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Talk Talent To Me

Live in NYC with JCK & Hired CTO Dave Walters

Fri Jun 23 2023
PodcastTalent AcquisitionAI TechnologyGenerative AIChat GPTResponsible Use of AIBias Audit Legislation


Talk Talent To Me is a podcast featuring talent leaders in recruiting. The episode explores the themes of someone's life and decision-making, with a focus on AI's impact on jobs. The event includes live demonstrations and workshops to help attendees improve their skills. Jenny Koji Kangus, director of employer branding at Pando Logic, shares her background and disruptive approach to work. The speaker discusses how AI can enhance productivity and assist with various tasks. Chat GPT, a generative AI technology, is introduced for HR and talent acquisition purposes. The chapter covers the use cases, limitations, and potential of Chat GPT. The responsible use of AI tools and compliance with bias audit legislation are discussed. The implications of AI technology and the importance of responsible usage are explored.


AI Enhances Productivity

AI can wear different hats for various tasks, enabling individuals to go further and faster at work.

Generative AI in HR and Talent Acquisition

Generative AI, such as Chat GPT, can assist with candidate engagement, automated responses, interview scheduling, job description creation, and candidate screening.

Responsible Use of AI

Setting policies and procedures is crucial to ensure responsible use of AI tools like Chat GPT.

Guardrails for AI Technology

Effective guardrails are needed to use AI technology for good and prevent potential biases or flaws.

Compliance with Bias Audit Legislation

Employers in the City of New York must undergo a bias audit if they use technology for recruiting, with financial and social implications for non-compliance.

Future Implications of AI

AI regulation will likely become an important area of law, and domain-specific large language models are being embedded in various platforms.


  1. Introduction
  2. Jenny Koji Kangus - Director of Employer Branding at Pando Logic
  3. AI in Work and Daily Life
  4. Chat GPT - Generative AI for HR and Talent Acquisition
  5. Exploring Chat GPT and AI Applications
  6. AI Tools for Efficiency and Responsible Use
  7. Bias Audit and Compliance in Recruiting Technology
  8. Responsible Use of AI and Future Implications


00:06 - 06:07

  • Talk Talent To Me is a podcast featuring talent leaders in recruiting.
  • The podcast aims to understand the themes of someone's life and how they make decisions.
  • The host, Rob Stevenson, usually interviews directors of recruitment, VPs of global talent, CHROs, etc.
  • This live episode is different and includes live demonstrations and workshops for the audience.
  • The event focuses on AI and its impact on jobs but aims to help attendees improve their skills.

Jenny Koji Kangus - Director of Employer Branding at Pando Logic

06:07 - 12:16

  • Jenny has an amazing story of overcoming a traumatic brain injury and relearning everything.
  • She brings a disruptive force to her work and challenges the status quo.
  • Jenny shares her background and how she ended up in her current role at Pando Logic.
  • She focuses on storytelling to help the industry understand concepts like AI and automation.

AI in Work and Daily Life

12:16 - 18:32

  • The speaker uses AI to enable themselves to go further and faster at work.
  • AI helps with project management, scheduling, and learning new skills like cooking lobster tails.
  • AI is like a consultant that can wear different hats for various tasks.
  • AI is not coming for your job, but rather targeting the parts of your job you dislike or cannot do.
  • AI was used to find a recipe for boiling lobster tails without having to sort through ads and irrelevant information.
  • AI was used to write a project plan for managing a move and even wrote a card for the speaker's fiancee from their children.
  • AI was also used to write a complaint letter to a company, resulting in the cancellation of an expensive contract termination fee.
  • AI can be used in mundane ways in everyday life, such as helping with math homework or generating job descriptions and management emails.
  • The speaker will now demonstrate how chat GPT is used in daily work.

Chat GPT - Generative AI for HR and Talent Acquisition

18:32 - 25:08

  • Chat GPT is a technology from OpenAI that has both paid and free options.
  • Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating new content.
  • Generative AI can be used in creative fields like art, music, and writing, as well as in HR and talent acquisition for tasks such as drafting job descriptions and creating personalized recruitment emails.
  • Asking the right sharp question is important when using generative AI to get accurate answers.
  • Generative AI can be used as a consultant to help identify areas where it can be leveraged effectively.
  • Chat GPT can assist with tasks like candidate engagement, automated responses, interview scheduling, job description creation, and candidate screening.
  • It's possible to use Chat GPT to assess the tone of voice in content by copying and pasting it into the tool.
  • Bias checking is crucial when using generative AI for content generation to ensure fairness and avoid biased language.
  • Chat GPT can help write better business cases by providing options and examples for compelling arguments.
  • Audience questions or use cases can be addressed by leveraging Chat GPT's capabilities.

Exploring Chat GPT and AI Applications

25:08 - 31:02

  • Generative AI responds broadly and does not know the individual use case unless specified
  • To get a more precise response, call out the specific prompt or hat you want it to wear
  • Prompt packs can be purchased to provide specific prompts for chat GPT
  • Chat GPT has a token limit of 2048, including input and output
  • The longer the prompt, the shorter the generator response will be before hitting the token limit
  • The application of chat GPT is still being explored and new use cases are constantly emerging
  • Chat GPT can act as a prompt engineer to provide specific prompts for desired responses
  • Using chat GPT extensively in job roles can be both exciting and controversial

AI Tools for Efficiency and Responsible Use

31:02 - 37:30

  • Using ChatGPT provides an easier user experience for finding information.
  • Teams are increasingly using ChatGPT to make their work more efficient.
  • Setting policies and procedures is important to ensure responsible use of ChatGPT.
  • Generative AI has brought clarity and intentionality to the use of AI in everyday tools.
  • ChatGPT can democratize access to information and help navigate complex processes like applying for benefits.
  • Other tools like Grammarly also utilize generative AI for writing assistance.
  • Generative AI is present in various aspects of daily life, such as autocomplete suggestions and facial recognition algorithms.

Bias Audit and Compliance in Recruiting Technology

37:30 - 43:54

  • Employers in the City of New York must undergo a bias audit if they use technology for recruiting
  • The audit applies to employers, not vendors
  • Pandologic, a recruitment technology company, proactively underwent a third-party audit to ensure compliance
  • Mapping candidate journey processes is critical to understanding where automated decision making tools are used
  • Remote hiring that involves candidates in New York is also subject to the law
  • Financial and social implications exist for non-compliance with the legislation
  • The legislation is still evolving and may become stricter over time
  • Laws like this aim to prevent bias in technology, referencing cases such as Amazon's biased internal promotions and Facebook's age-targeted job postings

Responsible Use of AI and Future Implications

43:54 - 45:32

  • Technology should be used for good and have guardrails in place to understand its workings
  • If a vendor refuses to provide answers or open up, it's a red flag
  • Users are responsible for evaluating the accuracy of data presented by GPT
  • GPT operates based on the information it has been given and cannot determine factual accuracy
  • Auditing and ensuring fitness for consumption is crucial when using AI tools
  • GPT provides a good starting point but requires user evaluation
  • Lawsuits may arise due to flawed content produced with GPT
  • AI regulation will likely become an important area of law
  • Domain-specific large language models are being embedded in various platforms
  • Effective guardrails are needed to use AI technology for good
  • Be open to new opportunities and work hard for career success
  • Asking sharp questions helps uncover problems and biases