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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2130: The Truth About Hair Loss With Jay Campbell & Nick Andrews

Mon Jul 31 2023
Hair LossPeptidesRegenerationScalp HealthDHT Regulation


Jay Campbell and Nick Andrews discuss the truth about hair loss, the potential of peptides in stopping and reversing it, and their own formula for a hair loss product. They explore the advantages of peptides over pharmaceutical drugs, including minimal side effects and addressing underlying factors. The conversation also covers the challenges faced by pharmaceutical companies and the need for a shift in the industry's profit-driven business model. The episode delves into the complexities of hair loss, highlighting the importance of blood flow, mitochondrial health, and DHT regulation. It concludes with insights on peptide-based treatments for hair regrowth and scalp health.


Peptides offer a better alternative to popular hair loss drugs

Peptides have minimal side effects and address underlying factors, unlike pharmaceutical drugs.

Pharmaceutical companies prioritize guaranteed returns over potential solutions

The profit-driven business model limits innovation and risk-taking in the industry.

Hair loss is a complex issue involving multiple factors

Addressing blood flow, mitochondrial health, and DHT regulation is crucial for effective treatment.

Peptides have regenerative effects in the brain and body

Certain peptides like thymus beta four (TB 500) and BPC show promise in promoting regeneration.

Blocking DHT alone is not an effective approach for hair loss

DHT is a contributing factor, but other factors such as blood flow and inflammation also play a role.

Peptide-based treatments can stimulate hair regrowth

Combining peptides with techniques like micro-needling and actifolicals can enhance their effects.

Individual cellular health plays a significant role in treatment effectiveness

Taking care of overall health and using products that support cellular health can improve outcomes.

Future formulations may target specific areas like eyebrows

There is potential for peptide-based treatments to address hair loss in different body parts.


  1. Hair Loss and Peptides
  2. Peptides vs. Pharmaceutical Drugs
  3. Peptides for Regeneration and Healing

Hair Loss and Peptides

00:00 - 06:44

  • Jay Campbell and Nick Andrews discuss the truth about hair loss and how peptides can help stop and reverse it.
  • Peptides are a better alternative to popular hair loss drugs that can have negative side effects.
  • They talk about their own formula for a hair loss product that combines peptides.
  • Listeners can get a discount on the product through Mind Pump's website.
  • Nick Andrews has a background in biochemical engineering and worked in pharma and biotech for 20 years.
  • He got interested in peptides due to personal health challenges and started exploring their potential.
  • After two years of research, he found that peptides helped him regain functionality in his shoulder after an injury.
  • Peptides offer promising solutions for various health issues.

Peptides vs. Pharmaceutical Drugs

06:21 - 18:43

  • Peptides are harder to patent, which is why pharmaceutical companies may not be interested in them.
  • Peptides are made up of amino acids and can be stacked together to form proteins.
  • Many peptides only require a fragment to produce a biological effect.
  • Pharmaceutical companies can create shortened versions of peptides and launch them at a lower cost than the original product.
  • Regulations and laws cannot effectively protect pharmaceutical companies from competition with peptides.
  • Peptides and bioregulators treat the root cause of issues, while pharmaceutical drugs often focus on symptomology.
  • The high cost and subscription model expectations from Wall Street make it difficult for pharmaceutical companies to profit from one-time purchases like peptides.
  • Pharma companies prioritize guaranteed returns over experimental potential solutions.
  • Peptides act as keys to open specific processes in the body, mimicking the body's own peptides.
  • Peptides have minimal side effects compared to synthetic or chemical drugs.
  • Addressing underlying factors is crucial for effective regeneration and healing.
  • Initially, there was resistance and skepticism towards peptide therapy.
  • Big Pharma's profit-driven business model is a fundamental problem in the industry.
  • The high cost of bringing drugs to market limits innovation and risk-taking.
  • The cost of bringing pharmaceuticals to market creates adverse incentives in the industry.
  • Tying the pharmaceutical industry to Wall Street leads to a focus on quarterly earnings and penalizes companies that don't meet targets.
  • A rating system could be implemented to indicate the level of proven effectiveness and risk for different treatments.
  • Allowing consumers more choice in their medical treatments can help address perverse incentives in the system.
  • The winners in the pharmaceutical industry take the majority of resources and political clout, leaving many losers.

