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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2134: The Dangers of Eating Too Much Protein, Why Group Training Classes Usually Suck, How to Work Around Lifts That Hurt & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Sat Aug 05 2023
FitnessConspiracy TheoriesSodium IntakeStrength TrainingPolitical PreferencesBody ImageEconomyHobbiesProtein IntakeFitness ProgramsInjuriesCaloric IntakeExercise


The episode covers a range of topics including fitness, conspiracy theories, sodium intake, strength training, political preferences, perception, body image, the economy, hobbies, protein intake, fitness programs, injuries, caloric intake, and exercise. The hosts provide insights and advice on various subjects while answering listener questions.


Fitness Advice

Increasing sodium intake can help alleviate headaches for those on a natural-based, low-carb diet. Transitioning from a highly processed diet to a whole natural foods diet may cause headaches due to lower sodium levels. Pickles are a good source of sodium for those on a whole foods diet. Heavy lifting can make muscles appear more solid and hard even when not actively engaged.

Conspiracy Theories

There is a conspiracy theory called Project Blue Beam that involves faking an alien invasion and projecting religious figures in the sky to create a new world religion. Some people find it suspicious that Hollywood actors went on strike when a controversial movie was released. Tim Kennedy believes that what is shown in the movie about sex trafficking is just a small part of the reality.

Political Preferences

12th grade girls have become more liberal while boys have become more conservative. The messaging towards kids is predominantly liberal, which resonates more with women than men. Boys tend to push back against the messaging, perceiving it as weak. Kids today are more aware of politics due to social media and increased exposure to political content.

Body Image and Perception

Continuous negative messaging leads to a perpetuation of negativity. Self-confidence plays a powerful role in how we perceive discrimination. Celebrating obesity as bodybuilding is discussed. The hosts emphasize the importance of feeling the target muscles during exercises to avoid injuries.

Economy and Housing Market

One host expresses skepticism about the economy's recovery, citing layoffs and bankruptcies as evidence. The housing market has a shortage of supply, keeping prices high. Realtors are encouraging people to buy houses at high interest rates with the expectation that rates will go down. Buying a house may not be financially beneficial in certain areas due to the cost of interest payments.

Hobbies and Cultural Differences

Hobby horses are being used as a substitute for real horses by some parents. There is a fan base for hobby horse competitions. Rubik's Cube solving requires mathematical formulas and hand-eye coordination. The hosts discuss the perception of fatness and muscularity, noting that it is often seen as easier to get fat than to build muscle.

Protein Intake and Fitness Programs

There are unfounded fears that high protein intake can stress the kidneys or be inherently unhealthy, but these concerns are not supported by evidence. Increasing calorie intake can have positive effects on muscle growth, but it's important to monitor body fat accumulation. The hosts provide advice on fitness programs for different individuals and address concerns about excessive protein intake.

Injuries and Alternative Exercises

The hosts suggest targeted mobility and correctional exercises to work back into doing compound lifts. They recommend incorporating cleaner work and unilateral exercises to strengthen other ranges of motion. MAPS Symmetry is suggested as a program that focuses on isometrics, unilateral work, and eventually bilateral work with lighter weights.

Caloric Intake and Exercise

Increasing calories can be beneficial for health, but it's important to consider total activity and recovery levels. The hosts discuss the benefits of manipulating nutrients and calories before increasing activity levels. They emphasize the advantages of managing body composition through calories and introducing novel activities for short periods.


  1. Introduction and Fitness Discussion
  2. Aliens and Conspiracy Theories
  3. Fitness Advice and Sodium Intake
  4. Strength Training and Body Image
  5. Political Preferences and Gender Differences
  6. Perception and Victim Mentality
  7. Views on Fatness and the Economy
  8. Hobby Horses and Rubik's Cubes
  9. Protein Intake and Fitness Questions
  10. Fitness Programs and Confidence Building
  11. Injuries and Alternative Exercises
  12. Caloric Intake and Exercise

Introduction and Fitness Discussion

00:00 - 06:46

  • The podcast episode begins with an introduction and mentions that live callers' questions will be answered later.
  • The hosts discuss fitness, current events, and their lives for about 57 minutes before getting to the caller questions.
  • Listeners can check the show notes for timestamps to skip to their favorite parts.
  • To be featured on an episode, listeners can email their questions to

