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The Revenue Marketing Report

Leading During an Economic Downturn

Thu Apr 20 2023
Business AdaptationMarketing RoleCulture and Employee SatisfactionAdapting to Changing Landscape


The episode discusses the need for businesses to adapt to change, the role of marketing in attracting and retaining customers, the importance of culture and employee satisfaction, and adapting to the changing landscape. It highlights the shift from profit-focused to people-focused discussions, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on business mindset, and the opportunities for growth and efficiency. The episode emphasizes the value of empathy, personal relationships, brand recognition, and technology in business success.


Businesses need to adapt to change

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for businesses to adapt to change. Legacy business mindset hindered adaptation, but the pandemic opened minds to new possibilities and positive changes.

Marketing plays a crucial role

Marketers have a seat at the table due to their role in attracting and retaining customers. Empathy and kindness became important in business culture during the pandemic. Recruiting can bring business growth through personal relationships. Businesses need to tell a personal story and showcase their adaptability. Greater brand recognition can lead to future revenue growth.

Culture is key for employee satisfaction

The lower level of a company provides an accurate representation of its culture. The pandemic caused people to reassess their values and consider work alignment. Companies should assess signs of dissatisfaction among employees and prioritize communication, understanding, and learning. Technology is essential for efficient operations and reaching wider audiences. Valuing employees and discussing well-being openly contribute to a healthy culture.

Adapting to the changing landscape

Business owners can replace lost talent without physically replacing them in-house. Utilizing at-home work environments and reducing employees can increase efficiency. Marketing departments have thinned, creating opportunities for external experts. Employees should assess cultural fit and embrace change. Changing the culture and welcoming employees' whole selves lead to increased productivity and success.


  1. Adapting to Change
  2. Marketing's Role in Business
  3. Culture and Employee Satisfaction
  4. Adapting to the Changing Landscape

Adapting to Change

00:01 - 07:35

  • The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for businesses to adapt to change.
  • Legacy business mindset from the 80s and 90s hindered adaptation.
  • The pandemic opened minds to new possibilities and positive changes.
  • Businesses need to open up to social issues and be more efficient.
  • Shift the discussion from profit-focused to people-focused.
  • Hard quarters can lead to reevaluation and positive growth opportunities.

Marketing's Role in Business

07:11 - 14:35

  • Marketers have a seat at the table due to their role in attracting and retaining customers.
  • Empathy and kindness became important in business culture during the pandemic.
  • Recruiting can bring business growth through personal relationships.
  • Businesses need to tell a personal story and showcase their adaptability.
  • Greater brand recognition can lead to future revenue growth.
  • The pandemic has caused a shift in how businesses evaluate success, with factors like brand recognition and cost reduction becoming more important.

Culture and Employee Satisfaction

14:08 - 21:39

  • "Oh, Disney clothes, this is bad." - Observing the impact of negative events on a company's stock and leadership changes.
  • The lower level of a company can provide a more accurate representation of its culture than the higher level.
  • The pandemic caused many people to reassess their values and consider whether their work aligns with those values.
  • Companies that experienced turnover during the pandemic should start assessing and responding to the signs of dissatisfaction among employees.
  • People may leave a company if they feel unsupported or if the culture does not align with their values.
  • Communication, understanding, sharing, learning, and building together are critical for a healthy culture.
  • The current job market favors talent, giving companies an opportunity to attract and retain skilled individuals by utilizing technology.
  • Technology has become essential for businesses to operate efficiently and reach wider audiences.
  • Layoffs can result in entire teams leaving a company, requiring it to change and rebuild from that loss.
  • It is important for companies to analyze issues within their organization rather than assuming they will be resolved through face-to-face meetings.
  • Well-being is no longer a taboo subject in the workplace; it is now openly discussed and assessed when considering cultural fit.
  • Positive changes include a shift towards valuing employees more than in previous decades.

Adapting to the Changing Landscape

21:19 - 25:33

  • Business owners can adapt to a different way of operating and replace lost talent without physically replacing them in-house.
  • Utilizing an at-home work environment along with a bricks and mortar environment can help cast a bigger net.
  • Reducing the number of employees can lead to increased efficiency by adapting to digital or consulting relations.
  • Marketing departments have been thinned, creating opportunities for external experts to plug in where needed.
  • Employees should assess if the culture fits them and if their ideas and innovations are appreciated.
  • The traditional idea of staying at one business for a long time has changed, allowing individuals to change along with it.
  • Changing the culture and welcoming employees' whole selves can lead to increased productivity and success.
  • Adapting mindset and embracing change is crucial for relevance and profitability in today's business market.