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Stay Free with Russell Brand

Aaron Maté (FBI-Ukraine Collusion)

Mon Jun 26 2023
TrumpIranUkraineMedia BiasCensorship


The episode covers Trump's leaked audio, potential war with Iran, Ukraine pressuring FBI and blacklisting, media bias and censorship, and upcoming episodes. It discusses the significance of revealing plans for war with Iran, the wrong focus of mainstream media attacks on Trump, concerns about Joe Biden's knowledge of Hunter Biden's business dealings, Ukraine's pressure on the FBI to blacklist Aaron Matte, diplomatic alternatives in Ukraine's proxy war, media bias in undermining Trump, and upcoming episodes featuring conspiracy theories and interviews with notable guests.


Revealing plans for war with Iran is significant

Similar to Julian Assange revealing war crimes of the Iraq war, the leaked audio and classified documents suggest a plan to go to war with Iran.

Media bias undermines Trump

The media uses classified documents to undermine Trump, not because they care about his views but because he admits wanting to take oil from Syria and Venezuela.

Ukraine's proxy war and diplomatic alternatives

Ukraine has the right to resist invasion, but there are diplomatic alternatives that could have avoided and stopped the war. The Minsk Accords and Russia's proposals in December 2021 could have ended the war, but they were opposed or not discussed by Ukraine, US, and NATO.

Censorship and free speech

Censorship laws preventing free speech are being implemented simultaneously in multiple countries. Censorship should focus on championing Julian Assange as an important journalist being persecuted.

Media's obsession with Trump

The media's obsession with Trump leads to ignoring substance in stories like his revealing a plan to attack Iran. The media supports war mongering and cares more about ratings than stopping wars.

RFK Jr.'s views on Ukraine proxy war

RFK Jr.'s views on the Ukraine proxy war are courageous and clear, but his stance on Israel-Palestine is problematic for progressives. RFK Jr., Cornell West, and Marion Wilmson are challenging the current government in the primaries.

Importance of staying free

The host emphasizes the importance of staying free and encourages viewers to press the red button to join.

Upcoming episodes and exclusive content

Upcoming episodes will cover conspiracy theories, the censorship industrial complex, and interviews with Matt Taibi, Michael Schellenberger, and Jack Dorsey. Exclusive content will be available for locals members.

Growing frustration with Biden government

There is growing frustration with the Biden government's oversight of the disastrous proxy war in Ukraine. Viewers are encouraged to stay for another 15 minutes on Rumbles and ask questions about the news.

Clamor to attack Iran

There is a clamor to attack Iran, and it's odd that we have to rely on people like Trump for opposition. U.S. media lacks introspection and cares more about their agenda than facts.


  1. Trump's Leaked Audio and Potential War with Iran
  2. Ukraine Pressuring FBI and Blacklisting
  3. Media Bias and Censorship
  4. Upcoming Episodes and Closing Remarks

Trump's Leaked Audio and Potential War with Iran

00:00 - 13:12

  • Trump's leaked audio contains admissions that could be incriminating.
  • The focus should be on the potential war with Iran, not Trump rifling through documents.
  • Revealing plans for war with Iran is significant, similar to Julian Assange revealing war crimes of the Iraq war.
  • Mainstream media and neoliberal Democrat party are attacking Trump on the wrong front.
  • Classified documents appear to reveal a plan to go to war with Iran.
  • Existing tensions between Israel and Iran are being amplified.
  • Focus should be on the wrong details of this story.

Ukraine Pressuring FBI and Blacklisting

06:23 - 19:43

  • There are concerns about Joe Biden's knowledge of Hunter Biden's business dealings.
  • RFK's appearance on Bill Maher and his anti-vax rhetoric will be discussed.
  • There is a plan to bring down the censorship industrial complex.
  • Aaron Matte will talk about Ukraine pressuring the FBI to blacklist him.
  • Ukraine wanted Twitter to censor accounts including Aaron's due to spreading factual information about the proxy war.
  • Ukraine has the right to resist invasion, but US aid fuels the war and diplomatic alternatives could have been pursued.
  • I don't see how it's aiding Ukraine to use them to fight to the last person. I want Ukrainians to live.
  • Ukraine has the right to resist invasion, but there are diplomatic alternatives that could have avoided and stopped the war.
  • The Minsk Accords and Russia's proposals in December 2021 could have ended the war, but they were opposed or not discussed by Ukraine, US, and NATO.
  • A deal was reached in April 2022, but Boris Johnson blocked it with presumed US backing.
  • Zelensky was elected on a peace mandate, but Ukraine's far-right blocked his steps towards implementing peace.
  • There is not one unified objective in Ukraine; different factions have different agendas.
  • The counter-offensive by Ukraine is not going well as Russia has the advantage.
  • Pergosian's revolt did not threaten Putin; he was likely rebelling against being sidelined.
  • The rush to sign Putin's death warrant reflects the clamor for regime change in Russia and distraction from Ukraine's failing counter-offensive.
  • Censorship laws preventing free speech are being implemented simultaneously in multiple countries.
  • RFK Jr.'s views on the Ukraine proxy war are courageous and clear, but his stance on Israel-Palestine is problematic for progressives.

Media Bias and Censorship

12:44 - 25:45

  • The mainstream media's involvement in the story will also be covered.
  • RFK Jr. has courage and clarity on the Ukraine proxy war.
  • RFK Jr. parrots anti-Palestinian talking points, which is not progressive.
  • RFK Jr., Cornell West, and Marion Wilmson are challenging the current government in the primaries.
  • There is growing frustration with the Biden government's oversight of the disastrous proxy war in Ukraine.
  • Censorship should focus on championing Julian Assange as an important journalist being persecuted.
  • The media's obsession with Trump leads to ignoring substance in stories like his revealing a plan to attack Iran.
  • The media supports war mongering and cares more about ratings than stopping wars.
  • The media uses classified documents to undermine Trump, not because they care about his views but because he admits wanting to take oil from Syria and Venezuela.
  • There is a clamor to attack Iran, and it's odd that we have to rely on people like Trump for opposition.
  • U.S. media lacks introspection and cares more about their agenda than facts.

Upcoming Episodes and Closing Remarks

19:25 - 26:36

  • Upcoming episodes will cover conspiracy theories, the censorship industrial complex, and interviews with Matt Taibi, Michael Schellenberger, and Jack Dorsey.
  • There is a highly anticipated guest coming up on the show that has not been revealed yet.
  • Exclusive content will be available for locals members.
  • Viewers are encouraged to stay for another 15 minutes on Rumbles and ask questions about the news.
  • The host thanks the audience for joining and invites them to join tomorrow's episode.
  • The host emphasizes the importance of staying free and encourages viewers to press the red button to join.