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Pod Save America

The Biden Bump (with AOC!)

Thu Jul 06 2023
Joe BidenStudent DebtSupreme CourtEthics ReformRon DeSantisRepublican PrimaryJudicial ReviewDemocratic Party


This episode covers topics such as Joe Biden's student debt plan, reforming the right-wing Supreme Court, ethics reform and court expansion, Ron DeSantis's campaign tactics, Republican primary and Supreme Court oversight, insights on judicial review and the Supreme Court, and a conclusion on material changes needed by the Democratic Party. The episode also touches on White House security measures and a game called Two Takes and a Fake.


Judicial Review and Supreme Court Concerns

There is concern about the Supreme Court stripping inalienable rights from marginalized groups. Legislation can be challenged in court, but there are other avenues for change as well. Judicial review can be influenced by political pressure and historical precedents.

Democratic Party Challenges

The Democratic Party struggles with immigration issues and needs to take more action. Material changes that people can feel are the best case for the Democratic Party. Senate Democrats should reflect on their positions and be more vocal on issues.

Supreme Court Oversight and Ethics Reform

There is a need for ethics legislation to address the harm already done to the Supreme Court. Oversight and investigation are necessary if court expansion or filibuster elimination cannot be achieved. Congress and the president should push back on the scope of the Supreme Court's judicial review.

Ron DeSantis's Campaign Tactics

DeSantis's campaign is heavily focused on online engagement and uses complex messaging strategies. Democrats should remind voters of Trump's record on issues like Social Security, Medicare, abortion, and gay rights. DeSantis attacks Trump for being too far left on gay rights and abortion, while Trump attacks DeSantis for wanting to privatize Medicare and Social Security.

Republican Primary and Supreme Court Oversight

The RNC has demanded that every Republican primary candidate sign a loyalty pledge to support the eventual nominee or else they won't participate in debates. Most candidates, including Trump, have not signed the pledge yet. There is speculation that the loyalty pledge may be abandoned to accommodate Trump's wishes.


  1. Joe Biden's Student Debt Plan
  2. Reforming the Right-Wing Supreme Court
  3. Ethics Reform and Court Expansion
  4. Ron DeSantis's Campaign Tactics
  5. Republican Primary and Supreme Court Oversight
  6. Insights and Conclusion
  7. Summary and Key Insights
  8. Insights and Conclusion (Continued)
  9. Insights and Conclusion (Continued)

Joe Biden's Student Debt Plan

00:20 - 07:17

  • Joe Biden launches a new plan to forgive student debt after the Supreme Court strikes down his first attempt
  • The Supreme Court's right-wing majority issues rulings banning affirmative action in higher education, allowing businesses to deny wedding services to LGBTQ couples, and striking down President Biden's plan to forgive student debt
  • President Biden announces a new path for student debt relief using a different law, the Higher Education Act
  • A temporary on-ramp repayment program will be created to help borrowers make hard choices when repaying their loans

Reforming the Right-Wing Supreme Court

06:48 - 13:51

  • Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joins to talk about reforming the right-wing Supreme Court
  • Chief Justice Roberts invokes the major questions doctrine to justify these rulings
  • The Higher Education Act has been used for loan forgiveness in the past, such as the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program and a class action lawsuit settlement.
  • The major questions doctrine is intentionally vague and often used to strike down executive actions of Democratic presidents.
  • The Secretary of Education has the authority to compromise, waive, or release any right, title, claim, lien, or demand under the Higher Education Act.
  • Other student loan executive actions by President Biden have not been challenged in court.
  • The rulemaking process for student loan debt forgiveness will take time and involve policy negotiations and public comment periods.
  • There was no different way in which the Biden administration could have written the rule or passed a law that would have been immune from this specific court challenge.
  • Anger should be directed at Republicans and the court, and efforts should focus on regaining control of Congress to eliminate the filibuster.
  • Without 50 senators willing to get rid of the filibuster, nothing can be done about judicial reforms or expanding the court.
  • President Biden has not yet endorsed any specific ethics reforms related to court reform.
  • Biden may be hesitant about aggressive political reforms due to concerns about delegitimizing the court.
  • The White House may not want to take a position on ethics reform while the right-wing court is making important decisions.

Ethics Reform and Court Expansion

13:28 - 20:04

  • The White House may apologize to Kennedy for a joke he didn't like
  • Ethics reform legislation is being developed in the Senate
  • Biden's support for adding justices to the Supreme Court may change over time
  • Adding justices to the court would require passing legislation, which is currently unlikely
  • Supporting aggressive policies takes time and requires prominent Democrats' support
  • Joe Biden's stance on court expansion won't have an immediate impact
  • Voters generally support a code of conduct and term limits for the Supreme Court
  • Expansion of the court is less popular among voters
  • Support for court expansion is below 50%, with only 60% of Democrats in favor.
  • Independents are skeptical of court expansion.
  • The latest poll shows 47% support for court expansion and 42% opposition.
  • Ethics reform is popular but may not be effective in addressing ideological biases on the court.
  • Term limits for justices are both popular and potentially effective.
  • Democrats should advocate for court reform and expansion to increase its popularity.