Aliens and Conspiracy Theories

06:26 - 13:01

  • There is a discussion about aliens and the recent government confirmation of their existence. The hosts express skepticism and speculate on possible motives behind the disclosure.
  • They question why the government would inform the public if aliens were real and suggest alternative reasons for sharing this information.
  • The hosts also mention other conspiracy theories such as climate change being used as a scare tactic and the unreleased assassination file of Jay.
  • There is a conspiracy theory called Project Blue Beam that involves faking an alien invasion and projecting religious figures in the sky to create a new world religion.
  • Some people find it suspicious that Hollywood actors went on strike when a controversial movie was released.
  • The movie mentioned in the podcast contains disturbing information about sex trafficking and powerful individuals involved.
  • Tim Kennedy, who has knowledge of the topic, believes that what is shown in the movie is just a small part of the reality.
  • There have been cases where reporters who exposed certain scandals were later caught with child pornography.

Fitness Advice and Sodium Intake

12:35 - 18:29

  • The conversation then shifts to fitness advice about using sodium or products like Element for better muscle pumps during workouts.
  • Increasing sodium intake can help alleviate headaches, especially for those on a natural-based, low-carb diet.
  • People who eat mostly processed foods already consume high levels of sodium, but those who choose whole natural foods may need to add sodium to their diet.
  • Transitioning from a highly processed diet to a whole natural foods diet can cause headaches as the body adapts to lower sodium levels.
  • Pickles are a good source of sodium and can help maintain healthy levels when on a whole foods diet.
  • The world record for an equipped bench press is now at 1,400 pounds, with the assistance of a bench shirt that adds around 300 pounds of lifting power.
  • Some lifters struggle to even get the bar to their chest when wearing certain types of bench shirts.

Strength Training and Body Image

18:04 - 24:23

  • World champion bench pressers have a specific build that is advantageous for the exercise.
  • Lifting extremely heavy weights can put immense pressure on the bones and potentially lead to injury.
  • Strength training for strength focuses on higher loads, while strength training for hypertrophy involves multiple sets.
  • Training primarily for hypertrophy can result in a different look and feel compared to heavy strength training.
  • Heavy lifting can make muscles appear more solid and hard, even when not actively engaged.
  • The risk versus reward ratio of heavy strength training becomes unfavorable as you push your body to higher numbers.
  • Adding more weight to your lifts may not be worth the risk if you've already maxed out your potential.
  • Experienced lifters who have trained for decades may benefit more from unilateral and bodybuilding exercises.
  • Training heavy can lead to nagging injuries over time.
  • For long-term training, a combination of mobility, bodybuilding, and lighter strength training is ideal.

Political Preferences and Gender Differences

29:52 - 35:56

  • 12th grade girls have become more liberal while 12th grade boys have become more conservative.
  • The messaging towards kids is predominantly liberal with very little conservative messaging.
  • Boys are more likely to push back against the messaging, as it resonates more with women than men.
  • The messaging promotes sensitivity and femininity, which some guys perceive as weak.
  • Since around 2015-2016, there has been a focus on blaming masculinity and patriarchy for societal problems, causing boys to move in the opposite direction politically.
  • Most people will still be fine with dating despite political differences, but some individuals refuse to date someone with an opposing political view.
  • Kids today are more aware of politics due to social media and increased exposure to political content.
  • Liberal messaging has a more feminine energy, while conservative messaging has a more masculine energy.
  • Boys in this age group tend to be rebellious against what's going on, while girls are more likely to conform due to their sensitivity to social cues.
  • Both genders need each other and must find a balance between their differences.

Perception and Victim Mentality

35:33 - 41:22

  • Comparing the reaction to a girl walking out naked in the past versus now
  • Men can also be susceptible to social contagions, leading to riots and violence
  • Study on discrimination in the workplace based on facial disfigurement
  • Women felt discriminated against when they believed they had a scar, even though it was removed
  • Self-confidence plays a powerful role in how we perceive discrimination
  • The power of perception and victim mentality in shaping our experiences
  • Continuous negative messaging leads to a perpetuation of negativity
  • Story of a speaker who overcame disfigurement through resilience and positive mindset
  • Discussion about body positivity and celebrating obesity as bodybuilding

