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The Real Threat of ESG

Thu Jul 13 2023


The episode explores the origins and impact of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance Scoring) in the financial world. It highlights how ESG started as an experiment at the United Nations but has now been captured by large passive investment firms. The episode discusses how ESG compliance is justified by claiming long-term profitability and how it allows managers of large reservoirs of money to control corporations and financial institutions. It also delves into the power of ESG to manipulate markets, limit access to liquidity, and control interest rates. Additionally, it examines the unaccountable nature of ESG, giving a small group of people arbitrary power to implement social justice policies that can change overnight based on their whims.


ESG's Impact on Markets

ESG has the power to manipulate stock prices, cause market runs, and control interest rates. Its environmental policy aims to limit energy consumption and reduce population. The social justice aspect of ESG is used to consolidate power and divide societies. ESG's ability to change rules and policies arbitrarily poses a real threat.

Unaccountable Power of ESG

ESG gives unbridled and arbitrary power to a small group of unaccountable people. This group can use their power to attack anyone based on their own beliefs and agendas. ESG allows for the implementation of social justice policies, but these policies can change overnight based on the whims of those in power. It has the potential to make electric cars go from being environmentally friendly to an environmental liability overnight.


  1. ESG Overview
  2. ESG's Impact on Markets
  3. Unaccountable Power of ESG

ESG Overview

00:11 - 07:18

  • ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance Scoring
  • ESG originated at the United Nations as an experiment to leverage passive investment money for impact investing
  • The agenda was to invest in companies that engage in environmental and social activism
  • ESG compliance was justified by claiming it leads to long-term profitability
  • By 2009, ESG had been captured by large passive investment firms and started forcing market behavior into activism
  • Corporate social responsibility began aligning with woke identity politics
  • The so-called climate crisis became the defining term for environmental best practices under ESG
  • ESG allows managers of large reservoirs of money to control corporations through board placement, executive control, and shareholder voting power
  • These managers also control financial institutions, giving them influence over interest rates and access to capital

ESG's Impact on Markets

06:58 - 14:29

  • ESG has the power to limit access to liquidity and control interest rates
  • ESG can manipulate stock prices and cause market runs
  • ESG's environmental policy aims to limit energy consumption and reduce population
  • The social justice aspect of ESG is used to consolidate power and divide societies
  • ESG can change its rules and policies arbitrarily, making it a real threat

Unaccountable Power of ESG

13:59 - 18:21

  • ESG is a tool that hands complete and arbitrary power into the hands of tyrants.
  • ESG can change according to their whims, making it unpredictable and arbitrary.
  • The real threat of ESG is that it gives unbridled and arbitrary power to a small group of unaccountable people.
  • This small group can use their power to attack anyone at any time, based on their own beliefs and agendas.
  • ESG allows for the implementation of social justice policies, but these policies can change overnight based on the whims of those in power.
  • ESG is similar to Mao's formula for transforming China, where different stages require different behaviors and objectives.
  • Corporations and individuals will adapt to the changing ESG qualifications in order to maintain a high social credit score.
  • ESG has the potential to make electric cars go from being environmentally friendly to an environmental liability overnight.
  • The things done under ESG, such as pushing queer theory rooted agenda, are part of a larger agenda for power grab.
  • ESG gives a small group of people complete control over what is considered good or bad, allowing them to exercise arbitrary power.