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Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

Weird Around The Eyes

Thu Jul 13 2023
MusicBassoonComedyWoodwind Instruments


The episode features a conversation with Greg, a bassoonist from Ireland. They discuss Greg's journey into playing the bassoon, the attributes required to play it well, and the comedic possibilities of incorporating the bassoon into various scenarios. They also explore the unique sound of the bassoon and compare it to the clarinet. Conan invites Greg to join his podcast as the official bassoon player.


The Importance of Good Lips

Greg highlights the significance of having good lips for creating a proper seal around the reed of the bassoon.

The Unique Sound of the Bassoon

The bassoon is known for its low notes with harsh, razzie sounds. Greg demonstrates the sound on his bassoon, describing it as Looney Tunes-like and reminiscent of searching for the Tin Man in the woods.

Comedic Potential with Bassoon

Conan suggests using the bassoon in comedic improvisations, such as reacting to children's stories. They also discuss the possibility of incorporating Greg's comedic reactions into studio interviews or conversations.

Bassoon vs Clarinet

The conversation delves into the ongoing debate between bassoon and clarinet players regarding which instrument is superior. They also joke about wearing motorcycle helmets to protect their jaws and discuss Greg's commute to Dublin for his symphony orchestra performances.

Cosmetic Surgery Jokes

During the discussion, they touch on cosmetic surgery and make jokes about looking normal around the eyes.

Invitation to Join Conan's Podcast

Conan invites Greg to become the official bassoon player for his podcast.


  1. Introduction
  2. The Bassoon and its Sound
  3. Comedic Possibilities with Bassoon
  4. Bassoon vs Clarinet


00:04 - 06:32

  • Greg, a musician from Ireland, calls in to talk to Conan
  • Greg is a bassoonist in the National Symphony Orchestra
  • He started playing the bassoon because his brother quit and they had the instrument rented for the year
  • Conan jokes about not knowing names in large families
  • Conan asks if he could learn to play the bassoon and Greg says it's possible
  • Greg describes the attributes that could help someone play the bassoon well

The Bassoon and its Sound

06:06 - 12:58

  • The bassoonist describes the importance of having good lips for a good seal around the reed.
  • The bassoon is stereotypically known for playing low notes with harsh, razzie sounds.
  • The host asks for an example of the bassoon's sound, and the guest demonstrates it on his bassoon.
  • The sound is described as Looney Tunes-like and reminiscent of searching for the Tin Man in the woods.

Comedic Possibilities with Bassoon

06:06 - 12:58

  • The host suggests taking their act on the road, improvising children's stories with the guest playing bassoon reactions.
  • They joke about splitting the money unevenly, with Conan getting 98% and Greg getting 2%.
  • The guest encourages the host to try playing a woodwind instrument despite his thin lips and creepy eyes.
  • They discuss using Greg in studio to provide comedic reactions during interviews or conversations.

Bassoon vs Clarinet

12:34 - 16:35

  • The conversation revolves around playing bassoon and clarinet.
  • They discuss arguments about which instrument is superior.
  • They joke about wearing motorcycle helmets to protect their jaws.
  • Greg, who plays the bassoon, commutes to Dublin to play in a symphony orchestra.
  • They talk about cosmetic surgery and making jokes about looking normal around the eyes.
  • Conan invites Greg to be the official bassoon player for his podcast.