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Rec Tech: the Recruiting Technology Podcast

Seekout's ChatGPT for Recruiters

Mon Apr 24 2023

Seekout launched ChatGPT for recruiters

00:00 - 05:57

  • Seekout Assist is a new generative AI technology based on open AI's GPT that will revolutionize finding and engaging candidates.
  • The new capabilities empower current teams to go from a job description to initial contact with qualified candidates in a matter of moments.
  • Generative AI technology can help recruiters get close to great engagement messages and have superpowers at work.
  • Matching the capabilities of ChatGPT around language to functions that your existing system can already do is challenging.
  • With Seekout, their platform has all these capabilities, so they're able to take ChatGPT and map it to functions they already do starting with search.

Seek Out platform for recruiting and talent management

05:27 - 12:07

  • The AI system is human-driven but AI-assisted to help recruiters do a better job.
  • Generative AI systems extract relevant job titles, build Boolean expressions that encapsulate requirements in plain English, and fill in preferred skills.
  • Results are optimized for relevance, ranking people with all required skills at the top and boosting those with preferred skills.
  • Recruiters can modify searches as needed to find more specific candidates.
  • Seak Out's rich profiles of almost a billion people allow for personalized messages that focus on both the JD and the candidate being contacted.

Assisting recruiters in creating job descriptions

11:42 - 18:55

  • The tool pulls out individual work that a person has done and brings information about the work that would be done in the new role.
  • Recruiters can edit the tool's output to make it perfect for their needs.
  • The tool generates subject lines for emails to candidates.
  • Recruiters can regenerate more subject lines if needed.
  • The tool does not do everything, but it assists recruiters to be much more effective and get over painful tasks.
  • Recruiters usually start their search with a job description, which they copy-paste into the tool. The tool extracts relevant information from the job description and generates queries based on that information.
  • The tool is not yet capable of natural language interface, but eventually, it will be able to understand what users want from the system without them having to type anything specific.
  • The demo shows how the tool works by generating queries based on a sample job description provided by the user. The results show 200 full matches and 20,000 partial matches for that job description.

Features of Seekout for recruiters

18:28 - 25:00

  • The recruiter can generate a unique message for each job.
  • GPT knows a set of things, but there's a lot about the specific role that the recruiter would bring as expertise.
  • Titles are not uniform across all companies and it is important to have relevant titles.
  • Seekout has around a billion profiles in their system overall.
  • They index anyone who's written open source code, so has a presence on GitHub or Stack Overflow.
  • Seekout will ask for clarifications if they don't know the title of the job.
  • Seekout will come back to the recruiter and say, 'Hey, this is a really rare title. Tell us some other titles that would be equivalent at a different company.'
  • Seekout will use those titles as part of the search as well.