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Africa's Crypto Revolution: Leapfrogging into the Future

Tue Aug 01 2023
Crypto AdoptionBlockchain TechnologyWeb3Financial InclusionAfrican Economy


Africa has the potential to revolutionize crypto adoption, providing financial stability, access, identity services, and credit facilities. However, there are barriers such as visa restrictions and lack of trust, identity, and property rights. Blockchain technology can address these challenges and offer alternatives to traditional currencies. Demand for Web3 utility products and services is high in Africa, particularly in finance, identity, and trust. The vision of a borderless Africa aligns with the shared experience and challenges faced by African builders. The network state movement aims to create a new world order in Africa, leveraging crypto and the internet to overcome historical constraints and build nations around shared values and purpose.


Africa's Potential in Crypto Adoption

Africa is poised to adopt and revolutionize crypto protocols, with the ability to leapfrog technology and provide financial stability, access, identity services, and credit facilities.

Challenges in African Crypto Adoption

African countries face barriers such as visa restrictions and lack of trust, identity, and property rights. Decentralization can provide a layer of trust for economic, social, political, and financial institutions.

Addressing Challenges with Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technologies can address challenges in cross-border transactions, access to credit, and the art and creative spaces in Africa. Crypto monies and stablecoins offer alternatives to traditional currencies.

Demand and Adoption of Crypto in Africa

There is high demand for Web3 utility products and services in Africa, particularly in finance, identity, and trust. African users engage with crypto out of genuine need, using stablecoins for cross-border payments and engaging with DeFi.

Addressing Credit Challenges and Building Infrastructure

Pricing risk and cycles of borrowing and repayment are major challenges in the African credit market. Symphintex is using user data from mobile money to build on-chain credit reporting. Kenya and Nigeria are leading countries in crypto adoption.

Africa's Potential for Crypto Adoption

Africa has a large population, young demographic, increasing internet access, and a history of leapfrogging technologies. Crypto can be another leapfrogging opportunity to improve financial services and access to the global economy.

Building a Borderless Africa with Crypto

Africa is adopting crypto out of necessity and aims to power the whole economy with decentralized blockchains. The strategy for increasing adoption involves education, community building, supporting local projects, and building a venture fund.

Bridging African Ecosystems with the Crypto World

The speaker wants to bridge the gap between African ecosystems and the rest of the world, empathizing with founders and builders. Africa's potential in crypto adoption is often undersold. The Ethereum community should get more involved in Africa.

The Network State Movement in Africa

The Afropolist movement aims to overcome historical constraints and build a new world order in Africa. Weak governance systems and haphazard borders contribute to challenges faced by African countries.

The Potential of a Network State Movement in Africa

The network state movement aims to create a new world order that transcends the current status quo. Africa's high poverty rate and devalued currencies make it open to embracing crypto and decentralized systems.


  1. Africa's Potential in Crypto Adoption
  2. Barriers and Challenges in African Crypto Adoption
  3. Addressing Challenges with Blockchain Technology
  4. Demand and Adoption of Crypto in Africa
  5. Addressing Credit Challenges and Building Infrastructure
  6. Africa's Potential for Crypto Adoption
  7. Building a Borderless Africa with Crypto
  8. Bridging African Ecosystems with the Crypto World
  9. The Network State Movement in Africa
  10. Building a New World Order in Africa
  11. The Potential of a Network State Movement in Africa

Africa's Potential in Crypto Adoption

00:04 - 06:55

  • Africa is a continent poised to adopt and revolutionize crypto protocols
  • Developing countries like Africa have the ability to leapfrog technology
  • Crypto adoption in Africa can provide financial stability, access, identity services, and credit facilities
  • Yosef Ayalay is building a borderless Africa using Web3 and believes it will see its first billion users in Africa
  • Echei Emole is working on Afropolitan, a network state project aiming to build an Afro-centric digital nation
  • There is a large divide between Africa's crypto industry and the rest of the world due to visa restrictions

Barriers and Challenges in African Crypto Adoption

06:35 - 13:40

  • African countries face barriers such as visa restrictions, creating a physical divide with the West and other Eastern countries.
  • Africa needs crypto because centralized entities have failed, including ineffective or non-existent governments and banks.
  • Decentralization provides a layer of trust for economic, social, political, and financial institutions in underdeveloped areas.
  • African countries like the Central African Republic have made Bitcoin legal tender out of desperation for control over their monetary policy.
  • Many African countries outsource their money printing to European companies, paying fees that contribute to inflation.
  • Lack of access to digital payment rails limits Africans' participation in online transactions and the digital world.
  • Centralized technology institutions are still gated in Africa due to structural factors and relationships with global economies.
  • The cost of sending money between African countries is high due to inefficient routes through Europe and the US.

