Talk Talent To Me

Talk Talent To Me

Starring recruiting leadership from everywhere under the talent acquisition sun, Talk Talent To Me is a fast-paced rough-and-tumble tour through the strategies, metrics, techniques, and trends shaping the recruitment industry. Brought to you by your pals at Hired.

Talk Talent To Me

Thu Jul 13 2023

Sibros VP of People Christina Pinheiro

AI in recruitingemployee developmentcontinuous learninginclusivitybias in hiring process

The episode discusses the importance of building a culture of transparency and empowerment at Sibros, including the identification of learning goals relevant to the company and employees. It also explores the implementation of lunch and learn sessions aligned with employees' learning goals, with a focus on continuous improvement through feedback and evaluation. The episode further addresses the promotion of inclusivity, addressing biases in the hiring process, and the significance of work-life balance.

Talk Talent To Me

Fri Jun 30 2023

Recursion Director of Talent Daniel Benavides

InclusionEmployee Resource GroupsDiversityTalent AcquisitionRecruiting

Recursion's inclusion strategy includes recognizing Juneteenth as a company holiday, launching employee resource groups (ERGs) focused on women and pride, and organizing monthly activities aligned with core values. Success factors for ERGs include having an executive sponsor, autonomy, flexibility, and involving diverse perspectives. Daniel's background in talent acquisition and operations brings insights on the impact of diversity and inclusion. The speaker shares their passion for recruiting, career advice, and the importance of innovation. Recruiting involves connecting with people, assessing career fulfillment, and finding new strategies. Tips for success include focusing on the bigger picture and introducing Hired as a platform for connections in the tech and sales industry.

Talk Talent To Me

Wed Jun 28 2023

LIVE IN SF: José Cong & Justin Ghio Demonstrate AI Tools

RecruitingArtificial IntelligenceTalent SourcingChat GPTCandidate Outreach

Talk Talent to Me is a podcast featuring talent leaders in recruiting. The podcast explores the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in recruitment, including chat GPT for generating interview questions and personalized emails. It also discusses the importance of sourcing hard-to-find candidates, crafting compelling emails, and avoiding bias in hiring decisions. The episodes highlight how AI can augment recruiters' abilities and improve the hiring process by providing inference and reducing unconscious biases. The podcast concludes with insights on utilizing AI for better hiring decisions.

Talk Talent To Me

Fri Jun 23 2023

Live in NYC with JCK & Hired CTO Dave Walters

PodcastTalent AcquisitionAI TechnologyGenerative AIChat GPT

Talk Talent To Me is a podcast featuring talent leaders in recruiting. The episode explores the themes of someone's life and decision-making, with a focus on AI's impact on jobs. The event includes live demonstrations and workshops to help attendees improve their skills. Jenny Koji Kangus, director of employer branding at Pando Logic, shares her background and disruptive approach to work. The speaker discusses how AI can enhance productivity and assist with various tasks. Chat GPT, a generative AI technology, is introduced for HR and talent acquisition purposes. The chapter covers the use cases, limitations, and potential of Chat GPT. The responsible use of AI tools and compliance with bias audit legislation are discussed. The implications of AI technology and the importance of responsible usage are explored.

Talk Talent To Me

Wed Jun 21 2023

Abode CEO & Co-Founder Ben Siegel

PodcastTalent LeadersRecruitingGen ZEarly Talent

Talk Talent to Me is a podcast featuring talent leaders in recruiting. The episode features Ben Siegel, founder of Abode, who shares his background and experience that led him to start his company. The episode explores the importance of skills and relationships for early talent positions, transparency and engagement with Gen Z, supporting early talent, and strategies for engaging and retaining Gen Z talent.

Talk Talent To Me

Wed Jun 14 2023

Hearst Director of Talent Acquisition Tony Kochar

Hearst CompanyRemote WorkAI in Talent AcquisitionTech RecruitmentAge Discrimination

The episode covers various topics including Hearst Company overview, remote work and AI in talent acquisition, AI in recruitment and personal touch, recruiting and human dynamics, and a project for technical literacy in India. The topics range from company strategies during COVID, the impact of remote work on productivity, the use of AI in talent acquisition, challenges in tech recruitment, the importance of personal touch in recruitment, age discrimination in job interviews, the human aspect of recruiting, and a project to provide computers and education resources to schools in India's poorest regions.

Talk Talent To Me

Wed May 31 2023

Wellthy Head of Talent Lifecycle Erica Maureen Carder

Talent AcquisitionEmployee EngagementRecruitmentOrganizational Values

The episode features an interview with Maureen Carter, the head of Talent Lifecycle at Wealthy Erica. Maureen discusses her background in process improvement, HR, and recruitment, and her desire to work for a mission-driven company. The episode covers topics such as caregiving, recruiting processes, employee engagement, alignment with organizational values, remote work challenges, and strategies for creating an engaged workforce.

Talk Talent To Me

Thu May 11 2023

Utilizing AI in Recruitment: Activision Blizzard Director of Talent Sourcing Justin Ghio

  • Justin Guillot from Activision shares how his sourcing team is leveraging AI tools for their daily recruiting work.
  • AI in the recruiting space is about making it work for you and understanding its limitations.
  • AI can speed up processes and ideation without replacing what we do....