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Marketing Made Simple

Should You Add TikTok to Your Marketing Strategy?

Wed Jun 07 2023
TikTokmarketingStory Brandbusiness growthbranding


The episode covers the benefits of using TikTok as a marketing tool, strategies for success on TikTok, creating engaging content, and using TikTok for branding and business growth. It also includes insights from Eric Williams, a Story Brand Certified guide, who has successfully used TikTok to grow his business. The episode emphasizes the importance of providing value, targeting niche audiences, and utilizing the Story Brand framework on TikTok.


TikTok offers a big enough ecosystem for every business and person to find their audience.

TikTok is not just a dance app for kids anymore; it can be used as a powerful marketing tool to connect with audiences, promote brands, and reach large audiences.

Utilize the Story Brand framework on TikTok to invite customers into a clear story where they are the hero and you are the guide.

Applying the Story Brand framework on TikTok can help businesses create engaging content that resonates with their target audience.

Posting on TikTok requires following certain rules and best practices regarding video length, content creation, stitching with others, etc.

To succeed on TikTok, it's important to understand and adhere to the platform's guidelines and best practices for content creation and engagement.

TikTok is not just for teenagers and entertainment anymore; every business and individual can find their niche on the platform.

Many people hold back from using TikTok due to misconceptions about it being a teenage dance app, but it offers opportunities for businesses of all types to connect with their target audience.

Creating original content that captures attention quickly is key to success on TikTok.

To stand out on TikTok, it's important to create original content that grabs viewers' attention within the first few seconds.

Having a clear goal in mind and targeting a niche audience are essential when using TikTok for business.

Businesses should define their goals and target a specific audience that will be interested in their products or services to maximize the effectiveness of their TikTok marketing efforts.

Building a small group of loyal customers is more valuable than having a large but unengaged audience on TikTok.

Focusing on building a loyal customer base that actively engages with your content and brand is more beneficial than simply accumulating a large number of followers and likes.

Connecting with current trends and other creators in your niche can help you create great content on TikTok.

Staying up-to-date with current trends and collaborating with other creators in your niche can help you create engaging and relevant content that resonates with your target audience.

Taking up space on TikTok and providing value can help businesses solve customer problems and make them the hero of their own story.

By consistently sharing valuable content on TikTok, businesses can position themselves as problem solvers and empower their customers to become the heroes of their own stories.

Consider hiring a Story Brand Certified guide like Eric to apply the Story Brand framework in your TikTok marketing.

Working with a certified guide can help businesses effectively implement the Story Brand framework on TikTok and achieve better results in their marketing efforts.


  1. Story Brand Marketing Livestream
  2. Inclusion and Marketing Podcast
  3. TikTok as a Marketing Tool
  4. Using TikTok for Business Growth
  5. Strategies for Success on TikTok
  6. Creating Engaging Content on TikTok
  7. Using TikTok for Branding and Business Growth

Story Brand Marketing Livestream

00:01 - 07:37

  • Register for the July 18th and 19th Story Brand Marketing livestream at to overhaul your marketing and messaging using the Story Brand framework.

Inclusion and Marketing Podcast

00:01 - 07:37

  • The Inclusion and Marketing podcast explores topics like belonging, customer experience, and diversity in inclusive marketing.
  • Listen to the episode titled 'Diversity and Inclusion Data, How to Capture It and Use It to Achieve Your Business Goals' featuring Mandy Price, CEO of Canaries.

TikTok as a Marketing Tool

00:01 - 07:37

  • TikTok is not just a dance app for kids anymore; it offers a big enough ecosystem for every business and person to find their audience.
  • TikTok can be used as a powerful marketing tool to connect with audiences, promote brands, and reach large audiences.
  • Utilize the Story Brand framework on TikTok to invite customers into a clear story where they are the hero and you are the guide.
  • Posting on TikTok requires following certain rules and best practices regarding video length, content creation, stitching with others, etc.

Using TikTok for Business Growth

07:15 - 13:55

  • TikTok has rules and best practices for posting content
  • Eric Williams, a Story Brand Certified guide, has used TikTok successfully to grow his business
  • TikTok is not just for teenagers and entertainment anymore
  • Every business and individual can find their niche on TikTok
  • Eric uses TikTok to share marketing tips and attract clients
  • He has gained clients from major companies through TikTok
  • Many people hold back from using TikTok due to misconceptions about it being a teenage dance app
  • Tips for developing strategies on TikTok include playing to your strengths, regularly posting content, and focusing on three different areas

Strategies for Success on TikTok

13:29 - 19:54

  • Choose a platform that aligns with your strengths and interests.
  • Connect current trends to your niche by using trending audio, questions, or pop culture references.
  • Comment on other content to add value and engage with the community.
  • Use the stitch or duet feature to connect with existing content and provide your unique perspective.
  • Creating original content can be challenging, but it's important to capture attention quickly on TikTok.
  • Avoid wasting time at the beginning of your videos to prevent viewers from scrolling past.

Creating Engaging Content on TikTok

19:34 - 25:59

  • The beginning of a video is crucial on TikTok as people tend to scroll quickly.
  • Start talking immediately in your videos to capture attention.
  • The first few seconds should provide value or a hook to keep viewers engaged.
  • Always focus on providing value or entertainment on TikTok, rather than just trying to gain followers and likes.
  • When using TikTok for business, it's important to have a clear goal in mind, such as making more money or selling products.
  • Going viral is not always beneficial if it doesn't lead to actual business results.
  • Focus on targeting a niche audience that will be interested in your product or service.
  • Building a small group of loyal customers is more valuable than having a large but unengaged audience.
  • Connect with current trends and other creators in your niche to create great content.
  • Create original content with a quick hook that provides value to your target audience.

Using TikTok for Branding and Business Growth

25:41 - 28:56

  • Business Coach Eric shares how to use TikTok for branding and business growth
  • Consider hiring a story brand certified guide like Eric to apply the Story Brand framework in your marketing
  • Actionable step: Join TikTok to be where conversations are happening and learn from successful users
  • Check out Eric's videos on TikTok to see examples of adding value and engaging with others
  • Taking up space on TikTok can help you solve customer problems and make them the hero of their own story
  • Follow Marketing Made Simple podcast for more marketing tips