Ron DeSantis's Campaign Tactics

19:34 - 26:36

  • Ron DeSantis attacks Donald Trump for being too supportive of LGBTQ rights
  • A special episode of Terminally Online was released over the long weekend, discussing topics like Ron DeSantis and Roseanne
  • John Favreau's potential campaign for governor is discussed, with some jokingly ganging up on him
  • DeSantis' campaign released a controversial video that was condemned by both Democrats and Republicans.
  • Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg criticized DeSantis' video and questioned its effectiveness in appealing to voters.
  • Ron DeSantis's campaign posted a video that was criticized for injecting gender ideology into the mainstream.
  • DeSantis defended the video, calling it fair game to identify Donald Trump as a pioneer in this area.
  • DeSantis's campaign is heavily focused on online engagement and uses complex messaging strategies.
  • Trump winks and nods to the people who want to see him as more moderate while still catering to their desires.
  • DeSantis attacks Trump for being too far left on gay rights and abortion, while Trump attacks DeSantis for wanting to privatize Medicare and Social Security.
  • There is concern that this may make Trump seem more moderate and electable in the general election if he becomes the nominee.
  • The presidential electorate is larger in the general election, with many low-information voters who may be influenced by DeSantis's campaign tactics.
  • Democrats should remind voters of Trump's record on issues like Social Security, Medicare, abortion, and gay rights.
  • If DeSantis remains a contender in the fall/winter, his campaign could impact people's perceptions of Trump in the general election.
  • DeSantis's combination of culture warrior and Paul Ryan-like positions is electorally unfavorable.
  • Running against DeSantis could create a perception that Trump is not as extreme on certain issues as his opponents claim.

Republican Primary and Supreme Court Oversight

32:49 - 40:04

  • The RNC has demanded that every Republican primary candidate sign a loyalty pledge to support the eventual nominee or else they won't participate in debates.
  • Most candidates, including Trump, have not signed the pledge yet.
  • There is speculation that the loyalty pledge may be abandoned to accommodate Trump's wishes.
  • It is believed that whatever it takes, the RNC will ensure Trump participates in the debates.
  • There are doubts about whether Trump will skip the first two debates if he remains significantly ahead in polls.
  • Chris Christie argues that Trump's ego won't allow him to skip all the debates.
  • There is a need for ethics legislation to address the harm already done to the Supreme Court.
  • ProPublica should not be solely responsible for uncovering financial entanglements in the court.
  • The lack of disclosure by certain justices, such as Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, is deeply concerning.
  • There should be a thorough accounting and investigation of what the court has been withholding.
  • Oversight and investigation are necessary if court expansion or filibuster elimination cannot be achieved.
  • Congress and the president should push back on the scope of the Supreme Court's judicial review.
  • The politicization of the Supreme Court requires proper oversight and investigation of potential law-breaking behavior.
  • Investigations, subpoenas, and strong oversight are essential for holding the Supreme Court accountable.
  • Legislation could potentially be passed to scope what kind of cases or decisions the Supreme Court can make through judicial review.

Insights and Conclusion

39:44 - 48:02

  • Judicial review can be influenced by political pressure and historical precedents.
  • There is concern about the Supreme Court stripping inalienable rights from marginalized groups.
  • Legislation can be challenged in court, but there are other avenues for change as well.
  • President Biden has had successes and challenges during his tenure.
  • The Democratic Party struggles with immigration issues and needs to take more action.
  • The United States Senate's structure and culture hinder progress in the country.
  • Support for Joe Biden's re-election is likely, but Cornell West's candidacy raises important issues.
  • Not all third-party candidacies are equal, and some may pose a risk of fascism in critical states.
  • The United States has a winner take all system in the electoral college
  • There is a real risk of fascist erosion
  • The Democratic Party needs to make material changes to win over voters
  • Actions like student loan relief and insulin price caps are important
  • Material changes that people can feel are the best case for the Democratic Party
  • Senate Democrats should reflect on their positions and be more vocal on issues
  • It's important for promises made during elections to be delivered upon
  • Visitors to the White House are now required to leave their cell phones in a cubby outside classified rooms.
  • Anti-surveillance measures have been more strictly enforced since the end of the Obama presidency.
  • The Chinese government's potential spying through smartphones is a concern.
  • Various people, including members of Congress and union representatives, come through the West Wing for meetings and tours.
  • It may be difficult to determine who brought cocaine into the White House due to surveillance footage and fingerprint testing.
  • Joe Biden made a humorous phone call asking Dan to take the fall for Mitch bringing cocaine into the White House.
  • Tommy has been misusing artificial intelligence in politics, including deepfake videos.
  • Two Takes and a Fake is a game where three Republican reactions to the cocaine story are presented, and the participants have to identify the fake one.
  • The first reaction, stating that the Biden administration has been blowing it on many fronts, is from Ron DeSantis.
  • The second reaction, calling Jack Smith a crazy Trump-hating special prosecutor who looks like a crackhead, is a truth from Donald Trump.
  • The third reaction, claiming that Joe Biden's crime wave has reached the White House and made it less secure than the Southern border, is a conglomeration of takes submitted by subscribers.
  • Donald Trump's full statement includes him questioning if anyone really believes that the cocaine found in the West Wing is for anyone other than Hunter and Joe Biden. He also accuses Jack Smith of being involved with the cocaine and calls him a crackhead.
  • Accusing Jack Smith and being a crackhead was an unexpected swerve in this discussion about cocaine found in Joe Biden's White House.

