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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2132: Six Reasons Men Today are Weak

Thu Aug 03 2023
men's healthpornographysubstance abusephysical strengthvideo gamesrole modelsloneliness


Men today are facing various challenges that contribute to their weakness, including excessive pornography use, substance abuse, lack of physical strength, video game addiction, absence of good role models, and loneliness. These issues have detrimental effects on mental health, relationships, and personal growth. The accessibility and extreme nature of online pornography have negative consequences on young men's sexual function and behavior towards women. Substance abuse, including the misuse of accepted substances like caffeine and Adderall, is on the rise among young men. Lack of physical strength and excessive video game playing further contribute to weakness. The absence of positive male role models in media and society hinders personal development. Seeking real-life role models and building genuine relationships can combat loneliness exacerbated by technology. It is crucial for men to address these challenges and strive for self-mastery, discipline, and personal growth.


Excessive pornography use has negative effects on mental health and sexual function.

Access to abundant novelty imagery and videos online makes pornography more dangerous than ever before. It shapes behavior around interactions with women, hindering personal growth and communication skills. Excessive consumption of pornography can lead to a decline in motivation, risk-taking, and bravery in the world.

Substance abuse among young men is a growing concern.

Accepted substances like caffeine and Adderall are being abused as means of distraction or numbing from challenges or issues. Overdoses among men are increasing. Challenging oneself to abstain from substances can be motivating for young men.

Lack of physical strength contributes to weakness in men.

Weak men tend to be more toxic and fearful, while strong men are more confident and tempered. The physical demands of everyday life have decreased, leading to a need for intentional physical activity to maintain strength. Lifting weights a couple of days a week can make a significant difference in young men's lives.

Video games can hinder personal growth and pursuit of real-life goals.

Video games have become a distraction, numbing agent, and replacement for taking risks and socializing. Men are more likely to become addicted to video games because they are driven to pursue goals and accomplish them. Cutting off video game playing can lead to greater success in pursuing real-life goals.

The absence of good male role models affects personal development.

There is a lack of good male role models in the media, with portrayals often being either violent or docile. Finding good role models who are good fathers, providers, partners, disciplined, consistent, and honest is important. Social media highlights superficial desires and material possessions without showing the dark or empty side of those lifestyles.

Loneliness among men is an epidemic exacerbated by technology.

Loneliness contributes to chronic disease, depression, anxiety, and suicide risk. Effective distractions and technology play a major role in contributing to loneliness. Joining men's groups or structured activities can help adults meet new people and build social connections.


  1. Weakness in Men
  2. Effects of Pornography
  3. Impact of Online Pornography
  4. Rise in Substance Abuse
  5. Importance of Physical Strength
  6. Negative Impact of Video Games
  7. Importance of Role Models
  8. Finding Real Role Models
  9. Impact of Technology on Loneliness

Weakness in Men

00:01 - 06:52

  • Men today are weak in every sense of the word.
  • Six main reasons why men are weak: pornography, substance abuse, lack of physical strength, video games, no good role models, and loneliness.
  • Young men today face challenges like suicide rates, depression, and anxiety.
  • Confidence and discipline are important qualities of a strong man.
  • The opposite of a strong man is what we're seeing more of today.
  • Access to pornography has increased significantly in recent years and has negative effects on young men's mental health and sexual function.
  • The abundance of novelty imagery and videos online makes it more dangerous than ever before.
  • Pornography is not as innocuous as previously thought due to its accessibility and impact on young men's lives.

Effects of Pornography

06:28 - 13:36

  • Access to novelty of imagery and videos has never been this abundant.
  • Excessive exposure to pornography can have similar effects on the brain as drugs.
  • Pornography has become more extreme over the years due to increased tolerance.
  • Watching a lot of porn can teach the brain to be aroused by watching other men have sex with women.
  • Pornography shapes behavior around interactions with women, hindering personal growth and improvement in communication skills.
  • Sexual desire is also a creative drive, historically utilized by artists and athletes.
  • Excessive consumption of pornography can lead to a decline in motivation, risk-taking, and bravery in the world.
  • The rise in erectile dysfunction (ED) and low testosterone levels may be connected to excessive pornography use.
  • Viewing pornography at a young age or consistently can decrease the likelihood of having a normal sexual relationship as an adult.
  • Many individuals hide their pornography use from their partners, causing problems in relationships.
  • There are people who are unaware that they are addicted to pornography or that it is causing issues in their relationships.
  • Challenging oneself to go without pornography for 30 days can reveal potential addiction or dependency.

