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The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway

Understanding AI’s Threats and Opportunities — with Mo Gawdat

Thu Jul 13 2023
Intimacy CoordinatorsAI Impact on SocietyPost-Pandemic Boom in New York CitySuccess of Disruptive CompaniesChallenges with Twitter and Alternative PlatformsMicrosoft's Approach and Meta's OpportunityImmediate Threats of AIAI's Impact on Truth and Job LossesAI's Influence on Industries and ProfessionalsConcerns and Call to Action on AIRegulation and Risks of AIEthics and Government InterventionAI's Influence on Perception and Information ControlProposals for Addressing Misinformation and AI RegulationDealing with Grief and the Non-Physical Element of ConsciousnessMo Gaddat's Reflections on Happiness and Expressing Love


The episode covers a wide range of topics including the role of intimacy coordinators in Hollywood, the impact of AI on society, the post-pandemic boom in New York City, the success of disruptive companies like Amazon and Netflix, challenges with Twitter and alternative platforms, Microsoft's approach and Meta's opportunity, immediate threats of AI, AI's impact on truth and job losses, AI's influence on industries and professionals, concerns and call to action on AI, regulation and risks of AI, ethics and government intervention, AI's influence on perception and information control, proposals for addressing misinformation and AI regulation, dealing with grief and the non-physical element of consciousness, and Mo Gaddat's reflections on happiness and expressing love.


AI poses significant threats

Immediate threats of AI include a serious redistribution of power, the end of truth, significant job losses, and a point of no return.

Meta has an opportunity to be seen as the good guy

Meta (formerly Facebook) can make changes to be seen as the good guy by implementing age gates on platforms like Instagram and being more stringent with content related to medical information or elections.

Concerns about AI surpassing human intelligence

The pace at which AI is advancing raises concerns about its future intelligence surpassing humans.

Regulation is necessary for AI

There is a need for thoughtful regulation and cross-lateral agreements among nations to address the risks associated with AI.

Ethics and government intervention are important

Government intervention is necessary due to systemic bias in business, and individuals need to take a courageous stance against unethical practices.

Misinformation is a significant problem

Misinformation concerning the US election is a significant problem, and AI has the ability to influence human perception through language mastery and information control.

Grief is a difficult emotion

Grief is a difficult emotion to deal with, and accepting the finality of death is an important step in the grieving process.

Expressing love and admiration is important

Recognizing our own mortality can help us become more courageous with our emotions and more graceful in our interactions, and it's important not to wait until someone is dying to express love and admiration for them.


  1. Intimacy Coordinators in Hollywood
  2. Impact of AI on Society
  3. New York City's Post-Pandemic Boom
  4. Success of Disruptive Companies
  5. Challenges of Twitter and Alternative Platforms
  6. Microsoft's Approach and Meta's Opportunity
  7. Immediate Threats of AI
  8. Impact of AI on Truth and Job Losses
  9. AI's Impact on Industries and Professionals
  10. Concerns and Call to Action on AI
  11. Regulation and Risks of AI
  12. Ethics and Government Intervention
  13. AI's Influence on Perception and Information Control
  14. Proposals for Addressing Misinformation and AI Regulation
  15. Dealing with Grief and the Non-Physical Element of Consciousness
  16. Mo Gaddat's Reflections on Happiness and Expressing Love

Intimacy Coordinators in Hollywood

00:01 - 06:55

  • Intimacy coordinators play a crucial role in Hollywood, often using mints and retro-listening breast strips.

Impact of AI on Society

00:01 - 06:55

  • Mo Gaddat, former Chief Business Officer at Google X, discusses the impact of AI on society and the need to control our response to it.
  • Mo Gaddat identifies four major threats posed by artificial intelligence.

New York City's Post-Pandemic Boom

00:01 - 06:55

  • New York City is booming after the pandemic, with businesses reopening and thriving.

Success of Disruptive Companies

06:42 - 13:21

  • The success of disruptive companies like Amazon and Netflix is due to their ability to innovate in sectors that hadn't changed for decades.
  • Netflix's value proposition became clear when compared to expensive ad-supported cable TV packages.
  • The real value proposition of Netflix is highlighted compared to cable TV.
  • The cost of cable TV is around $55 to $75, while streaming services like Netflix, Apple TV Plus, and Amazon Prime Video cost a total of $20 to $30.

