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Talent & Growth presented by The Animo Group

The Future is Paperless: Exploring CV-less Hiring

Thu Aug 03 2023
CVless HiringRecruitmentUnconscious BiasDiversityAI


This episode discusses the concept of CVless hiring with Andrew Wood, founder of Willow. They explore the benefits of moving away from CV-based assessments, such as reducing unconscious bias and future-proofing the hiring process. Examples of successful transitions to CVless hiring are shared, along with insights on maintaining fairness and diversity. The implications of AI on CVless hiring are also discussed.


CVless hiring challenges unconscious bias

By moving away from CV-based assessments, companies can reduce unconscious bias and create a more equitable hiring process.

CVless hiring widens the pool of talent

Focusing on potential rather than experience allows companies to consider candidates who may not have traditional qualifications but possess the necessary skills and capabilities.

AI can enhance CVless hiring

AI technology can automate certain tasks and help assess skills and potential, but face-to-face interviews remain important for evaluating candidates.


  1. Introduction
  2. About Willow and the Anemo Group
  3. Andrew Wood's Background and Journey to Willow
  4. CVless Hiring and Its Benefits
  5. The Implications of AI on CVless Hiring
  6. Steps to Implement CVless Hiring
  7. Maintaining Fairness and Diversity in CVless Hiring


00:02 - 01:21

  • Welcome to Talent and Grow, a podcast all about people
  • Today's guest is Andrew Wood, founder of Willow, a virtual interviewing platform
  • The conversation will focus on moving away from CV-based hiring

About Willow and the Anemo Group

01:23 - 02:14

  • Willow is a screening software that aims to identify the best candidates and reduce hiring costs
  • The Anemo Group is a flexible talent solution that helps with various hiring problems

Andrew Wood's Background and Journey to Willow

02:15 - 04:30

  • Andrew Wood, also known as Woody, worked in recruitment for 11 years
  • He saw the potential of hiring for potential and decided to start Willow with his business partner Ewan
  • Woody always had a goal of running his own business

CVless Hiring and Its Benefits

06:02 - 09:39

  • CVless hiring challenges unconscious bias and focuses on potential rather than experience
  • It future-proofs the hiring process and provides a better candidate experience
  • CVless hiring allows for more scientific assessments and a wider pool of talent

The Implications of AI on CVless Hiring

22:06 - 24:46

  • AI has a positive impact on CVless hiring by automating certain tasks
  • AI can help assess skills and potential, but face-to-face interviews are still important
  • Finding candidates who are skilled in using AI can be a valuable asset

Steps to Implement CVless Hiring

19:28 - 21:42

  • Review the entire hiring funnel and identify barriers to CVless hiring
  • Educate hiring managers about assessing potential rather than experience
  • Manage expectations and ensure the process is fit for purpose

Maintaining Fairness and Diversity in CVless Hiring

28:37 - 32:46

  • Measure the impact of CVless hiring and challenge biases
  • Ensure a diverse pool of candidates at the top of the funnel
  • Consider different assessment methods based on job roles and individual preferences