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The Body of Knowledge

The Five (Voltron) Tenants

Tue Aug 13 2019
fitnesscoachinglong-term commitmentgrowth mindsetlegacyvalue clarificationteaching


The episode discusses the conflicts between the fitness market and what coaches want to deliver. It emphasizes the importance of reframing the conversation about fitness and considering long-term commitment. Building relationships, accountability, and purpose are crucial for long-term success. The Voltron system, consisting of five guideposts, helps align goals and decision-making. The episode also explores the impact of growth mindset, connection, and contribution in coaching. It highlights the value of leaving a legacy and the role of clear values in effective coaching. Additionally, it discusses the importance of clarifying the value and benefits of products or services and starting with why, how, and what.


Fitness market conflicts with what coaches want to deliver

The fitness market's focus on short-term goals conflicts with coaches' emphasis on long-term commitment and sustainable practices.

Building relationships and accountability is crucial

Coaches need to prioritize building meaningful relationships with clients and holding themselves accountable for delivering purposeful sessions.

Purpose, growth, connection, contribution, and value are key tenets

These guideposts help steer clients on their journey towards long-term success in fitness and other endeavors.

Growth mindset and connection are important in coaching

Coaches should foster growth mindset in clients and connect with them on both scientific and emotional levels.

Leaving a legacy and having clear values are crucial in coaching

Coaches should strive to leave a lasting impact and live by clear values in their coaching practices.

Clarifying value and starting with why are important

Coaches should clarify the value and benefits of their services and start with why, how, and what to align goals and prevent blame games.

Long-term investment requires effort and purpose

Investing in long-term goals can be enjoyable and rewarding, but it requires effort and a deeper sense of purpose.

Teaching should focus on critical thinking and connection

Teachers should prioritize building critical thinking skills and fostering connections among students for a more meaningful learning experience.

Creating a collaborative learning environment enhances learning

Framing the learning environment as a collaborative effort among students fosters accountability and enhances the overall learning experience.

Assessing value received from education is important

Educators should assess whether students are receiving value from their education in terms of both financial investment and meaningful experience.


  1. Fitness market conflicts with what coaches want to deliver
  2. Taking a long-term approach can safeguard against natural insecurities and deficiencies
  3. Coaching staff should be held accountable for delivering on their promises to clients.
  4. They're angry that I wasn't there and I think about the people that will shame me for not going to class
  5. Training programs require a clear purpose and alignment with coaches
  6. Leaving a legacy is important, whether as a player or coach
  7. The Voltron system is a set of five tenets that serve as guideposts for leadership and decision-making.
  8. Coaches in the team can critique each other and keep each other in check.
  9. Starting with why, how, and what is recommended by Simon Sinek in his book and TED Talk.
  10. YOLO County is a captivating phrase that justifies any behavior
  11. The focus of teaching should be on building better critical thinking skills rather than just imparting information.
  12. Framing the learning environment as a place where students can make each other better creates more accountability and a more powerful learning experience.

Fitness market conflicts with what coaches want to deliver

00:00 - 07:36

  • People view fitness as a consumable commodity
  • Misalignment between gym's offerings and people's expectations
  • Need to reframe the conversation about fitness
  • Consider how assets (time, money, energy) are deployed in physical practice
  • Most fitness focuses on short-term goals, which is not sustainable
  • Bouncing from one thing to another leads to failure and frustration
  • Long-term commitment increases confidence and competence
  • Need to have a clear conversation about long-term commitment with clients
  • People are motivated by desires and feelings, need to engage intellectually for long-term success

Taking a long-term approach can safeguard against natural insecurities and deficiencies

07:08 - 14:18

  • Short-sighted training can lead to failure and lack of adaptation
  • The investment mindset in fitness focuses on long-term goals and high-touch experiences
  • Consumption model of fitness is short-term biased with low-touch experiences
  • Building relationships and accountability is crucial for long-term success
  • Tenants for an investment track include purpose, growth, connection, contribution, and value
  • Longer form conversations are important for building meaningful relationships
  • Value is defined as helping clients on their growth trajectory with specific goals in mind

Coaching staff should be held accountable for delivering on their promises to clients.

13:53 - 20:17

  • Meaningful conversations and building relationships require time and authenticity.
  • Starting with the client's end goal in mind helps establish clarity and purpose.
  • Growth is a key aspect of coaching, and if a client is not growing, something is not working.
  • Connection between coach and client, as well as connection to the broader experience, is crucial.
  • Autonomy, relatedness, and connection are important aspects of self-determination theory in coaching.
  • Contribution and feeling valued contribute to the overall coaching experience.
  • Safeguards such as purpose, growth, connection, and contribution help steer clients on their journey.
  • Building stickiness in the growth process helps prevent drifting back into old habits or patterns.
  • Passion alone is fleeting; having a larger purpose keeps clients motivated.
  • Accountability is important in coaching; both coach and client have responsibilities in the relationship.
  • Personal attention and small organizations help ensure clients are not overlooked or forgotten.