Views on Fatness and the Economy

40:55 - 46:39

  • The hosts discuss the perception of fatness and muscularity, noting that it is often seen as easier to get fat than to build muscle.
  • They express their disagreement with this viewpoint, stating that it is outlandish and not how most people think.
  • The conversation then shifts to the economy and housing market.
  • One host expresses skepticism about the economy's recovery, citing layoffs and bankruptcies as evidence.
  • They discuss the current state of the housing market, noting a shortage of supply which has kept prices high.
  • They mention some areas where there has been a dip in prices but overall expect no big crash due to low demand and limited supply.
  • Statistics are shared regarding mortgage interest rates, with a majority of Americans having mortgages below 6% and many below 4%.
  • This makes it unlikely for people to sell their homes and buy cheaper ones with higher interest rates and larger mortgages.
  • The hosts use an example to illustrate this point, showing that even with a $100,000 difference in house price, monthly payments would only increase by $200.
  • Realtors are encouraging people to buy houses at high interest rates with the expectation that rates will go down.
  • The 40-year mortgage is being heavily promoted as a way to extend the transition towards lifelong renting.
  • Buying a house to live in may not be financially beneficial in certain areas, as the cost of interest payments can be significant.
  • More people are questioning the logic of buying a house and considering alternative investments.

Hobby Horses and Rubik's Cubes

51:14 - 56:38

  • Parents may be using hobby horses as a substitute for real horses
  • There is a fan base for hobby horse competitions
  • Children who engage in hobby horse play may have missed out on the window to play with toys like this
  • Life has become so easy that we create competitions around made-up activities
  • Rubik's Cube solving requires mathematical formulas and hand-eye coordination
  • The Rubik's Cube world record is under two seconds
  • Hobby horse competitions are seen as weird, while Rubik's Cube solving is impressive
  • Having Rubik's Cube skills can be seen as a valuable skill in job interviews
  • Hobbies can be unique and weird, but there should be no shaming.
  • Some hobbies require skill and craft, like doing tricks on a razor scooter.
  • The hosts joke about trying a hobby horse activity.
  • They discuss the taste of chocolate donuts and how smooth they go down.
  • One host shares his positive experience with a specific protein supplement.
  • A book recommendation is given for building a non-anxious life by John Deloney.
  • Digestive enzymes are recommended for fitness-minded individuals to aid digestion.
  • A caller expresses gratitude for the value he gets from the podcast.

Protein Intake and Fitness Questions

1:01:38 - 1:08:07

  • The person adjusted their calories to 2,000 a day and reached their desired leanness after three weeks.
  • They then started bulking by adding 500 calories every three weeks, reaching a current intake of 4,000 calories and 250 grams of protein per day.
  • They are concerned if the amount of protein they are consuming is too much for someone their size (30 years old, 170 pounds, and 5 foot 10).
  • The person feels good digestion-wise and pays attention to food quality.
  • Most of their protein comes from animal sources with occasional use of protein powder.
  • The person's concern about excessive protein intake arose when their girlfriend questioned it after seeing them eat Greek yogurt in large quantities.
  • There are unfounded fears that high protein intake can stress the kidneys or be inherently unhealthy, but these concerns are not supported by evidence.
  • Eating such a high amount of protein from whole foods is challenging due to its satiating nature.
  • Signs of poor digestion or crowding out other essential nutrients should be monitored, but otherwise there is nothing wrong with consuming this amount of protein.
  • Digestive issues like excessive flatulence or constipation may indicate an imbalance in macronutrients or fiber intake.
  • Eating too much protein can lead to constipation rather than flatulence.
  • Switching out protein for fiber can help with constipation.
  • If calories are too high, cutting protein can be beneficial for reducing body fat.
  • Protein is not inherently bad for you and there is no need to fear it.
  • Weight training increases the body's need for protein.
  • Increasing calorie intake can have positive effects on muscle growth, but it's important to monitor body fat accumulation.
  • Individual variations in protein tolerance exist, with some people able to consume large amounts without discomfort.
  • Protein stimulates growth factors in the body, which can also stimulate cancer proliferation, but this does not mean that protein is pro-cancer or unhealthy.
  • Some people may experience gastrointestinal distress from consuming a lot of protein powder quickly, while whole foods may be better tolerated.

