt Act, which made it illegal to prioritize American people.
  • The speaker wants to hold a meeting with big CEOs to discuss how social media sites can be run without censorship while still addressing issues like pedophilia and incitement of violence.
  • If private companies cannot address these issues, the speaker would consider making them common carriers where censorship is illegal.
  • The speaker hopes to encourage the growth of alternative sites that are guaranteed to be free from censorship if necessary.
  • The speaker warns that once censorship starts, other rights will also be circumscribed, citing examples like freedom of worship, right to assemble, right to jury trials, and property rights being affected during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.
  • The speaker expresses concern about Europe's direction towards censorship and pledges to pressure European countries to lift those rules against the US and others.
  • Financial entanglements between regulatory agencies and industries will be ended by the speaker.
  • The FDA's financial entanglements with industry will be addressed by the speaker.

Corruption in regulatory agencies and the need for transparency

1:01:16 - 1:09:37

  • The FDA's regulatory function has been subsumed by the financial entanglement with pharmaceutical companies
  • CDC spends 40% of its budget purchasing vaccines and has secrecy around compensation and pricing
  • NIH takes royalties on drugs it helped develop and has become a major incubator for pharmaceutical products
  • Individuals at NIH collect lifetime royalties from products they work on
  • The current social media platforms prioritize censorship, leading to further centralization and authoritarianism
  • Rumble is committed to freedom of speech and does not censor content
  • There is an opportunity for new populism and alliances in politics