Challenges of Twitter and Alternative Platforms

06:42 - 13:21

  • Twitter is not a great platform in terms of ROI and has more downside now.
  • Threads has a good UI/UX but may not have the future functionality of other apps like WhatsApp or Post News.
  • People are desperate for an alternative to Twitter but don't want to rebuild their network on a new platform.
  • Having a large follower base on Twitter is valuable and hard to replicate on other platforms.
  • Mark Zuckerberg and Meta have an opportunity to pivot from being seen as the 'evil empire' to the 'good guys' like Microsoft did in the past.

Microsoft's Approach and Meta's Opportunity

12:51 - 19:47

  • Microsoft's entry into the B2B enterprise market caused other companies to delay their product releases, even though Microsoft had no intention of releasing a product.
  • Microsoft's decision to be a good partner and tone down their approach has contributed to their success and positive reputation.
  • Meta (formerly Facebook) has an opportunity to be seen as the good guy by making changes such as implementing age gates on platforms like Instagram and being more stringent with content related to medical information or elections.
  • There should be a pause of 90 days before the 2024 elections to prevent misinformation from spreading.
  • Meta should prioritize teens' well-being and take down harmful content, disregarding arguments about First Amendment rights.
  • Meta should recognize its stakeholders, including teenagers who are experiencing increased depression due to social media and overbearing parenting.
  • The host encourages Meta's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, to appreciate his blessings as an American citizen and start caring about America and its elections.

Immediate Threats of AI

19:18 - 27:20

  • AI is here and continuing to take over tasks previously assigned to humans.
  • Immediate threats of AI include a serious redistribution of power, the end of truth, significant job losses, and a point of no return.
  • The concentration of power in corporations, governments, and individuals who control AI is a major concern.
  • If someone gains control over AI that can crack defense authorities or nuclear weapon codes, it would be game over.
  • Augmenting humans with AI could lead to preferential application of intelligence or neural link technology.
  • The immediate threat lies in how humans interact with machines rather than the machines themselves.

Impact of AI on Truth and Job Losses

27:00 - 35:16

  • Augmenting humans with AI can lead to unequal distribution of intelligence and advantages
  • Truth has been under attack due to profit incentives and algorithms prioritizing engagement over accuracy
  • AI magnifies biases and reinforces the pursuit of controversy instead of truth
  • Creation of deep fakes and indistinguishable images challenges the ability to discern reality
  • Job loss may be permanent this time as machines surpass human intelligence
  • The skill of adaptability will become increasingly valuable in the future

AI's Impact on Industries and Professionals

34:51 - 42:18

  • The book industry will be distributed along a large spectrum of providers, diminishing the value of any product provided.
  • Live performances will become more important in the music industry as music creation can be done by machines.
  • Movies may eventually be created entirely by machines, but vintage actors will still have appeal.
  • AI can be used as a tool to enhance books, but it currently lacks originality and creativity.
  • Understanding AI will be crucial for professionals to stay relevant in their fields.
  • AI could potentially lead to job destruction and outpace new business ideas and opportunities.
  • The mid-term future of AI is approaching quickly, with rapid advancements in intelligence levels.
  • Data sets for AI are expanding rapidly, including machine-generated knowledge.

Concerns and Call to Action on AI

42:01 - 49:46

  • Machine-generated knowledge becomes part of the dataset in AI.
  • AI can exhibit emerging properties like creativity, ingenuity, emotional sentiments, and language that were not explicitly taught.
  • The pace at which AI is advancing raises concerns about its future intelligence surpassing humans.
  • Similar to nuclear weapons, there could be a need for global cooperation and treaties to regulate AI's use.
  • The call to action is for humanity to prioritize the well-being of all and work together for the benefit of humanity as a whole.
  • Trust issues among nations and the possibility of unknown players developing AI contribute to an arms race in AI development.
  • The potential malicious use of AI is a significant concern.

