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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2135: Barbell Squat Masterclass

Mon Aug 07 2023
Barbell SquatsSquattingProper FormMobilityPriming MovementsSafetyTechniqueOptimizing PerformanceAdvanced TechniquesBands for Squat Assistance


The episode covers the benefits of barbell squats, different variations of barbell squats, proper form and mobility for squats, priming movements for better squat performance, safety and technique tips for squats, optimizing squat performance and safety, advanced techniques for barbell squats, and understanding the feel of using bands for squat assistance.


Barbell squats are exceptional for developing the lower body and have great general carryover to other physical pursuits.

Squatting strengthens the entire kinetic chain and has muscle-building and fat loss effects.

Proper form and mobility are essential for squatting.

Good hip and ankle mobility and stability, as well as strong and stable hips, are necessary for proper squat form. Ankle mobility issues are often the main cause of bad squats.

Priming movements can improve squat performance.

Priming exercises like the 90-90 rep, combat stretch, band rows, and wall tests activate muscles for better stability and range of motion. Ankle mobility is often a limiting factor in squatting.

Safety and technique are important in squats.

Challenges with shoulder, arm, and back positioning are common. Proper preparation, including the wall test and banro exercise, is crucial. Safeties or knowing how to bail correctly are recommended.

Optimizing squat performance and safety requires proper technique and intensity management.

Avoid lifting to failure, focus on slow negatives, and aim for a slow negative rep tempo. Squatting two to three days a week is effective. Modify intensity as frequency increases.

Advanced techniques can enhance barbell squats.

Modifying intensity with tempo squats, pause squats, and box squats can be beneficial. Using bands or chains adds progressive resistance. Band assistance squats allow for safely pushing heavier weights.

Understanding the feel of using bands for squat assistance is important.

The feel of using bands depends on where they are attached. Bands at the bottom feel safer, while bands at the top are more intense. The resistance is similar regardless of attachment point.


  1. The Benefits of Barbell Squats
  2. Different Variations of Barbell Squats
  3. Proper Form and Mobility for Squats
  4. Priming Movements for Better Squat Performance
  5. Safety and Technique Tips for Squats
  6. Optimizing Squat Performance and Safety
  7. Advanced Techniques for Barbell Squats
  8. Understanding the Feel of Using Bands for Squat Assistance

The Benefits of Barbell Squats

00:00 - 06:59

  • Barbell squats are considered the king of all exercises and are exceptional for developing the lower body.
  • Squatting strengthens the entire kinetic chain and has great general carryover to other physical pursuits.
  • The barbell squat is incredible for fat loss due to its muscle-building effects and metabolism-boosting properties.
  • Increasing strength in squats can have positive effects on other lifts like bench press, indicating a systemic muscle-building signal.

Different Variations of Barbell Squats

06:35 - 13:21

  • There are two main variations of barbell squats: low bar and high bar. Olympic lifters prefer high bar squats while powerlifters prefer low bar squats. The choice depends on individual body type and mobility requirements.
  • Tall people, especially those with a long torso, may find it easier to do a high bar squat.
  • Working towards the ability to do both low bar and high bar squats is valuable.

Proper Form and Mobility for Squats

12:56 - 19:21

  • Proper squatting technique, hip mobility work, and progressive overload can help eliminate low back pain associated with squatting.
  • Good hip and ankle mobility and stability are essential for proper squat form.
  • Ankle mobility issues are often the main cause of bad squats.
  • Weak and unstable feet can contribute to ankle mobility issues during squats.
  • The hips also need to be strong and stable to support proper knee alignment during squats.
  • Hip mobility issues can cause back pain, especially in the SI joint.

Priming Movements for Better Squat Performance

25:00 - 30:55

  • Priming exercises can help improve squat performance for beginners or those learning the movement.
  • Becoming a master of squatting takes time and dedication.
  • Priming work is necessary to connect with weak areas and improve squatting technique.
  • Priming movements like the 90-90 rep and combat stretch help activate muscles for better stability and range of motion.
  • Ankle mobility is often a limiting factor in squatting, combat stretch can help improve it.
  • Band rows and wall tests are additional priming movements that can benefit upper back and shoulder positioning for squats.

Safety and Technique Tips for Squats

30:30 - 36:08

  • Challenges with shoulder, arm, and back positioning in squats are common.
  • The wall test is a useful tool for assessing squat readiness.
  • Zone one test is even better than the wall test for priming the body for squats.
  • Activating the core and pressing the back flat are important in preparing for squats.
  • The banro exercise is a good default movement to set someone up before squatting.
  • Placing the bar at the right level on a squat rack is crucial to avoid mistakes and injuries.
  • When re-racking after a set, it's important to hit the front of the rack and let the bar slide down smoothly.
  • Safeties are ideal for finishing reps safely in squats, but if not available, throwing the weight back off your back is recommended.
  • Spotting someone during squats should only be done if they ask for help or indicate they need assistance.
  • Learning how to bail correctly yourself is an important skill in squatting.

Optimizing Squat Performance and Safety

35:40 - 41:35

  • There's no need to grind out a squat if it feels too heavy; just bail and move on.
  • Gyms should have safeties for barbell squats, especially for beginners.
  • Start with priming movements before working up to your working weight.
  • Avoid lifting to failure with barbell squats as it can be risky.
  • Slow negatives are beneficial for maintaining good form in barbell squats.
  • The weight momentarily becomes heavier when changing directions in a rep due to momentum.
  • Don't try to bounce at the bottom of a squat; it can lead to injury.
  • Aim for a slow negative rep tempo rather than speeding up the movement.
  • For most people, squatting two to three days a week is effective and manageable.
  • As frequency increases, modify intensity to allow for recovery and growth.

Advanced Techniques for Barbell Squats

41:09 - 47:08

  • Two to three is the sweet spot for squatting.
  • Modifying intensity by doing tempo squats with 50% of the weight reduces damage.
  • Pausing the rep with barbell squats challenges the bottom position and helps generate force without momentum.
  • Box squats eliminate changing directions and are a less risky version of squats.
  • Pause squats can be used to lower the weight and modify intensity.
  • Using bands or chains on barbell squats adds progressive resistance, with chains getting lighter at the bottom and bands providing assistance at different points in the movement.
  • Bands attached from the top add elastic energy potential to help lift heavier weights on the way back up.
  • Band assistance squats can be used to safely push heavier weights without needing a spotter.

Understanding the Feel of Using Bands for Squat Assistance

46:42 - 49:29

  • The feel of using bands for assistance in squats is different depending on where the bands are attached.
  • When the bands are attached to the bottom, it feels safer and you can feel their assistance at the bottom of the squat.
  • When the bands are attached at the top, it's more intense and easier on the joints.
  • The resistance is similar regardless of where the bands are attached.
  • The strength curve is the same, but the feel is different.