Summary and Key Insights

47:36 - 56:01

  • Judicial review can be influenced by political pressure and historical precedents.
  • There is concern about the Supreme Court stripping inalienable rights from marginalized groups.
  • Legislation can be challenged in court, but there are other avenues for change as well.
  • President Biden has had successes and challenges during his tenure.
  • The Democratic Party struggles with immigration issues and needs to take more action.
  • The United States Senate's structure and culture hinder progress in the country.
  • Support for Joe Biden's re-election is likely, but Cornell West's candidacy raises important issues.
  • Not all third-party candidacies are equal, and some may pose a risk of fascism in critical states.
  • The United States has a winner take all system in the electoral college
  • There is a real risk of fascist erosion
  • The Democratic Party needs to make material changes to win over voters
  • Actions like student loan relief and insulin price caps are important
  • Material changes that people can feel are the best case for the Democratic Party
  • Senate Democrats should reflect on their positions and be more vocal on issues
  • It's important for promises made during elections to be delivered upon

Insights and Conclusion (Continued)

55:31 - 1:03:00

  • Visitors to the White House are now required to leave their cell phones in a cubby outside classified rooms.
  • Anti-surveillance measures have been more strictly enforced since the end of the Obama presidency.
  • The Chinese government's potential spying through smartphones is a concern.
  • Various people, including members of Congress and union representatives, come through the West Wing for meetings and tours.
  • It may be difficult to determine who brought cocaine into the White House due to surveillance footage and fingerprint testing.
  • Joe Biden made a humorous phone call asking Dan to take the fall for Mitch bringing cocaine into the White House.
  • Tommy has been misusing artificial intelligence in politics, including deepfake videos.
  • Two Takes and a Fake is a game where three Republican reactions to the cocaine story are presented, and the participants have to identify the fake one.
  • The first reaction, stating that the Biden administration has been blowing it on many fronts, is from Ron DeSantis.
  • The second reaction, calling Jack Smith a crazy Trump-hating special prosecutor who looks like a crackhead, is a truth from Donald Trump.
  • The third reaction, claiming that Joe Biden's crime wave has reached the White House and made it less secure than the Southern border, is a conglomeration of takes submitted by subscribers.
  • Donald Trump's full statement includes him questioning if anyone really believes that the cocaine found in the West Wing is for anyone other than Hunter and Joe Biden. He also accuses Jack Smith of being involved with the cocaine and calls him a crackhead.
  • Accusing Jack Smith and being a crackhead was an unexpected swerve in this discussion about cocaine found in Joe Biden's White House.

Insights and Conclusion (Continued)

1:02:44 - 1:08:45

  • Visitors to the White House are now required to leave their cell phones in a cubby outside classified rooms.
  • Anti-surveillance measures have been more strictly enforced since the end of the Obama presidency.
  • The Chinese government's potential spying through smartphones is a concern.
  • Various people, including members of Congress and union representatives, come through the West Wing for meetings and tours.
  • It may be difficult to determine who brought cocaine into the White House due to surveillance footage and fingerprint testing.
  • Joe Biden made a humorous phone call asking Dan to take the fall for Mitch bringing cocaine into the White House.
  • Tommy has been misusing artificial intelligence in politics, including deepfake videos.
  • Two Takes and a Fake is a game where three Republican reactions to the cocaine story are presented, and the participants have to identify the fake one.
  • The first reaction, stating that the Biden administration has been blowing it on many fronts, is from Ron DeSantis.
  • The second reaction, calling Jack Smith a crazy Trump-hating special prosecutor who looks like a crackhead, is a truth from Donald Trump.
  • The third reaction, claiming that Joe Biden's crime wave has reached the White House and made it less secure than the Southern border, is a conglomeration of takes submitted by subscribers.
  • Donald Trump's full statement includes him questioning if anyone really believes that the cocaine found in the West Wing is for anyone other than Hunter and Joe Biden. He also accuses Jack Smith of being involved with the cocaine and calls him a crackhead.
  • Accusing Jack Smith and being a crackhead was an unexpected swerve in this discussion about cocaine found in Joe Biden's White House.