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Talent & Growth presented by The Animo Group

Smart Work over Hard Work: Revolutionizing Workplace through Coaching

Tue Jul 11 2023
talent attractiontalent retentioncoaching programinternal coachingcareer progression


The episode discusses the importance and impact of coaching in talent attraction and retention. Guests from Hedrem Assisted share their experience with implementing a coaching program. Headroom Assistance, a niche human services company, focuses on talent retention and internal talent pipeline development. They invest in internal coaches to maintain service levels and provide career progression. The episode explores the implementation and key elements of a successful coaching program, as well as the benefits and considerations of internal coaching programs.


Coaching is crucial for talent retention and development

Headroom Assistance focuses on upskilling junior EAs to motivate employees and attract international hires. Internal coaches help maintain service levels and provide career progression.

Implementing a coaching program requires careful planning

Analyzing the need for internal job mobility, prioritizing internal talent development, and overcoming challenges in finding the right people are key steps.

Key elements of a successful coaching program

Having the right people with the right skills, offering training and development, ensuring confidentiality and alignment, and using regular check-ins and assessments contribute to success.

Benefits of internal coaching programs

Internal coaching programs help develop employees, increase retention, and allow for growth within the organization. They can be tailored to company needs and benefit different industries.


  1. Introduction to the podcast on talent attraction and retention
  2. Importance of Coaching in Talent Retention and Development
  3. Implementing a Coaching Program for Talent Development
  4. Key Elements of a Successful Coaching Program
  5. Benefits and Considerations of Internal Coaching Programs

Introduction to the podcast on talent attraction and retention

00:02 - 07:53

  • Discussion on the importance and impact of coaching in the workplace
  • Guests Sonia Sheerbold and Carmen Stan from Hedrem Assisted share their experience with implementing a coaching program
  • Offer of a money-back guarantee by the Nemo Group for embedded talent services
  • Introduction of Sonia Sheerbold as the International Head of People at Headroom Assistance
  • Introduction of Carmen Stan as a coach at Headroom Assistance with a background in hotel management
  • Explanation of Headroom Assistance as a niche human services company with remote work capabilities
  • Description of different levels within the EA team at Headroom Assistance, including junior, advanced, expert, and coach
  • Overview of clients served by Headroom Assistance, including tech entrepreneurs and remote working companies

Importance of Coaching in Talent Retention and Development

07:28 - 16:09

  • Headroom works with tech entrepreneurs, startups, remote working companies, and even amusement park management teams.
  • They focus on talent retention and internal talent pipeline development.
  • They help junior EAs become more mid-level and senior through upskilling.
  • This motivates employees to stay with the company and use their skills for different tasks.
  • The development of talent internally is crucial for attracting international hires and providing growth opportunities.
  • Headroom invests in internal coaches to maintain service levels across different levels of EAs.
  • Coaches also help with employee satisfaction and provide a next step for career progression.
  • EAs at Headroom assist multiple members in various tasks, ensuring consistent service regardless of the assistant assigned.
  • Senior EAs who are coaches have a smaller member base to manage their time effectively.
  • Planning ahead helps allocate resources during busy periods like assessments.

Implementing a Coaching Program for Talent Development

15:40 - 23:39

  • The CFO and the speaker have a weekly meeting to assess the workload and plan ahead
  • They prioritize smart work over hard work, focusing on efficiency and effectiveness
  • The coach team is now part of the people team, allowing for direct lines of communication and quick decision-making
  • They have a framework for meetings, communication, and announcements to ensure smart choices are made daily
  • They use automation and templates to streamline communications within the team
  • They assess their team's workload and align with other departments like finance and sales
  • They have a small remote team that promotes approachability and collaboration
  • They have made progress in working smarter by aligning with marketing and communication strategies
  • Implementing a coaching program starts with analyzing the need for internal job mobility
  • Developing talent internally is prioritized before external hiring
  • A combination of training, coaching sessions, and on-the-job opportunities is essential for skill development
  • The coach role is seen as desirable, which helps attract talent internally
  • Challenges in setting up a coaching program include finding the right people for the role

Key Elements of a Successful Coaching Program

23:16 - 31:58

  • Coaching positions require the right people with the right skills and motivation.
  • Salary also plays a role in attracting coaches.
  • Companies need to analyze their needs and offer training and development to fill any gaps.
  • Training the existing team and offering different types of training is important.
  • Confidentiality and alignment within the organization are crucial for coaching success.
  • Calibration moments help ensure different perspectives are considered in assessments.
  • Steps should be set out for coaches to know what to expect and how to progress.
  • Regular check-ins, quality frameworks, and assessments are used to measure success and identify areas for improvement.
  • Coaches have a connection with the team and can step in when needed.
  • Coaching work helps inform talent development strategies within the company.
  • A successful coaching program has helped stabilize the business during challenging times.

Benefits and Considerations of Internal Coaching Programs

31:30 - 38:35

  • The company has a steady team and a high member base, which has helped the employees feel happy and avoid depression while working from home.
  • Both the EAs and members are satisfied with the service provided by the coaching program.
  • The coaching program helps in making faster decisions and retaining talent within the company.
  • To establish a coaching program, organizations need to identify the problem they are trying to solve, invest time and money into internal coaching, involve various departments like finance and management, regularly evaluate progress, and consider external knowledge when needed.
  • Internal coaching programs can help companies develop their employees, increase employee retention, and allow for growth within the organization.
  • Choosing between an internal or external coaching program depends on factors like company size, affordability, and alignment with the company's service or product.
  • Having coaches who understand the work day of employees and have deep expertise in their field is beneficial for different industries.