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Pod Save America

Supreme Malarkey

Thu Jun 29 2023
Donald TrumpJack Smith trialSupreme Courtaffirmative actionBidenomicsfuture electionsRepublican PartyRon DeSantisChris Christie
  1. Donald Trump caught on tape talking about classified war plans
  2. New details emerge in the Jack Smith trial
  3. Supreme Court strikes down affirmative action programs at Harvard and UNC
  4. Supreme Court ruling raises concerns about potential interference in future elections
  5. Supreme Court ruling on elections clause raises concerns about future election disputes
  6. Biden's economic message and the importance of winning the economy
  7. Democrats need to pick a fight over their agenda and highlight economic gains
  8. Biden's economic achievements and defending progressive causes
  9. Biden's behind-the-scenes work and the importance of effective communication
  10. Trump's influence over the Republican Party and criticism of Ron DeSantis
  11. Chris Christie's criticism of Ron DeSantis and his views on Donald Trump

The episode covers a range of topics including Donald Trump's involvement in the Jack Smith trial, the Supreme Court's ruling on affirmative action, Biden's economic policies, potential interference in future elections, and the influence of Donald Trump over the Republican Party. It also highlights Chris Christie's criticism of Ron DeSantis and his views on Donald Trump. The episode emphasizes the importance of effective communication and the need for Democrats to pick fights over their agenda.

Donald Trump caught on tape talking about classified war plans

00:20 - 07:34

  • Supreme Court rules against affirmative action
  • Joe Biden delivers major speech on Bidenomics
  • White House Communications Director Ben LeBolt discusses strategy
  • Trump and Kevin McCarthy's bromance hits the skids

New details emerge in the Jack Smith trial

07:07 - 14:20

  • The ghostwriters have not been interviewed by Jack Smith, suggesting they may be witnesses
  • Trump likely had the document ready after reading an article about Millie's concerns of starting a war in Iran
  • CNN reported that the Iran war plans are not listed in the documents Trump gave over to Jack Smith
  • The evidence of showing a classified document demonstrates Trump's intent and knowledge of holding secret information
  • New details about the Bedminster crime scene have emerged, including surveillance footage being subpoenaed
  • Jack Smith has interviewed Rudy Giuliani about overturning the election and is close to charging decisions in that investigation
  • Trump has until July 6th to respond to moving the trial date to December, which could make it harder for him to delay further
  • The judge in the Hush Money case seems inclined to reject Trump's request to move the trial from state court to federal court
  • Trump showed a classified war map to Susie Wiles, who is now his top campaign representative, making her a witness and limiting what can be discussed publicly about the case

Supreme Court strikes down affirmative action programs at Harvard and UNC

13:53 - 21:14

  • Colleges can still consider how race has affected an applicant's life, but must treat students as individuals
  • The decision will have a devastating impact on diversity in colleges
  • President Biden emphasizes that America stands for hope, opportunity, and giving everyone a fair shot
  • Biden directs the Department of Education to assess factors contributing to diversity at colleges
  • Michigan's ban on race-conscious admissions led to a significant drop in black students at the University of Michigan
  • This ruling is willfully ignorant about America's past and present
  • Colleges will need to find new ways to achieve diversity in their student bodies
  • Standardized testing, interviews, and essays may be affected by this ruling
  • Harvard plans to preserve its values that prioritize diversity of backgrounds and experiences
  • Justice Katanji Brown Jackson's questions influenced the carve-out allowing consideration of race in essays

Supreme Court ruling raises concerns about potential interference in future elections

20:55 - 28:37

  • The recent Supreme Court ruling on college admissions standards is not seen as a great ruling for diversity.
  • However, there was some good news from the court when they rejected the independent state legislature theory, which limits state courts' authority to review voting or election laws passed by state legislatures.
  • This protects the role of state Supreme Courts in future elections.
  • The ruling potentially gives the Supreme Court more power to overrule state Supreme Courts in federal election cases at the state level.
  • While this ruling is better than an extreme interpretation of the independent state legislature theory, it still raises concerns about potential interference in future elections.
  • There is a need for federal review of state court decisions to prevent abuses of power by either liberal or conservative courts.
  • The middle ground reached by this ruling is all we can hope for given the current composition of the Supreme Court.