Regulation and Risks of AI

49:19 - 57:07

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that poses a significant threat due to its potential for malicious use.
  • Verification of AI activities is challenging, making it difficult to ensure compliance with regulations.
  • There is a need for thoughtful regulation and cross-lateral agreements among nations to address the risks associated with AI.
  • The organization and regulation of AI could be similar to the FAA or FDA, ensuring safety and public availability.
  • Current developments in AI code creation pose risks as AI becomes capable of creating better code than humans.
  • Predictions suggest that human developers may become obsolete within the next five years.
  • Advancements in AI capabilities will continue at a rapid pace, leading to a potential disastrous event known as 'patient zero'.
  • By the time governments agree on regulations, there may already be uncontrollable AI code in existence.
  • Immediate action is necessary to prevent further proliferation of unregulated AI.

Ethics and Government Intervention

56:48 - 1:04:11

  • Leaders who surround themselves with yes-men often make mistakes
  • Many capitalist corporations are run by amoral bandits
  • Money can blur the impact of actions and create excuses
  • Government intervention is necessary due to systemic bias in business
  • Business leaders prioritize growth and profit over ethics
  • The US government fears Chinese companies and wants American tech giants to leave
  • Systemic bias magnifies profit and power, endangering society
  • Individuals need to take a courageous stance against unethical practices
  • Government may not act fast enough or have the right incentives
  • The first major externality of AI will likely involve misinformation in the US election

AI's Influence on Perception and Information Control

1:03:42 - 1:11:27

  • Misinformation concerning the US election is a significant problem.
  • War is not only fought on the battlefield but also economically and in the minds of people.
  • AI has the ability to influence human perception through language mastery and information control.
  • Machines dictate at least 90% of the information received today, including social media content, ads, and organic search results.
  • Google's ethical position is to provide multiple answers and let users choose their own truth.
  • Chat GPT and similar models aim to provide a formatted average of millions of answers.
  • Google takes an ethical stance by not claiming to know the truth or releasing unsafe AI models.
  • The challenge lies in capitalism and the pressure for CEOs like Sundar Pichai to respond with AI models like GPT.
  • Cooperation between governments and regulatory bodies is necessary to combat fake or AI-generated content.
  • Criminalizing fake or unmarked AI-generated content could be an effective solution.
  • An alternative idea is implementing an AI pause for all election information before elections to allow time for verification.

Proposals for Addressing Misinformation and AI Regulation

1:10:58 - 1:18:11

  • Proposal for an AI pause on all election information 90 days before the election to discern truth
  • Suggestion to remove all election information except debates filmed by all cameras
  • Acknowledgment of the prisoner's dilemma in penalizing social media companies and news networks
  • Personal transformation from a grumpy executive to a calm and open-minded person through research on happiness
  • Tragic loss of the speaker's son and his dream of being everywhere and part of everyone
  • Mission to reach a billion happy people through book, videos, and magnifying true human values
  • Effort to influence AI views by promoting love, happiness, and compassion online
  • Struggle with grief over the unexpected loss of a close friend

Dealing with Grief and the Non-Physical Element of Consciousness

1:17:54 - 1:25:12

  • Grief is a difficult emotion to deal with, and there is no easy solution.
  • Accepting the finality of death is an important step in the grieving process.
  • Commit to making your life and the lives of those around you better despite the pain.
  • There is a non-physical element to us that exists outside space-time, which means consciousness continues after death.
  • Death is not the opposite of life, but rather the opposite of birth.
  • The departure of a loved one may not be a bad thing for them or for the world, but it can be painful for those left behind.

Mo Gaddat's Reflections on Happiness and Expressing Love

1:24:55 - 1:31:31

  • Mo Godat is the former chief business officer at google and an expert on happiness.
  • He launched his podcast Slow Mo in 2020.
  • He recently lost a close friend to leukemia, which has made him reflect on the importance of expressing love and admiration to the people in our lives.
  • Recognizing our own mortality can help us become more courageous with our emotions and more graceful in our interactions.
  • The death of his friend has given him a sense of presence and a desire to make a difference by taking his children to Africa to see how less fortunate people live.
  • It's important not to wait until someone is dying to express love and admiration for them.
  • We should recognize that we will randomly lose people we care about, so it's important to tell them how we feel while we still can.