Addressing Challenges with Blockchain Technology

13:18 - 20:21

  • Sending money from one African country to another often involves routing through Europe and incurring high fees.
  • Lack of trust, identity, and property rights are major obstacles to development in Africa.
  • Blockchain technologies can address these issues by creating shared consensus-based truth.
  • African countries have advanced payment systems, but face challenges with cross-border transactions and accessing credit.
  • The art and creative spaces in Africa can benefit from blockchain technology, particularly NFTs.
  • Crypto monies and stablecoins offer valid alternatives to traditional currencies in Africa.
  • Lower fees and global access make crypto banking attractive in Africa.
  • Established bank accounts on Ethereum enable Africans to engage in more sophisticated financial tools like DeFi.

Demand and Adoption of Crypto in Africa

19:55 - 26:20

  • Established bank accounts on Ethereum allow for engagement in more sophisticated financial tools called DeFi.
  • Demand for Web3 utility products and services is high in Africa, particularly in the areas of money, finance, identity, and trust.
  • Settlement assurances are a core part of crypto's power, ensuring that what you think is yours actually is.
  • African users engage with crypto not as a casino but because they genuinely need it as a better tool.
  • Crypto stablecoins are used for cross-border payments and hedging against inflation and currency devaluation in Africa.
  • Fintech startups in Africa are using crypto at the back end to provide better financial services than banks do.
  • Individual Africans adopting crypto tools improve the FinTech layer of Africa's financial services sector.
  • The credit space in Africa sees action with fintechs charging high interest rates due to perceived risk and inefficient markets.
  • Liquidity and pricing risk are major challenges in the African credit market.

Addressing Credit Challenges and Building Infrastructure

25:56 - 32:38

  • The main issue with pricing risk in the market is how to price it and the cycles of borrowing and repayment.
  • Symphintex is using user data from mobile money to build on-chain credit reporting and access on-chain liquidity.
  • Credit access is a bigger part of finance than just using stablecoins or DeFi.
  • In Western and Eastern worlds, crypto is seen as a nice-to-have, but in Africa, it can be the first choice for financial services.
  • The venture landscape in Africa is still developing, with a focus on building core infrastructure and solving local problems.
  • African builders are working on original applications like transparent medicine purchasing through blockchain technology.
  • Crypto adoption in Africa started in 2018-2019 and already has the highest number of users compared to other continents.
  • Kenya and Nigeria are among the top countries for crypto adoption, with $100 billion of on-chain transaction volume last year.

Africa's Potential for Crypto Adoption

32:15 - 38:45

  • Kenya and Nigeria are the top two countries in crypto adoption index in Africa.
  • Last year, Africa had $100 billion of on-chain transaction volume.
  • Africa has a population of 1.4 billion people, which is larger than Europe, the United States, and South America combined.
  • The average age in Africa is 19, making it the youngest part of the world.
  • About 590 million Africans have access to the internet, with a growth rate of 6% per year.
  • In urban areas where 40% of the population lives, internet access is very high.
  • Many young Africans are learning online and teaching themselves skills like programming through platforms like YouTube.
  • African developers are often self-taught or learn on the job.
  • People in Africa are earning real income from working in crypto without meeting anyone in person.
  • Africa has a history of leapfrogging technologies, such as going mobile-first instead of desktop-first.
  • Mobile money has already leapfrogged traditional banking systems in Africa.
  • Crypto can be another leapfrogging opportunity for Africa to improve its financial services and access to the global economy.

