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Stay Free with Russell Brand

The Critical Drinker

Fri Jul 14 2023
FilmCinemaMovie IndustryCharacter DevelopmentDiversityFan ReactionsCreative IntegrityArtistic Integrity


The episode features Russell Brand interviewing the Critical Drinker, a YouTuber known for analyzing and critiquing contemporary cinema. They discuss the lack of risk-taking in modern movies, the controversy surrounding the movie 'Sound of Freedom', the absence of new movie stars, and Mark Hamill's dissatisfaction with how Luke Skywalker was portrayed in recent Star Wars films. They also explore the importance of vulnerability in characters, grassroots marketing, independent voices, diversity in movies, fan reactions, creative integrity, and preserving artistic integrity.


Lack of Risk-Taking in Modern Movies

The conversation revolves around the lack of risk-taking in modern movies and the reliance on past franchises and characters. The Critical Drinker criticizes mainstream movie franchises for reanimating old ideas without creating new, innovative content. The high cost of movies and a lack of talented writers contribute to the industry's reluctance to take risks and create new things.

Importance of Vulnerability in Characters

Modern characters often lack vulnerability, flaws, and obstacles that make them relatable and likable. Lack of character arc in these movies is unsatisfying for viewers. Writers may avoid giving female characters weaknesses to avoid them being perceived as weak.

Diversity in Movies

There is a desire for strong female characters and diversity in movies, but it should not be the sole focus or identity of the character. In the past, well-written characters like Ellen Ripley from Alien and Sarah Connor from Terminator were able to be interesting without making their gender or race the main focus. Different genres offer more diverse characters, but they may not be blockbusters.

Fan Reactions and Creative Integrity

Fans want their beloved characters to be respected and not deconstructed. New diverse replacements are presented as stronger and smarter than the original characters. Attempts to replace classic characters with new ones are often rejected by fans. Hollywood may shift towards smaller, riskier projects and gaming adaptations.

Preserving Artistic Integrity

Works of art should be left alone as they were. Re-editing movies from the past without permission is criticized. Trying to erase or alter history is not favored. Movies made in the past may not align with current standards, but they deserve to be shown as artifacts.


  1. Introduction
  2. Franchise Movies and Diversity
  3. Lack of Vulnerability in Modern Characters
  4. Marketing and Independent Voices
  5. Identity and Diversity in Movies
  6. Fan Reactions and Creative Integrity
  7. Preserving Artistic Integrity


00:00 - 07:02

  • The podcast episode features Russell Brand interviewing the Critical Drinker, a YouTuber known for analyzing and critiquing contemporary cinema from a unique perspective.
  • The conversation revolves around the lack of risk-taking in modern movies and the reliance on past franchises and characters.
  • They discuss the controversy surrounding the movie 'Sound of Freedom'.
  • Russell Brand refers to the Critical Drinker by his actual name and jokes about him fitting in with right-wing ideology.
  • The Critical Drinker criticizes mainstream movie franchises for reanimating old ideas without creating new, innovative content.
  • They talk about the absence of new movie stars and how audiences are more interested in seeing familiar characters rather than actors.
  • The high cost of movies and a lack of talented writers contribute to the industry's reluctance to take risks and create new things.
  • Mark Hamill's dissatisfaction with how Luke Skywalker was portrayed in recent Star Wars films is mentioned as an example of an actor feeling offended by changes to their character.

Franchise Movies and Diversity

06:32 - 13:29

  • Mark Hamill has expressed his dissatisfaction with how the character of Luke Skywalker has been portrayed in the Star Wars franchise.
  • American movie stars often reflect how the nation sees itself at a particular time.
  • The motivation behind franchise movies is to avoid taking risks, leading to a lack of diversity and originality.
  • There is a desire for strong female characters and diversity in movies, but it should not be the sole focus or identity of the character.
  • In the past, well-written characters like Ellen Ripley from Alien and Sarah Connor from Terminator were able to be interesting without making their gender or race the main focus.
  • Modern characters often lack vulnerability, flaws, and obstacles that make them relatable and likable.
  • The function of storytelling is to show character growth through overcoming challenges.

Lack of Vulnerability in Modern Characters

13:14 - 19:37

  • Modern characters lack vulnerability, flaws, and weaknesses.
  • Writers may avoid giving female characters weaknesses to avoid them being perceived as weak.
  • Characters are portrayed as brilliant at everything right from the start.
  • Lack of character arc in these movies is unsatisfying for viewers.
  • Box office returns for such movies have been declining.
  • The movie 'Sound of Freedom' has caused controversy and lower box office returns compared to Indiana Jones.
  • The plot of the movie revolves around a former Homeland Security agent rescuing children from child sex trafficking.
  • Some people object to the movie due to its connection with QAnon and conspiracy theories.
  • The mainstream media's objection to supporting a movie about rescuing children raises questions about their values.

Marketing and Independent Voices

19:08 - 25:36

  • The movie doesn't try to make any connections to a ring operating at the top levels of American society.
  • It's a cheap movie made for under $20 million, so they don't have the budget for fancy advertising.
  • They rely on grassroots marketing and selling the movie on its own merits.
  • Independent media voices are attacked because they bypass traditional models and have lower overhead costs.
  • People care about presenters who are authentic and talk about subjects they care about.
  • Joe Rogan's superpower is that he says what he believes and cares about, which stands against attempts to take him out.
  • Mainstream media doesn't want powerful independent voices that can bypass their models.
  • Being honest and fair in reviews is important, even if occasionally wrong predictions are made.
  • Films that aren't pushing woke messages can be more exciting because they focus on meaningful arcs rather than perfect identities.

Identity and Diversity in Movies

25:13 - 31:43

  • Wokeness can prevent characters from having meaningful arcs based on identity.
  • The movie 'Arcane' is an example of progressive politics done well.
  • Movies like The Matrix present different ideals and identities as aspirational and cool.
  • There are movies throughout cinematic history with strong female role models.
  • The Bechdel test was created as a joke but has become a benchmark for movie ratings.
  • Mainstream action and superhero movies tend to be male-oriented.
  • Different genres offer more diverse characters, but they may not be blockbusters.
  • Economic factors influence the dominance of certain movie archetypes.

Fan Reactions and Creative Integrity

31:17 - 37:59

  • Fans want their beloved characters to be respected and not deconstructed.
  • New diverse replacements are presented as stronger and smarter than the original characters.
  • Attempts to replace classic characters with new ones are often rejected by fans.
  • Franchises created by geniuses are inherited by less creative individuals.
  • Exploiting someone else's work without adding anything productive is offensive.
  • Hollywood may shift towards smaller, riskier projects and gaming adaptations.
  • Audiences have more decentralized and localized preferences now.
  • The speaker has not seen all of David Lynch's films but appreciates his work.
  • Top five films mentioned include Terminator 2 and Big Trouble in Little China.
  • 'The Menu' is a recent movie that the speaker enjoyed.
  • Hollywood needs to make better content or face bankruptcy.

Preserving Artistic Integrity

37:39 - 44:08

  • The version of offer you want to do is an 18 or our registered version.
  • Economically motivated films are softened to be more palatable.
  • Re-editing movies from the past without permission is criticized.
  • Works of art should be left alone as they were.
  • Role doll books were reissued with edits due to a deal with Netflix.
  • Cultural changes require a different set of principles.
  • Trying to erase or alter history is not favored.
  • Movies made in the past may not align with current standards, but they deserve to be shown as artifacts.