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Stay Free with Russell Brand

Ron DeSantis

Fri Jul 21 2023
Ron DeSantisGovernment AuthorityFreedom of SpeechEducationLeadershipForeign PolicyMedia BiasTech Billionaires


Ron DeSantis discusses his views on government authority, freedom of speech, education, leadership, foreign policy, media bias, and tech billionaires. He emphasizes the need for a radical reduction of the federal bureaucracy, protection of freedom of speech from both government and private power, local control of education, and his record of delivering on promises. DeSantis highlights his discipline, focus, and experience as a military officer, and his stance on issues such as border security and accountability in military spending. He also criticizes media bias and excessive funding for Capitol Police.


Government Authority

DeSantis believes there is too much authority in Washington, D.C. and calls for a radical reduction of the federal bureaucracy.

Freedom of Speech

DeSantis opposes government censorship and supports legislation to prevent collusion between state employees and big tech for speech censorship or misinformation policing.


DeSantis advocates for education that reflects community standards, age-appropriate content, and local decision-making.

Leadership and Experience

DeSantis highlights his discipline, focus, and military experience as qualities that resonate with voters.

Foreign Policy

DeSantis prioritizes achieving sustainable peace in Europe and expresses concerns about the involvement of the Chinese Communist Party in the Ukraine conflict.

Media Bias

DeSantis criticizes media spin and appreciates meaningful interviews that challenge prevailing narratives.

Tech Billionaires

DeSantis prefers Elon Musk over Mark Zuckerberg due to Musk's opposition to woke ideology and consolidation of corporate power.


  1. The Role of Government and Bureaucracy
  2. Freedom of Speech and Big Tech
  3. Education and Local Control
  4. Leadership and Experience
  5. Foreign Policy and Domestic Issues
  6. Media Bias and Tech Billionaires

The Role of Government and Bureaucracy

05:10 - 12:35

  • They think that what they did was right. They think that these lockdowns worked.
  • My fear is if this happens in the future, a lot of these people are gonna wanna do the same thing again.
  • We're gonna bring a reckoning to this health bureaucracy and this medical swamp because these agencies like CDC, FDA, they failed the American people.
  • There is way too much authority in Washington, D.C. and in the federal government right now.
  • A lot of that is illegitimate authority that has been accumulated over many decades.
  • We need a radical reduction of the federal bureaucracy.
  • We're going to tell our cabinet secretaries that they have to reduce the number of employees by 50 percent.
  • The founders never wanted to have consolidated power like that because they understood it's a threat to freedom.
  • The ruling class in DC gets almost every major issue wrong.
  • When the federal government tried to impose COVID-19 Vax mandates on the economy, we fought back and won.
  • We called a special session of the legislature and said you don't have to do it in Florida. Federal government fined us $2 million but we saved tens of thousands of jobs throughout our state.
  • Presumably California would have different cultural and ideological inflections based on their current reading from cultural values espoused by Euron.
  • If we break up the relationship between big government and big monopolies, particularly in tech sphere, I think that's actually gonna have universal benefit throughout the country because there's going to be more ability to speak freely.

Freedom of Speech and Big Tech

12:17 - 19:37

  • The federal government cannot directly censor speech, but it is a violation of the First Amendment if they subcontract that power to private entities.
  • Florida has legislation prohibiting state and local government employees from colluding with big tech for speech censorship or policing misinformation.
  • As president, Ron DeSantis would issue an executive order barring federal employees from colluding with big tech.
  • Freedom is under attack not only from government power but also from concentration of private power.
  • Ron DeSantis believes in granting freedom to people to express themselves culturally, even if their values differ from his own.
  • Ron DeSantis does not think it's a question of granting freedom; the constitution allows states to use their power as their constituents want.
  • People have the right to pursue policies in their states, even if those policies differ from Ron DeSantis' views.
  • The results of people voting with their feet show that many are choosing states like Florida that reject the Woke agenda and focus on common sense principles.
  • Florida has seen economic success and wealth migration since Ron DeSantis became governor.
  • Ron DeSantis believes in decentralization and giving power to parents in education to reflect community standards.
  • In Florida, explicit and graphic content is not banned but left up to adults' discretion.

Education and Local Control

19:08 - 25:58

  • Education should reflect community standards and be appropriate for children
  • Florida is not banning books, but wants to ensure age-appropriate content in classrooms
  • The focus should be on important subjects like reading, science, and math
  • Decisions about curriculum should be made at the local level by parents and school boards
  • The federal government should have limited involvement in K-12 education
  • Donald Trump's position in the polls is not a concern at this early stage of the campaign
  • Voters want someone who can beat Biden and deliver on their priorities
  • Ron DeSantis has a record of over-delivering on promises as governor of Florida
  • He is disciplined and focused on accomplishing the mission as a former military officer

Leadership and Experience

25:30 - 32:53

  • The speaker emphasizes their discipline and focus on accomplishing the mission.
  • They believe voters are increasingly looking for candidates who share this mindset.
  • The speaker highlights their age and energy, suggesting they would be highly active as president.
  • They express confidence in their ability to address issues such as the administrative state and border security.
  • The speaker acknowledges the mistrust and cynicism many Americans have towards institutions.
  • They argue that they are not representing establishment forces, as they face attacks from the corporate press.
  • The speaker claims to have been a leader in fighting against COVID-19 measures, criticizing Fauci's role.
  • They mention their willingness to ask tough questions about pharmaceutical companies' actions during COVID-19.
  • The speaker believes they present a great opportunity because of their enemies and proven record of beating them.
  • The interviewer asks about the speaker's stance on conflicts like Ukraine and military spending.
  • The speaker expresses support for democratizing defense contracts and ensuring accountability in military spending.
  • They highlight their experience in Iraq and Afghanistan, emphasizing the lack of clear victories in those conflicts.
  • The speaker argues for focusing on achieving sustainable peace in Europe rather than prolonging conflicts like Ukraine.

Foreign Policy and Domestic Issues

32:32 - 39:51

  • Focus on achieving a sustainable peace in Europe
  • Neglecting pressing problems at home, such as open border and drug overdose crisis
  • Concerns about Chinese Communist Party's involvement in Ukraine conflict
  • Skepticism towards government abuse of power and need for accountability
  • Anti-riot bill aims to address violence during protests without infringing on freedom of speech
  • Criticism of excessive funding for Capitol Police after January 6th events

Media Bias and Tech Billionaires

39:35 - 42:08

  • The speaker believes that the amount of money invested in the Capitol Police was excessive and that the events on January 6th were not an insurrection, but rather a protest that escalated.
  • The speaker accuses the media of spinning the events for their own partisan and political purposes.
  • The speaker acknowledges that there were protesters present who did not have any intentions of overthrowing the government.
  • The speaker challenges anyone to prove that there was a genuine insurrection against the U.S. government.
  • The speaker expresses a preference for Elon Musk over Mark Zuckerberg as a tech billionaire, citing Musk's openness and opposition to woke ideology and corporate power consolidation.
  • The speaker appreciates being interviewed by someone who asks meaningful questions instead of corporate journalists.