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Talk Talent To Me

Sibros VP of People Christina Pinheiro

Thu Jul 13 2023
AI in recruitingemployee developmentcontinuous learninginclusivitybias in hiring processwork-life balance


The episode discusses the importance of building a culture of transparency and empowerment at Sibros, including the identification of learning goals relevant to the company and employees. It also explores the implementation of lunch and learn sessions aligned with employees' learning goals, with a focus on continuous improvement through feedback and evaluation. The episode further addresses the promotion of inclusivity, addressing biases in the hiring process, and the significance of work-life balance.


Building a Culture of Transparency and Empowerment

Christina Pignero, Vice President of People at Sibros, is passionate about AI's impact on recruiting and addresses employee growth and broken HR systems. Sibros prioritizes employee development with strong leadership support from the C-suite.

Lunch and Learn Sessions for Continuous Learning

SIBRAs offers lunch and learn sessions aligned with employees' learning goals, covering various topics. The sessions include breakout activities, feedback collection, and involvement of key stakeholders for continuous improvement.

Promoting Inclusivity and Addressing Biases

Sibros aims to promote inclusivity and collaboration, seeking feedback from employees. An interviewing bias session was held to address biases in interview questions and resume evaluation, emphasizing the importance of educating employees about biases.

Addressing Bias in Hiring Process and Work-Life Balance

Educating people on their own biases is preferred over relying on anonymity. AI tools should be seen as additional resources, not replacements. The episode also highlights the significance of setting boundaries for work-life balance and offers tools and resources for career growth.


  1. Building a Culture of Transparency and Empowerment
  2. Lunch and Learn Sessions for Continuous Learning
  3. Promoting Inclusivity and Addressing Biases
  4. Addressing Bias in Hiring Process and Work-Life Balance

Building a Culture of Transparency and Empowerment

00:06 - 07:31

  • Christina Pignero, Vice President of People at Sibros, discusses her passion for AI and its impact on recruiting.
  • Pignero noticed a gap in companies regarding employee growth and broken HR systems, which inspired her to pursue a career addressing these issues.
  • She focuses on building a culture of transparency and empowerment to support employees' career aspirations.
  • Learning and development should be embedded within company culture, not just viewed as a perk.
  • Sibros prioritizes employee development with strong leadership support from the C-suite.
  • They identify learning goals relevant to the company and employees, covering topics like industry trends, technology, leadership skills, and professional development.

Lunch and Learn Sessions for Continuous Learning

07:06 - 14:50

  • Lunch and learn sessions at SIBRAs are aligned with employees' learning goals and interests.
  • Topics covered include industry trends, new technology, leadership skills, professional development, and job-related subjects.
  • The training schedule is carefully planned to determine the frequency and duration of the sessions without disrupting regular work schedules.
  • Internal and external speakers are invited to provide fresh perspectives and valuable knowledge.
  • Communication about the lunch and learn sessions is done through all-hands calls, emails, slack messages, and word of mouth.
  • Incentives such as providing lunch are offered to encourage employee participation.
  • Breakout sessions and activities are included to promote engagement and create a safe space for employees to share their experiences or challenges.
  • Feedback is collected through surveys immediately after each session to assess what was learned and gather suggestions for improvement.
  • Key stakeholders within the company are involved in providing feedback on the training topics to ensure alignment with their teams' objectives.
  • The impact of the lunch and learn sessions is measured through metrics such as employee engagement, knowledge retention, application in the workplace, etc., to determine effectiveness.
  • Continuous improvement is emphasized by evaluating survey results and making necessary adjustments based on feedback received.

Promoting Inclusivity and Addressing Biases

14:21 - 21:48

  • The company aims to promote inclusivity and collaboration among diverse teams.
  • Feedback is being sought from employees regarding suggestions for improvement and topics for future learning sessions.
  • The goal is to help employees grow within their current positions and be promoted to the next level.
  • Alignment with the company's direction is emphasized through all-hands meetings and communication from senior leaders.
  • An interviewing bias session was recently held, which received positive feedback from managers who gained new insights and self-reflection on their biases.
  • Managers were encouraged to recognize biases in their interview questions and avoid unfair bias towards candidates.
  • Biases can stem from personal beliefs, stereotypes, implicit biases, and subjective judgments.
  • The session also addressed how to examine resumes without bias when evaluating candidates.
  • The approach of anonymizing resumes or take-home assignments was discussed as a way to reduce bias in the initial evaluation process.
  • Educating employees about biases was seen as an empowering approach that can lead to better hiring decisions.

Addressing Bias in Hiring Process and Work-Life Balance

21:20 - 28:23

  • Educating people on their own biases is a better approach than relying on anonymity to address bias in the hiring process.
  • Training sessions can enhance interviewing skills and help hiring managers identify biased questions.
  • Using AI tools in recruiting should be seen as an additional resource, not a replacement for human judgment and expertise.
  • AI tools like chat GPT can automate certain tasks and provide industry responses, but they don't give a finished product and should be used as an assistant or recruiting coordinator.
  • Setting clear boundaries between work and personal life is important for achieving work-life balance.
  • Open communication, coaching, and self-care routines are essential for career growth and development.
  • Service offers tools and resources to empower employees and foster career mobility.