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Talent & Growth presented by The Animo Group

Mastering the Candidate Journey: From First Contact to Long-Term Impact

Tue Aug 08 2023
candidate experiencehiring processtransparencycommunicationcustomer experience


This episode of Talent and Growth focuses on the importance of candidate experience. The guests, Chris and Carl Connors from, along with Mary Straybringer, discuss how to improve candidate experience, its impact on hiring processes, and the correlation between candidate and customer experience. They provide insights on measuring and enhancing candidate experience, adapting to remote interviews, and leveraging candidate feedback. The episode emphasizes the need for transparency, communication, and treating candidates with respect.


Candidate experience encompasses every touchpoint a candidate has with a company

From reviewing the company's site to becoming an employee, the entire journey defines candidate experience.

Positive candidate experiences lead to higher offer acceptance rates and retention

Treating candidates well can result in better hiring outcomes and employee satisfaction.

Efficiency in the hiring process is often correlated with a good candidate experience

Standardization and transparency can improve both efficiency and candidate satisfaction.

Candidate experience impacts customer experience and brand perception

Negative candidate experiences can lead to customer churn and negative reviews.

Measuring candidate experience helps identify areas for improvement and ROI

Offer acceptance ratios, candidate sentiment data, and retention are important metrics to track.


  1. Introduction
  2. Guest Introductions
  3. Defining Candidate Experience
  4. Impact of Candidate Experience
  5. Adapting to Remote Interviews
  6. Metrics for Evaluating Candidate Experience
  7. Leveraging Candidate Feedback
  8. Correlation Between Candidate and Customer Experience
  9. Prioritizing Candidate Experience


00:02 - 00:57

  • The podcast is dedicated to people who make businesses thrive
  • The episode focuses on candidate experience and its importance
  • The guests are Chris and Carl Connors, co-founders of, and Mary Straybringer

Guest Introductions

01:54 - 04:29

  • Mary Straybringer is a fractional talent and founder of Hero Higher Club
  • Chris Connors is a co-founder of with a background in software
  • Carl Connors is also a co-founder of with experience in building engineering and product teams

Defining Candidate Experience

06:16 - 07:35

  • Candidate experience encompasses every touchpoint a candidate has with a company
  • It starts before the application process and extends to the first 45 days of employment
  • It includes the candidate's perception of the company and their overall journey

Impact of Candidate Experience

08:23 - 09:52

  • A positive candidate experience can lead to higher offer acceptance rates and retention
  • Negative experiences can result in negative reviews and impact the hiring funnel
  • Good candidate experience correlates with employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention

Adapting to Remote Interviews

15:20 - 16:30

  • Transparency and communication are key regardless of the interview format
  • Candidates still spend 70-80% of their time researching and preparing outside of interviews
  • Enhancing the candidate experience requires focusing on the entire journey

Metrics for Evaluating Candidate Experience

18:10 - 19:47

  • Offer acceptance ratios, candidate sentiment data, and retention are important metrics
  • Measuring candidate experience helps identify areas for improvement and ROI
  • Efficiency in the hiring process is often correlated with a good candidate experience

Leveraging Candidate Feedback

19:47 - 21:29

  • Regularly collect feedback from candidates at every stage of the process
  • Use feedback to improve the hiring process and iterate on candidate experience
  • Building trust with candidates through transparency enhances feedback quality

Correlation Between Candidate and Customer Experience

25:02 - 26:46

  • Candidate experience can impact customer experience and brand perception
  • Treating candidates well reflects positively on the company's treatment of others
  • Negative candidate experiences can lead to customer churn and negative reviews

Prioritizing Candidate Experience

28:25 - 30:04

  • Measure your current candidate experience to understand where improvements are needed
  • Reflect on your own experiences as a candidate to set expectations for others
  • Treat candidates how you want to be treated and go above and beyond