They're angry that I wasn't there and I think about the people that will shame me for not going to class

19:54 - 26:27

  • The connection and contribution in the gym environment is important
  • Positive psychology and self-determination theory show that people need connection and purpose
  • The five tenants were chosen as guideposts instead of laws or principles
  • The author's coaching experience led to a focus on growth and purpose
  • Start With Why by Simon Sinek influenced the importance of knowing why we do things
  • People often make poor choices without understanding their purpose
  • Harnessing emotions around a deeper purpose is necessary for consistency
  • Telling stories can rationalize irrational behavior, so accountability to purpose is crucial
  • Purpose is deep and motivates people to show up even when they don't want to
  • A coach helps align an individual with their purpose and holds them accountable

Training programs require a clear purpose and alignment with coaches

26:07 - 32:54

  • Lack of accountability in reading assignments led to misunderstandings
  • Coaches need to understand their purpose and be clear about it
  • Explicitly demanding responsibility from the team is essential
  • Requisite reading for the Craftsman's workshop includes 'Why' and 'Mindset'
  • 'Mindset' by Carol Dweck establishes the importance of growth mindset
  • Introducing friction points for growth requires awareness and mindfulness
  • 'Tribe' by Sebastian Younger explores self-determination theory and its impact on behavior
  • Autonomy, relatedness, and connection are crucial in high touch environments
  • 'Legacy' by James Kerr emphasizes leaving a positive impact during limited time

Leaving a legacy is important, whether as a player or coach

32:40 - 39:29

  • Recognizing and utilizing different energies in the team environment
  • Balancing individual energy with the growth of others
  • Being part of something bigger than oneself brings more depth and meaning
  • The book 'Legacy' emphasizes the importance of leaving a lasting impact
  • 'To Sell Is Human' guides coaches to focus on value and long-term success

The Voltron system is a set of five tenets that serve as guideposts for leadership and decision-making.

39:03 - 45:33

  • Voltron is a reference to a fictional character made up of five super lions that come together to form a powerful defender of the galaxy.
  • Integrating multiple concepts at once is essential for coaching at Oak Park.
  • There is a misuse of Dweck's work on growth mindset, with many people failing to intentionally introduce friction points and measure their effectiveness over time.
  • Leadership requires effort in areas such as purpose, growth, connection, contribution, and value creation.
  • These tenets are applicable not only to physical training but also to building a business or any other endeavor.
  • Coaches need to connect with clients on both scientific and emotional levels.
  • A coach should provide reflection points and hold themselves accountable for delivering purposeful sessions where growth occurs.
  • The Voltron system can be executed by having the five tenets visible in the office or using them as discussion points during coach development sessions.
  • Coaches can critique each other based on whether they demonstrate clear purpose, follow through on commitments, and maintain focus in their coaching.

Coaches in the team can critique each other and keep each other in check.

45:06 - 52:13

  • Connecting with the people being coached is important, and explicit systems are used to facilitate this.
  • Cross-checking coaches' contributions helps ensure everyone is working towards the same goal.
  • The introduction of books as a critical part of coaching certification has been beneficial.
  • The books provide great leadership guidance and are recommended for any business.
  • The concepts in the books are not complex, but their execution can be challenging.
  • Reduced glaring failures have been observed since implementing the tool set for critiquing each other.
  • Having clear values and living them is crucial for effective coaching.
  • Different populations at the gym had different purposes for being there, which caused tension until messaging was clarified.
  • Established routines and habits were not communicated effectively between coaches and long-time members until tension arose.
  • Middle group bridged the gap between old guard and new members by embracing growth mindset and seeking deeper practice.
  • 'Sustainable growth' became the new value of what they do at the gym, replacing classic CrossFit workouts (wads).
  • The leader changed the value first, then communicated benefits (how), before addressing specific features like workouts.

Starting with why, how, and what is recommended by Simon Sinek in his book and TED Talk.

51:48 - 58:30

  • Changing features can disrupt momentum and cause resistance from consumers.
  • Clarifying the value and benefits of a product or service is important.
  • Separation anxiety can occur when members leave a gym or community.
  • Starting with the end in mind helps prevent blame games in coaching relationships.
  • The Voltron system helps coaches, leaders, and athletes align their goals for long-term success.
  • Consumptive physical training alone leads to limited results in the fitness industry.
  • Long-term investment requires effort but can also be enjoyable and rewarding.
  • 'YOLO' represents a mindset of doing whatever one wants without considering long-term consequences.

YOLO County is a captivating phrase that justifies any behavior

58:00 - 1:04:55

  • Long-term investment can be delivered in a fun and engaging way
  • Giving athletes some choice increases adherence
  • Understanding the complexity of humanity should drive decision making
  • The Voltron system provides a quick diagnostic for problem areas
  • Purpose and growth are important factors in teaching

The focus of teaching should be on building better critical thinking skills rather than just imparting information.

1:04:28 - 1:11:01

  • Investing in the culture of the classroom and fostering connections among students is important.
  • Giving students autonomy and allowing them to choose their own assignments helps deepen their connection to the subject and the instructor.
  • Creating a human connection with students by sharing personal stories and interests can make the learning experience more meaningful.
  • The idea of leaving a legacy through teaching is something that requires further reflection and evaluation.
  • While it's possible to have a lasting impact on some students, there is room for improvement in reaching a higher percentage of students.
  • Framing the learning environment as a collaborative effort among students can enhance the overall learning experience.

Framing the learning environment as a place where students can make each other better creates more accountability and a more powerful learning experience.

1:10:33 - 1:13:54

  • Referring to students as teams and teammates helps foster collaboration and support among them.
  • Assessing whether students are receiving value from their education, both in terms of the money they pay and the meaningful experience they gain, is important for educators.
  • Building assessments around the value students receive can help evaluate the effectiveness of teaching.
  • The Craftsman's workshop offers extensive training on the concepts discussed in this episode.
  • The practical tips shared in this episode can be applied to coaching practices or evaluating investments in education.