Supreme Court ruling on elections clause raises concerns about future election disputes

28:10 - 35:02

  • The Supreme Court's recent ruling on the elections clause makes a repeat of Bush v. Gore slightly more likely
  • The ruling suggests that state Supreme Courts could declare sending in new electors after an election as unconstitutional
  • President Biden delivered a speech comparing Republican trickle-down economics with his own economic policies
  • Biden emphasized that his approach is working and criticized tax cuts for large corporations and the wealthy
  • The speech framed the choice between tax cuts for the rich or investments in the middle class as a key issue for voters

Biden's economic message and the importance of winning the economy

34:39 - 41:32

  • Working class Republicans support Biden's initiatives to raise taxes on the rich.
  • Comparing child tax credit and tax cuts for corporations undersells popular sentiment in the country.
  • Eliminating junk fees, hotel fees, and overdraft fees is a big deal for many people.
  • The White House is confident that the economy is doing better due to Biden's policies, but polling suggests people don't fully buy it yet.
  • Consumer confidence is up, indicating a change in the economy.
  • Biden needs to build trust as an economic steward and fight for the middle class.
  • Framing the economic argument as a choice between Biden fighting for the middle class or Republicans giving more tax cuts to the rich can be effective.
  • The economic message should be central in Biden's campaign, as winning the economy is crucial to winning the White House.
  • 2024 voter pool will have more economically sensitive voters than in 2022.
  • To break through with the economic message, picking a fight over it and highlighting accomplishments are necessary.

Democrats need to pick a fight over their agenda and highlight economic gains

41:12 - 48:58

  • To break through, Democrats need to pick a fight over their agenda.
  • Constantly picking fights with Republicans and drawing contrasts is key.
  • Trump is trying to hit DeSantis on cutting Social Security and Medicare.
  • Biden needs to highlight Trump's tax cuts for the rich and increased deficit.
  • Ben LeBolt, White House Communications Director, joins the discussion.
  • Biden's economic approach centers around the middle class.
  • Investing in the US and reviving manufacturing are priorities.
  • Empowering workers has led to job creation and wage growth.
  • The challenge is breaking through in today's fractured media environment.
  • Frequency of communication is crucial to reach persuadable Americans.
  • Highlighting economic accomplishments will require repetition and connection to legislation passed.

Biden's economic achievements and defending progressive causes

48:29 - 56:36

  • Shovels are going into the ground to rebuild roads and bridges across the country.
  • The price of insulin is now capped at $35 nationwide.
  • Efforts are being made to connect these achievements to the legislation passed by the president in recent years.
  • The administration is implementing an all-in communication strategy through various platforms to highlight economic gains and progress.
  • The term 'Bidenomics' is being embraced to counter a narrative of recession and emphasize strong economic performance.
  • Republicans are offering tax cuts for corporations, which have not proven effective in bringing back manufacturing or reducing unemployment.
  • Republicans are out of step with public opinion on issues like reproductive rights, individual liberties, and LGBTQ rights.
  • The president has been championing these causes and taking action to defend them.
  • Ethics reform legislation is being considered in response to stories about Supreme Court justices failing to disclose private jet rides with right-wing donors.
  • President Biden has appointed diverse federal judges, prioritizing equal justice under the law.

Biden's behind-the-scenes work and the importance of effective communication

56:08 - 1:04:16

  • Biden quietly worked behind the scenes to help rail workers negotiate for paid sick days
  • Biden focuses on the long game and getting to the outcome, rather than winning every argument
  • The White House Press Office celebrated Pride by delivering rainbow cupcakes to Fox News reporters in response to a false story about the Pride flag
  • Working for Biden involves thorough preparation and being able to answer any question from multiple angles
  • Endurance is important in the job as there is always more work to be done
  • Responding with crying mime pictures has been replaced with emojis in the press office

Trump's influence over the Republican Party and criticism of Ron DeSantis

1:03:48 - 1:11:06

  • Kevin McCarthy made a banal observation that Donald Trump could win an election against Joe Biden, but it caused a backlash from Trump and his people.
  • Politico reported that Trump's team was furious and called McCarthy a moron.
  • McCarthy apologized to Trump, gave an interview to Breitbart endorsing Trump's strength, and put up a fundraising pitch using Trump's name without explicit permission.
  • This angered Trump even more, leading McCarthy to take down the fundraising pitch.
  • There is speculation that McCarthy hasn't officially endorsed Trump due to having Republicans running in districts won by Biden.
  • It is unusual for the Speaker of the House to endorse a candidate during a primary race.
  • McCarthy's statement that Trump is stronger today than in 2016 may be true based on polling data.
  • The story highlights how much influence Donald Trump still has over the Republican Party.
  • Ron DeSantis gave a weak answer when asked about whether he thinks Trump disrupted the peaceful transfer of power on January 6th.
  • Chris Christie criticized DeSantis' answer, calling it ridiculous and emphasizing the seriousness of the events on January 6th.
  • Christie highlighted how people were killed and how little action Trump took until he had no choice but to address the situation.

Chris Christie's criticism of Ron DeSantis and his views on Donald Trump

1:10:38 - 1:16:21

  • Chris Christie criticizes Ron DeSantis for not speaking out against the events at the Capitol on January 6th
  • Chris Christie is a talented communicator who dislikes Donald Trump
  • Donald Trump won in 2016 because he was a good Fox News pundit running for president
  • Chris Christie speaks authentically and with strength, but his moral compass is questionable
  • Chris Christie missed his chance to be the Republican nominee in 2012
  • Despite their differences, Chris Christie genuinely hates Donald Trump and is disgusted by what happened on January 6th