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The Revenue Marketing Report

Why Every B2B Marketer Needs the Outrageous Offer

Thu May 18 2023
marketingoutrageous offersemail deliverabilitycybersecuritycompelling offersclarity in marketingeffective guaranteessuccess stories


This episode covers the importance of outrageous offers in marketing, email deliverability and cybersecurity, creating compelling offers and clarity in marketing, effective guarantees and offers, and success stories of companies using outrageous offers. The topics discussed include finding and hiring the right leaders, buyer behavior and email preferences, sales engagement tools and deliverability issues, improving email deliverability, the current buying process, creating simple and clear messages, identifying missed opportunities, understanding customer questions and concerns, providing upfront pricing, selling results and offering guarantees, creating conditional guarantees, addressing objections and concerns, improving customer satisfaction, using personalized videos, experimentation in finding resonating offers, Caliber Mind's data transformation package, and success stories of companies achieving seven-figure revenue.


Outrageous offers provide certainty in an uncertain world

Outrageous offers are especially appealing to millennials who have experienced major events that changed the landscape.

Lower prices often result in lower perceived value

It is important to justify higher price points with added benefits to avoid lowering the perceived value of a product or service.

Landing in the inbox is crucial for successful marketing

Marketing emails that land in spam are ineffective, so it is important to prioritize email deliverability and follow best practices.

Creating simple and clear messages leads to better results

Marketing efforts should focus on providing clarity on the product or service, target audience, and pricing to improve effectiveness.

Understanding customer questions and concerns can guide offer development

By addressing customer questions and concerns, businesses can develop compelling offers that resonate with their target audience.

Providing pricing upfront can save time

Including pricing information upfront can help disqualify prospects who cannot afford a product or service, saving time for both parties.

Effective guarantees can be created through case studies and monthly updates

Conditional guarantees can be maintained by providing case studies or outrageous offers at the start of a campaign and providing monthly updates.

Reducing time to get results improves customer satisfaction

By streamlining processes and making it easy for clients to get started, businesses can improve customer satisfaction and retention.

Personalized videos from high-level executives enhance client experience

Sending personalized videos from high-level executives can make clients feel valued and improve their overall experience with a company.

Success stories demonstrate the potential of outrageous offers

Companies that have achieved seven-figure revenue through outrageous offers serve as reassurance that success is possible even in a struggling economy.


  1. Introduction
  2. Email Deliverability and Cybersecurity
  3. Creating Compelling Offers and Clarity in Marketing
  4. Effective Guarantees and Offers
  5. Teaching Outrageous Offers and Success Stories


00:01 - 07:13

  • Dave Valentine is a serial entrepreneur and business owner with eight successful companies in the marketing space.
  • He focuses on developing leaders and helping operators generate revenue and lead their teams effectively.
  • Finding and hiring the right leaders is challenging, but having a system based on core values makes it easier.
  • Today's topic is why every marketer needs an outrageous offer.
  • Buyer behavior is evolving, and email is preferred by 88% of B2B buyers for contact.
  • Outrageous offers provide certainty in an uncertain world, especially for millennials who have experienced major events that changed the landscape.
  • Increasing price and value above that price creates a winning offer.
  • Lower prices often result in lower perceived value, so it's important to justify higher price points with added benefits.
  • Sales engagement tools can cause deliverability issues if not used properly, including high bounce rates and being reported as spam.
  • Validating emails before sending them and ensuring relevance of content are crucial considerations before setting salespeople loose.

Email Deliverability and Cybersecurity

07:04 - 13:59

  • Russia's invasion of Ukraine led to a significant increase in cyber attacks, prompting major corporations to prioritize cybersecurity.
  • Email service providers were concerned about cyber attacks using their platforms to send out bogus emails.
  • Automation and email service providers can detect if emails are not sent by real people.
  • Best practices for improving email deliverability include setting up domains effectively and implementing BIMI and D mark.
  • Some email aliases may experience reduced domain health over time, requiring them to be put back into rotation.
  • Google will no longer allow auto-warming of inboxes starting in March, requiring innovative strategies like flooding inboxes with high domain authority newsletters.
  • Landing in the inbox is crucial for successful marketing, as landing in spam renders the message ineffective.
  • The current buying process requires more touches to capture someone's attention compared to previous years.

Creating Compelling Offers and Clarity in Marketing

13:29 - 19:59

  • Most marketing lacks clarity on the product or service, target audience, and pricing.
  • Creating simple and clear messages leads to better results.
  • Companies often overlook the value they already offer and fail to market it effectively.
  • Having an outsider's perspective can help identify missed opportunities.
  • Understanding customer questions and concerns can guide the development of compelling offers.
  • Providing pricing upfront can save time by disqualifying prospects who cannot afford it.
  • The framework for developing an outrageous offer includes focusing on selling a result, not just a process, and offering guarantees.

Effective Guarantees and Offers

19:36 - 26:21

  • Understanding what you are really selling is crucial in creating effective guarantees and offers.
  • Conditional guarantees can be created by having case studies or outrageous offers at the start of a campaign, with monthly updates to maintain the guarantee.
  • Objections can be seen as opportunities to find solutions and address concerns.
  • Reducing the time to get results and making it easy for clients to get started can improve customer satisfaction.
  • Personalized videos from high-level executives can make clients feel valued and improve their experience.
  • Experimentation is important in finding the right offers that resonate with customers.
  • Caliber Mind's main offering is connecting and cleaning marketing data to help businesses make confident decisions.
  • The number one objection they face is messy data, so they offer a data transformation package for 90 days to address this concern.
  • The goal of the package is not a long-term commitment but rather a trial period to see if working together would be beneficial.
  • This offer has potential as a back pocket sales item that could lead to long-term partnerships.

Teaching Outrageous Offers and Success Stories

25:58 - 28:45

  • Teach people how to create outrageous offers for free.
  • Six out of eight companies are doing seven figures.
  • Acquired four companies this year, two crossed the seven figure mark.
  • Reassurance that success is possible even in a struggling economy.
  • Active on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok with handle @realdvel.
  • Regularly puts out content on social media platforms.
  • Encourages listeners to write reviews and subscribe to the podcast.