Impact of Online Pornography

13:06 - 19:57

  • Young men today are exposed to nudity and pornography at a young age through Instagram and the internet.
  • The connection between legal pornography and sex trafficking is alarming.
  • There is a lack of manpower to monitor and regulate online pornography platforms like Pornhub.
  • Pornography has become a health issue, affecting young men's sex lives and relationships.
  • Self-mastery is important for men, as it attracts women and establishes trust.
  • Avoiding pornography is a form of self-mastery and discipline that needs to be practiced.
  • Access to explicit content on the internet makes it challenging for teenage boys to resist temptation.
  • The lack of good role models discussing self-mastery contributes to the prevalence of pornography consumption among young men.
  • Substance abuse among young men is on the rise, often used as a means of distraction or numbing from challenges or issues.
  • Accepted substances like caffeine, Adderall, and food can also be abused in similar ways as hard drugs.

Rise in Substance Abuse

19:31 - 26:03

  • There is a rise in the abuse of substances that are considered 'accepted' drugs, such as caffeine and Adderall.
  • Young men are justifying their substance abuse as a way to distract themselves from boredom, depression, or anxiety.
  • Substances like Xanax and Kratom are being abused, despite being prescribed or sold as safe alternatives.
  • Overdoses among men are on the rise.
  • Self-mastery and self-checking are important when it comes to substance use.
  • Challenging oneself to abstain from substances can be motivating for young men.
  • It's crucial to question whether one truly needs a substance and if it has a hold on them.
  • Men often prefer problem-solving approaches when facing challenges.
  • Seeking help is also a sign of strength when dealing with substance abuse.

Importance of Physical Strength

25:33 - 32:01

  • Lack of physical strength can make life harder and increase vulnerability.
  • Weak men tend to be more toxic and fearful, while strong men are more confident and tempered in their approach.
  • The physical demands of everyday life have decreased, leading to a need for intentional physical activity to maintain strength.
  • Building physical strength not only changes the body but also changes how one views the world and moves through it.
  • Lifting weights a couple of days a week can make a significant difference in young men's lives.
  • Video games may receive negative feedback as a potential factor contributing to weakness.

Negative Impact of Video Games

31:39 - 38:20

  • Lifting weights a couple days a week makes a huge difference in physical strength for young men today.
  • Video games have become a distraction, numbing agent, and replacement for taking risks and socializing.
  • Video games are engineered to suck players in and keep them fully immersed.
  • Men are more likely to become addicted to video games because they are driven to pursue goals and accomplish them.
  • Playing video games satisfies the need for goal pursuit, but it doesn't actually accomplish anything in real life.
  • Cutting off video game playing can lead to greater success in pursuing real-life goals.
  • Replacing video game playing with reading or skill-building activities can accelerate financial growth.
  • Video games quell the innate drive and desire of men to pursue goals, lowering their potential for achievement.
  • Hand-eye coordination skills learned from video games can be acquired through other more productive means.
  • Spending excessive hours playing video games hinders personal growth and pursuit of real-life goals.

Importance of Role Models

37:53 - 44:09

  • Replacing time spent on video games with reading or acquiring a skill can lead to significant improvement in that area
  • Mindlessly scrolling through social media provides the same stimulation as playing video games but lacks substance
  • Mastering video games can lead to a decrease in desire to play them and a shift towards more satisfying activities
  • There is a lack of good male role models in the media, with portrayals often being either violent or docile
  • Finding good role models who are good fathers, providers, partners, disciplined, consistent, and honest is important
  • Social media highlights superficial desires and material possessions without showing the dark or empty side of those lifestyles
  • Young men admire wealth because it represents potential value and hard work, while admiration for men who attract women stems from their perceived character
  • The ideal role model is someone who is liked by many women due to their character

Finding Real Role Models

43:50 - 49:52

  • Idolizing men in media who have no real relationships is misguided.
  • Good men with good character are often overlooked.
  • Instead of looking to screens and media, we should seek role models in our own lives.
  • Role models can be found in real life, such as fathers, mentors, or people we admire for different reasons.
  • Finding a perfect role model is unrealistic; focus on specific areas where you need help or improvement.
  • Many people on stage may portray themselves a certain way but have personal struggles behind the scenes.
  • Embed yourself more in the community and connect with people to find genuine examples to learn from.
  • Physical presence and volunteering are effective ways to build real relationships.
  • Pursuing personal growth and becoming a better person attracts like-minded individuals.
  • Loneliness is an epidemic, especially among men, and modern technology exacerbates it.
  • Real relationships require work and consistent effort.
  • Loneliness contributes to chronic disease, depression, anxiety, and suicide risk.
  • Effective distractions and technology play a major role in contributing to loneliness.

Impact of Technology on Loneliness

49:29 - 55:56

  • The major contributor to loneliness is more effective distractions and technology.
  • Children today miss out on the important social skills developed through playing with other kids.
  • The iPhone generation has relied on technology as a babysitter, hindering their ability to interact with others.
  • Teenagers often prefer using their phones over interacting with friends due to fear and shyness.
  • Joining men's groups or structured activities can help adults meet new people and build social connections.