Peptides for Regeneration and Healing

18:17 - 1:16:02

  • Peptides are often used for a few months to kickstart regenerative processes, while drugs are typically used long-term with side effects.
  • Synthetic compounds generally cannot be regenerative, unlike peptides.
  • Adderall and similar dopaminogenic compounds can reduce empathy over time, which is an unfortunate long-term effect not widely discussed.
  • Adderall can shape the brain and body
  • Adderall has a strong effect on everyone who takes it
  • Certain peptides like thymus beta four (TB 500) and BPC have regenerative effects in the brain and body
  • Oral forms of peptides are generally not biologically active to a significant degree
  • Modified forms of BPC, like BPC 157 Arginate, can survive passing through the stomach and help with digestive issues
  • Many BPC formulations without Arginine are destabilized in the stomach and have negligible effects
  • KPV in an enteric capsule can have positive effects on gut health
  • BPC and TB500 are recommended for TBI military patients to address brain swelling
  • Peptide stacks including BPC and TP500 can prevent TBI symptoms from fully manifesting
  • Interrupting the inflammatory cascade early can prevent the full development of injuries like sunburn or TBI.
  • GHK CU has shown impressive results in preventing sunburn when applied topically.
  • Hair loss is a big market, and current treatments focus on blocking DHT or its receptors.
  • Blocking DHT alone is not a great approach as it ignores other factors contributing to hair loss.
  • DHT is not the root cause of hair loss but a contributing factor.
  • Suppressing DHT can have negative effects on overall well-being and sexual functioning.
  • Blocking biological pathways like DHT can lead to side effects such as depression and erectile dysfunction.
  • Finasteride and Dutasteride are popular drugs that block the conversion of testosterone to DHT, resulting in lower DHT levels.
  • Despite having higher testosterone levels, some men experience erectile dysfunction and depression when taking these drugs, indicating the importance of DHT.
  • Blocking DHT with these drugs may accelerate cellular aging at the molecular level.
  • Companies involved in this research have data showing negative effects of blocking DHT but have not made it public yet.
  • Minoxidil, originally a blood pressure lowering drug, was found to help with hair loss by increasing blood flow in the scalp.
  • Hair loss is a complex issue involving multiple factors such as blood flow, mitochondrial health, stem cell state in the follicle, and overall inflammation.
  • Exposure to harsh elements like heavy metals or sun can contribute to microinflammations in the scalp and worsen hair loss.
  • Exposure to harsh elements and heavy metals can cause microinflammations in the scalp, leading to hair loss.
  • Red light therapy combined with GHK CU (copper peptide) has a synergistic effect on hair regrowth and wound healing.
  • Using a DHT inhibitor like minoxidil or finasteride can stimulate hair growth, but stopping its use can lead to accelerated hair loss.
  • Blocking DHT receptors may cause the body to up-regulate those receptors, resulting in rebound hair loss when the blocker is discontinued.
  • Blood flow, mitochondrial health, and DHT are key factors in addressing hair loss.
  • There are subsets of treatments under these core factors.
  • Hair loss is a complex issue and not every solution works for everyone.
  • The company aims to positively affect as many people as possible by targeting multiple pathways that affect hair loss.
  • They avoid messing with hormones and focus on providing the right conditions for the body to fix itself.
  • The product contains three peptides and fullerenes carbon 60, but the formulation is proprietary.
  • GHK CU is one of the peptides used and it can impact cells at the DNA level, switching them from an unhealthy state to a healthy state.
  • GHK CU also promotes angiogenesis, repairing existing blood flow and stimulating new blood flow in the scalp area.
  • Most peptides can be absorbed through the skin, but not all penetrate deep enough for systemic distribution. This is beneficial when focusing on hair growth.
  • The speaker initially got into peptide skin products to address skin issues caused by Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training.
  • I discovered GHK CU as a solution for my skin issues.
  • I made a serum with GHK CU and saw significant improvement in my skin within five days.
  • The hair product also contains carbon 60 fullerenes, which acts as a super antioxidant.
  • Carbon 60 fullerenes absorb waste and improve the absorption of GHK CU into the scalp.
  • The hair product is specifically designed for scalp health, not for putting into the hair.
  • It works better for women than men, especially for hormonally related hair loss.
  • The product improves angiogenesis in the scalp and overall scalp health.
  • Some women get excited about regrowth and start applying the product to their hair instead of the scalp, which is not recommended.
  • There is hope for regenerating follicles that are not fully dead, but it is a slow process that can take six to twelve months.
  • Using a product called actifolicals can stimulate hair growth, even in men without active follicles.
  • Micro-needling is a legitimate technique that helps with absorption and stimulates regeneration of tissue.
  • Combining micro-needling with actifolicals can enhance the effects of both treatments.
  • Applying actifolicals after micro-needling and massaging it into the scalp can promote hair regrowth.
  • Using a juve light for 10-15 minutes after applying actifolicals can further optimize hair regrowth.
  • Taking oral supplements that support hair health can also be beneficial, but they may not produce immediate results.
  • It's important to keep perspective and consider the cost-benefit of different treatments based on individual needs and goals.
  • Actifolicals and peptides work best in individuals who have good cellular health and are not inflamed or unhealthy.
  • Taking care of the big rocks first is important before relying on supplements or fitness products.
  • Biotin peptide has regenerative mechanisms similar to GHK CU and can accelerate pigment reproduction in some people.
  • Combining copper with biotin compounds can help darken hair.
  • There is a peptide that stimulates and helps rebuild the keratin genesis pathway for hair growth.
  • Hair regrowth products are often seen as scams, so seeing results can be surprising.
  • The effectiveness of the product depends on individual cellular health.
  • The product will likely work for those who already take good care of their health.
  • A shampoo or conditioner for thinning hair may be launched in the future.
  • Using a shampoo or conditioner as a preventive measure for hair issues
  • Recommendation to use a leave-in overnight conditioner for scalp health
  • Instructions for those using DHT inhibitors to separate application with the new product
  • After two to four weeks of using the new product, it is safe to stop using DHT inhibitors without experiencing hair fall
  • Potential for future formulations targeted specifically at eyebrows and other body parts
  • Positive feedback from users who have seen improvements in their eyebrows after using the product