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Stay Free with Russell Brand

Tucker Carlson

Fri Jul 07 2023
Tucker CarlsonRacePoliticsPopulist FiguresMedia ManipulationJanuary 6thDemocracyAuthenticityGovernment Secrecy


The episode features an exclusive interview with Tucker Carlson, where he discusses his views on race, politics, and the challenges faced by populist figures like Trump and RFK. The conversation delves into the influence of corporations and media, the controversies surrounding January 6th, and the need for independent media to combat manipulation. It also explores the changing nature of democracy, the role of authenticity in society, and the importance of challenging established narratives. The episode concludes with a call for new systems of decentralization and a reevaluation of government secrecy.


Tucker Carlson's Views on Race

Tucker Carlson's views on race stem from his religious faith and belief in equal inherent value of individuals. His politics flow from this belief.

Manipulation of Events and Need for Independent Media

The aftermath of January 6th was used by predators in the political sphere to increase their power and disempower the population. Surveillance and control measures like vaccine passports benefit centralist authoritarian institutions.

Challenges in Democracy and Manipulation of Truth

New systems of decentralization are needed to move democracies closer to the people affected by them. The war in Ukraine is a red line for many people in business and politics, but the US is not taking action to stop the conflict.

Authenticity, Cultural Wars, and Democracy

Pretense is pointless, it's beautiful to be authentic. Both Tucker Carlson and the interviewer don't like being told what to do but are open to learning new ideas.

Changing Nature of Democracy and Media Manipulation

The nature of democracy needs to change due to the differences in people and their values. Technology makes it easy to manipulate large groups of people.

Government Secrecy and Need for Independent Media

Secrecy is incompatible with democracy, and hiding the truth from the population should never be done unless it relates to imminent physical security of citizens. There are over a billion federal documents classified in the United States, indicating a parental relationship between the government and its citizens.


  1. Introduction and Tucker Carlson's Views on Race
  2. Tucker Carlson's Political Views and Populist Figures
  3. Tucker Carlson's Relationship with Trump and Views on RFK
  4. Influence of Corporations, Media, and Independent Media
  5. Tucker Carlson's Views on January 6th and Media Manipulation
  6. Controversies Surrounding January 6th and Media Coverage
  7. Manipulation of Events and Need for Independent Media
  8. Challenges in Democracy and Manipulation of Truth
  9. Authenticity, Cultural Wars, and Democracy
  10. Changing Nature of Democracy and Media Manipulation
  11. Government Secrecy and Need for Independent Media
  12. Summary and Call for Change

Introduction and Tucker Carlson's Views on Race

00:00 - 06:51

  • Russell Brand introduces Tucker Carlson as his guest for a world exclusive interview.
  • Tucker Carlson discusses leaving Fox News and the attacks he endured in defense of Trump's text messages.
  • He reflects on being fired and his perspective on working for a big media company.
  • Tucker Carlson shares his happiness but also expresses the need to be engaged in the community and world.
  • They discuss remaining engaged in the international conversation about ethics and power.
  • The accusation of racism is brought up, specifically regarding demographic shifts in the US.
  • Tucker Carlson explains that his views on race stem from his religious faith and belief in equal inherent value of individuals.
  • His politics flow from this belief.

Tucker Carlson's Political Views and Populist Figures

06:28 - 13:30

  • They're not widgets in a bin waiting to be assembled by some company. They are distinct individuals with distinct souls and they have equal value in the eyes of God.
  • My politics flow from that belief. The idea that you would reduce people to their race and say, 'We're gonna treat this person better or worse because of his skin color is repugnant to me.'
  • You can't punish or reward people based on their immutable characteristics. It's inherently unfair and immoral.
  • The speaker supports immigration but believes that the way it is being done in the United States is designed to wreck the country, make it unstable, destroy social cohesion, and add to racial division.
  • The speaker argues against using terms like racist or white supremacist as tools to acquire political power and silence opposing views.
  • The speaker strives not to be a hater because they believe it is destructive.
  • There are similarities between the left and right driving towards centralist authoritarian models where free conversation is shut down based on an authority's belief of knowing better than individuals.
  • Left and right are becoming redundant as both sides move towards centralist authoritarian models.