Fitness Programs and Confidence Building

1:13:25 - 1:26:22

  • The speaker is a 52-year-old woman who has never joined a gym before and is facing body fat challenges due to menopause.
  • She used to do yoga and pole dance classes without worrying about her weight, but stopped working out during COVID.
  • She is now trying to get back into fitness by attending body pump classes at the gym.
  • The speaker finds the classes supportive, but they are fast-paced and nonstop, which makes it difficult for her to keep up.
  • The host suggests modifying the class by taking breaks between sets and communicating with the instructor about focusing on strength training rather than following the rhythm of the class.
  • If she doesn't see results, the host recommends considering a more structured program like maps anabolic.
  • The speaker enjoys the class environment because it helps her stay consistent and provides cues for proper form.
  • She feels uncomfortable and intimidated to use free weights or other equipment on her own in the gym.
  • The host acknowledges that form guidance in a crowded class setting may not be effective, but understands that it helps boost confidence and alleviate feelings of isolation.
  • The host offers to set up programs for the speaker to address her concerns.
  • Exposure therapy can help with lack of confidence in form and technique
  • Strength training is the best exercise solution for menopause
  • Start with one class a week and one 30-minute strength training session on your own
  • Use the personal trainer for coaching on form and technique
  • Ease into traditional strength training to overcome fear and intimidation
  • Consider financial feasibility of hiring a personal trainer once a week
  • Follow maps anabolic pre-phase for one 30-minute workout a week
  • Consider using suspension trainer at home with maps of team
  • Using a suspension trainer or bodyweight exercises at home can be an effective way to train without weights.
  • The Massive Team program provides a simple and structured approach to learning and practicing techniques.
  • The forum community is supportive and offers feedback on exercise videos.
  • Focus on getting stronger, adding weight, and improving form rather than solely relying on the scale for progress.
  • Strength training can transform your relationship with exercise and build confidence.
  • Group classes can be modified to gradually transition into traditional strength training.
  • The goal is to create a lifelong positive relationship with exercise.
  • To lose body fat, it's important to include compound lifts if possible.

Injuries and Alternative Exercises

1:38:16 - 1:45:01

  • The person asking the question has accumulated injuries from powerlifting and can no longer do the big four compound lifts (squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press).
  • The host suggests that the person should focus on targeted mobility and correctional exercises to work their way back into doing those exercises again.
  • They recommend incorporating cleaner work and unilateral work to strengthen other ranges of motion.
  • MAPS Symmetry is suggested as a program that focuses on isometrics, unilateral work, and eventually bilateral work with lighter weights.
  • The host advises the person to shift their mentality from leverage and biomechanical advantage to focusing on muscle connection and feeling the exercise in specific muscles.
  • They emphasize going slow and controlled, particularly during the eccentric portion of the exercise, to feel connected to the muscles.
  • Powerlifters typically go slow on the negative for leverage purposes, but bodybuilders focus on feeling it in target muscles.
  • By becoming obsessed with feeling the muscle during exercises, powerlifters can avoid reinjury.
  • Feeling the target muscles is important in avoiding injuries.
  • MAP Symmetry is a recommended program for beginners.
  • Extreme strength training can lead to joint wear and tear.
  • Taking a break from heavy lifts can help restore joint health and stability.
  • Repeating previous phases and focusing on unilateral exercises is an option for advanced lifters.
  • Increasing calories and activity depends on total activity and recovery levels.
  • For relatively sedentary individuals, increasing calories and activity can be beneficial for health.
  • For already active individuals, increasing calories and activity may backfire due to recovery limitations.

Caloric Intake and Exercise

1:50:34 - 1:52:31

  • Increasing calories to $3,500 to gain weight slowly
  • Suggestion to increase calories to at least $3,000 or $3,500 for more muscle and strength gains
  • Question about exercising at home with bands or going to the gym once a week
  • Recommendation to combine one day of gym workout with two days of band workouts
  • Suggestion to follow maps anabolic workout for gym sessions
  • Explanation of maps anabolic workout frequency and options
  • Assurance of getting great results with the recommended combination
  • Discussion about Greek and Italian cultural differences
  • Importance of manipulating nutrients and calories before increasing activity levels
  • Benefits of using extra activity as a tool rather than relying on it consistently
  • Explanation of how metabolism adapts to calorie burn through activity
  • Advantages of managing body composition through calories and introducing novel activities for short periods