Building a Borderless Africa with Crypto

38:21 - 45:19

  • Africa is adopting crypto out of necessity and is learning to use and refine it organically.
  • Accepting crypto in Africa is easier compared to other continents due to lower barriers.
  • Success in Africa's crypto adoption is not just about shops accepting crypto, but about using crypto for things that fiat cannot do.
  • The bigger opportunity in Africa is to power the whole economy with decentralized blockchains like Ethereum.
  • African governments are still wary of crypto, but the people are driving its adoption and building infrastructure despite government resistance.
  • Africa has the potential to become borderless using tools like Ethereum and crypto, breaking down physical, economic, and psychological borders.
  • The vision of a borderless Africa aligns with the shared experience and challenges faced by African builders.
  • The strategy for increasing crypto adoption in Africa involves creating fertile soil through education, community building, and awareness, as well as supporting local communities and events.
  • Building forests refers to supporting projects, protocols, and applications that bring the vision of a borderless Africa to life.
  • A venture fund is being built to back African founders who have deep local context and understanding, with a focus on long-term thinking.
  • Being a good capital allocator can help grow the ecosystem within an economy that needs it. The speaker believes they are the right person for this job due to their personal connection with Africa's struggles.

Bridging African Ecosystems with the Crypto World

44:57 - 52:12

  • The speaker has a deep relationship with Africa and wants to bridge the gap between African ecosystems and the rest of the world.
  • The speaker has spent the last 10 years building things and empathizes with founders and builders.
  • The speaker wants to see both the crypto world and Africa succeed in the long term.
  • There are many mercenaries and bad behavior in the crypto space that undersell its value in Africa.
  • The speaker wants to build a thriving community and help global communities understand Africa's journey.
  • China's growth was driven by technology, now it's Africa's turn but the world doesn't fully understand its potential.
  • The Ethereum community should get more involved in Africa as their values align with what Africans want.
  • The speaker is currently setting up a fund and is ready to back projects. Interested parties can reach out via email or Twitter.
  • Africa is crucial for mass adoption of crypto as it represents real-world use cases beyond intellectual circles.
  • Africa contributes to the sustainability of the crypto industry by driving real value through fees.
  • MetaMask Portfolio offers a holistic view of your crypto portfolio across multiple chains and addresses, allowing you to manage all your coins, tokens, and NFTs in one place.
  • Polygon Labs has introduced Polygon 2.0, which provides unlimited scalability and unified liquidity for Web3 applications through ZK-powered innovations like Polygon ZK EVM.
  • Arbitrum offers secure Ethereum scaling solutions for faster transaction speeds, lower gas fees, and an intuitive builder experience.

The Network State Movement in Africa

51:43 - 58:09

  • Arbitrum is a secure scaling technology that allows for faster transaction speeds and lower gas fees on the Ethereum network.
  • Zuzalo represents access to knowledge, capital, and information for Africans who have historically been left out.
  • The Afropolist movement started as an organization focused on cultural events and economic activity in Ghana.
  • Phase two of the movement involved building communities on social audio platform Clubhouse.
  • In April 2021, the idea of a network state was proposed, which inspired the founders to consider starting a new country with shared values and purpose.
  • The ideology of the Afropolist movement is one of abundance, aiming to overcome historical constraints and colonial baggage.

Building a New World Order in Africa

57:45 - 1:04:06

  • Africa is primed for a network state movement due to weak governance systems and historical constraints
  • The weak foundation of governance systems in Africa leads to the collapse of different sectors trying to thrive
  • African countries got their independence later than countries like Vietnam, Singapore, resulting in higher poverty rates
  • Africa's independence was not based on philosophical reflection and choice like other countries
  • Borders in Africa were drawn haphazardly during the Berlin Conference, disregarding cultural divisions
  • Network states allow Africa to digitally withdraw colonial borders and form new nations around shared values and purpose
  • Recruiting individuals with a mindset similar to those who boarded the Mayflower is crucial for building a new world order

The Potential of a Network State Movement in Africa

1:03:39 - 1:05:40

  • The network state movement aims to create a new world order that is better than the current status quo.
  • Crypto and the internet provide the opportunity to organize around shared values and potentially transcend the current status quo.
  • Africa has a high poverty rate and its currencies have been devalued, making it open to embracing crypto and the principles of blockchain.
  • The culture in Africa is ready to accept a network state movement due to the demand in the community and the desire for transparency, accountability, and no single point of failure.
  • African governments have experienced single points of failure, which makes them more open to embracing decentralized systems.