Tucker Carlson's Relationship with Trump and Views on RFK

13:00 - 19:35

  • Tucker's relationship with Trump is positive, despite past mistakes in political analysis.
  • Trump's emergence is seen as the most significant thing in American politics in 100 years.
  • Trump's foreign policy views on Ukraine are praised for questioning endless war support.
  • Americans are attracted to Trump for reasons beyond his foreign policy stance.
  • RFK is admired for his anti-war stance and resilience against attacks on his family.
  • The pharma companies and their agents in the media have gone after his family, convincing some of his siblings to denounce his views.
  • He admires the person being discussed for their bravery and perseverance despite the consequences they faced for their beliefs.
  • RFK and Trump are seen as populist anti-establishment figures who face challenges within their own parties.

Influence of Corporations, Media, and Independent Media

19:11 - 25:46

  • The military-industrial complex and big pharma exert significant power over the democratic process, rendering ordinary electoral politics meaningless.
  • There is a discussion about the likelihood of RFK and Trump passing through the internal mechanics of their parties and the role of independent media, including Elon Musk.
  • In American history, Teddy Roosevelt was the only populist president. Other notable populist figures include Trump, Bobby Jr., and Ross Perot.
  • The effective populists are those who critique from within because they understand how the system works due to benefiting from it themselves.
  • The parties have been resistant to reform, which may hinder RFK and Trump's chances of getting nominated.
  • Multinational corporations not only control politics but also control media. The influence of pharmaceutical companies on advertising is highlighted.
  • Social media platforms provide less filtered sources of information with fewer gatekeepers, increasing the probability of hearing something true.
  • RFK and Trump require new models of media to build an audience due to traditional media models curtailing and censoring their rhetoric.

Tucker Carlson's Views on January 6th and Media Manipulation

25:24 - 32:00

  • Tucker left Fox News and people speculated where he would go
  • He doesn't work for Elon Musk but appreciates the chance to broadcast his views on Twitter
  • Social media provides an audience and a reason for Tucker to write
  • Writing scripts helps him think through issues and gain a deeper understanding
  • Tucker opposes violence and was appalled by the events of January 6th
  • He believes there was no effort to convince people that electronic voting machines are secure
  • The immediate response was lying and using it as a political weapon

Controversies Surrounding January 6th and Media Coverage

31:31 - 37:53

  • The core claims made about January 6th were lies.
  • There was no effort to reassure anybody, instead it was used as a cudgel against political opponents.
  • Questions about what actually happened on January 6th were met with aggression and accusations of racism.
  • The chief of the Capitol Police, Steven Sund, confirmed that there were federal agents present on January 6th.
  • The amount of lying around January 6th is distressing and anyone covering for those lies should be ashamed.
  • Fox News allowed the airing of tapes that showed inconsistencies in the narrative surrounding January 6th.
  • Claims that Jacob Chansley, known as the QAnon Shaman, was an insurrectionist are false based on surveillance footage showing his behavior inside the Senate chamber.
  • Putting American citizens like Jacob Chansley in jail for something they didn't do is an outrage.

Manipulation of Events and Need for Independent Media

37:27 - 44:10

  • The aftermath of January 6th was used by predators in the political sphere to increase their power and disempower the population.
  • Surveillance and control measures like vaccine passports benefit centralist authoritarian institutions.
  • Architecture changed drastically after World War II, becoming oppressive and anti-people.
  • War changes people in a deep way, even survivors are affected.
  • Beauty is inherent and recognized universally, regardless of culture.
  • Municipal and state buildings were once an expression of good faith between the people and their government.
  • There is an economic ideology that disdains the public, evident in media, state, and private corporations.
  • Populist figures like Trump appeal to those who feel disliked or disrespected by these institutions.
  • A communicative bridge needs to be built between the intelligentsia and ordinary people for positive change.
  • Many people feel voiceless and distrust electoral agencies and media.
  • New systems of decentralization are needed to bring democracy closer to the people affected by it.

Challenges in Democracy and Manipulation of Truth

43:42 - 50:55

  • New systems of decentralization are needed to move democracies closer to the people affected by them.
  • The war in Ukraine is a red line for many people in business and politics, but the US is not taking action to stop the conflict.
  • There has been a reframing of the pandemic with changing narratives and cultural amnesia.
  • Freudian errors may indicate that conflicts like Ukraine will be regarded similarly to how Iraq was viewed, with motivations driven by military-industrial complex interests.
  • Admitting when you're wrong is essential for happiness and honesty, and it frees you from pretense.

Authenticity, Cultural Wars, and Democracy

50:27 - 57:25

  • Pretense is pointless, it's beautiful to be authentic
  • Tony Blinken, the Secretary of State, feels the burden to pretend he has everything under control
  • Admitting when you're wrong preserves your dignity
  • Denial of transcendence and a higher power defines our age of materialism
  • Challenging their version of events reveals their limits and lack of answers
  • The urge for power remains consistent even if it becomes veiled in authoritarianism
  • Both Tucker Carlson and the interviewer don't like being told what to do but are open to learning new ideas
  • Tucker Carlson is not a Putin puppet, he loves Tolstoy but has no special connection to Russia
  • Cultural wars leverage issues like gun control, abortion, and identity politics
  • Questioning whether we should all follow a single credo in countries with large populations

Changing Nature of Democracy and Media Manipulation

56:57 - 1:03:34

  • The nature of democracy needs to change due to the differences in people and their values.
  • Smaller administrative zones or countries may be more suitable for governing diverse populations.
  • Technology makes it easy to manipulate large groups of people.
  • Homogeneity is driven by systems of dominion and creates division.
  • Raising children should be a personal choice, with some exceptions for obvious mistreatment.
  • Mainstream media has boundaries on expressing opinions, especially regarding certain topics like Ukraine's democracy.
  • There are still covered-up truths, such as the Kennedy assassination, implicating institutions and revealing complicity.

Government Secrecy and Need for Independent Media

1:03:04 - 1:09:52

  • The speaker believes that the U.S. government is complicit in a murder and the overthrow of the U.S. government.
  • Secrecy is incompatible with democracy, and hiding the truth from the population should never be done unless it relates to imminent physical security of citizens.
  • There are over a billion federal documents classified in the United States, indicating a parental relationship between the government and its citizens.
  • The speaker mentions upcoming interviews with Ice Cube and the Tape Brothers on Twitter.
  • There is a pull-up competition with RFK to raise $100,000, and donations can be made at

Summary and Call for Change

1:09:36 - 1:12:43

  • The speaker questions if the events of January 6th were used to achieve various aims, such as increased funding for the capital police, further authoritarianism, smearing of the MAGA movement, and enabling surveillance laws and censorship.
  • The speaker discusses how media can manipulate emotions and critiques the presentation of certain movements in the media.
  • There is a discussion about the convergence of interests between the state's desire to regulate, corporations' desire to profit, and big tech's desire to capture data.
  • The centralization of authority is mentioned as a rapid and radical process that may eliminate traditional TV anchor roles.
  • The speaker asks if events like January 6th are used opportunistically or intentionally to create specific outcomes.
  • The role of an independent media broadcaster is discussed in terms of telling the truth and not allowing oneself to be forced into lying.
  • The speaker expresses confusion about the environmental movement's lack of action in preventing pollution and despoiling nature.
  • Questions are raised about solutions proposed by the climate movement that seem to empower themselves rather than disempower them.
  • The lack of a nationwide effort to reforest the United States is highlighted, with emphasis on solar panels from China and industrial wind farms causing harm instead of helping.
  • Concerns are expressed about how January 6th was used by those in power to increase their own power and disempower the population they serve.