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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2138: How Muscle Affects Testosterone Levels, the Best Low Cost Protein Sources, Reverse Dieting at a Higher Body Fat Percentage & More

Fri Aug 11 2023
FitnessPersonal GrowthSleepPermitsTaxesEight Sleep SystemWorkoutsAdaptationScientific ProgressHealth


The episode covers various topics including the importance of recognizing non-scale victories in fitness, connecting exercise consistency with deeper motivations, personal growth as a never-ending journey, the power of strengthening the body, challenges with permits and taxes, the benefits of the Eight Sleep system, the relationship between age and workouts, adaptation and survival in training and nature, ethical dilemmas of scientific progress, insights on health, fitness, and personal growth.


Recognizing Non-Scale Victories

Paying attention to all signs of progress in fitness beyond weight loss or muscle gain is important. Personal trainers play a role in highlighting these non-scale victories and analogies can help explain the concept.

Connecting Exercise with Deeper Motivations

Consistency with exercise can lead to realizing deeper motivations beyond superficial goals. Attaching exercise to broader benefits beyond aesthetics can help develop a lifelong relationship with fitness.

The Journey of Personal Growth

Personal growth is a never-ending journey, similar to martial arts. Focusing on factors like mood, energy, and accomplishments leads to immediate wins and people often overlook improvements in pain relief and discomfort when focused on aesthetics.

The Power of Strengthening the Body

Strengthening areas of the body can eliminate pain and discomfort. The hosts discuss a thoughtful gift given to one of them in honor of their late grandfather and reflect on the difficulties of dealing with permits and bureaucracy when running a business.

Challenges with Permits and Taxes

Dealing with permits and bureaucracy can be challenging when running a business. The hosts share personal experiences and discuss tax-related topics such as cheating taxes and using God's name in doing so.

The Benefits of the Eight Sleep System

The Eight Sleep system offers various benefits such as improved sleep quality, energy savings, and customization options. It outperforms other brands like Ooler and can potentially save money on AC bills.

Age, Volume, and Intensity in Workouts

As you get older, you may need less volume and intensity in your workouts. Your body becomes more responsive to training stimuli over time, and epigenetics may play a role in this phenomenon.

Adaptation and Survival in Training and Nature

Years of training can make the body more responsive and sensitive to muscle building and strength building signaling. Adaptation to stress can lead to immediate response when faced with that stress in the future.

The Ethical Dilemmas of Scientific Progress

The hosts discuss the ethical dilemmas associated with scientific progress, drawing parallels between physicists working on AI and those working on the nuclear bomb. They also share stories related to body donation and calorie misconceptions.

Insights on Health, Fitness, and Personal Growth

Various insights are shared, including the marketing of candy bars as health supplements, the potential benefits of red light therapy and hair peptides, the availability of free trusts online, and tips for budget bulking and sustainable weight loss.


  1. The Importance of Recognizing Non-Scale Victories
  2. Connecting Exercise Consistency with Deeper Motivations
  3. Personal Growth and Progress as a Never-Ending Journey
  4. The Power of Strengthening the Body
  5. Challenges with Permits and Taxes
  6. The Benefits of the Eight Sleep System
  7. The Relationship Between Age, Volume, and Intensity in Workouts
  8. Adaptation and Survival in Training and Nature
  9. The Ethical Dilemmas of Scientific Progress
  10. Insights on Health, Fitness, and Personal Growth

The Importance of Recognizing Non-Scale Victories

00:00 - 06:21

  • Paying attention to all signs of progress in fitness, not just focusing on weight loss or muscle gain
  • Convincing clients to look beyond their specific goals and recognize other improvements in their lives
  • Personal trainers play a role in highlighting these non-scale victories
  • Analogies like ignoring your nose in your field of vision explain how people tend to ignore other positive changes
  • Exercise can have a positive impact on various aspects of life beyond physical appearance

Connecting Exercise Consistency with Deeper Motivations

05:54 - 12:15

  • Consistency with exercise can lead to realizing deeper motivations beyond superficial goals
  • Connecting exercise consistency with other aspects of life can provide long-term motivation
  • Focusing solely on weight loss may cause neglect of other important health factors
  • Attaching exercise to broader benefits beyond aesthetics can help develop a lifelong relationship with fitness
  • It takes time and evolution to truly connect exercise with deeper motivations

Personal Growth and Progress as a Never-Ending Journey

12:00 - 18:06

  • The belt ranking system in martial arts is a good analogy for personal growth and progress
  • Martial arts is a journey, not a destination
  • As people improve, the quit rate decreases
  • There is no ultimate destination in personal growth; it's a never-ending path
  • Focusing on factors like mood, energy, and accomplishments leads to immediate wins
  • Focusing on wins keeps motivation high, regardless of setbacks
  • People often overlook improvements in pain relief and discomfort when focused on aesthetics
  • Strengthening the body can eliminate pain and discomfort
  • Personal growth goes beyond weight loss

The Power of Strengthening the Body

17:40 - 23:26

  • Strengthening areas of the body can eliminate pain and discomfort
  • The hosts discuss a thoughtful gift given to one of them in honor of their late grandfather
  • The family members were deeply touched by the gesture and expressed their gratitude
  • Working with the city to get the bench made was a challenging process
  • The bench has become a destination for family members, even those who don't live in California
  • The hosts reflect on the difficulties of dealing with permits and bureaucracy when running a business

Challenges with Permits and Taxes

22:57 - 29:00

  • Received a bill for equipment with an insane estimation
  • Had to pay thousands of dollars to fix the bill
  • Speculated that mistakes were intentional to generate fines and fees
  • Needed a permit for outdoor boot camps at the park
  • Effort to get the permit was difficult, so opted not to get it
  • Discussed Kardashians' church as a tax shelter scheme
  • Mentioned starting their own mind pump church
  • Talked about the show 'Righteous Gemstones'
  • Discovered suspicious claims about a real church being used for money laundering
  • Discussed cheating taxes and using God's name in doing so
  • Suggested voluntarily paying more taxes is not common
  • Highlighted how much time people work for the government due to taxes

The Benefits of the Eight Sleep System

33:54 - 39:44

  • Eight Sleep is a bed cooling system that outperforms other brands like Ooler
  • The Eight Sleep system gets colder and has more horsepower than Ooler
  • It comes with a thick mattress topper pad for added comfort
  • The Eight Sleep system has a smart bed feature that learns your sleep habits and adjusts accordingly
  • The system scores your sleep and adjusts the temperature based on your preferences
  • You can use the app to access additional metrics and customization options
  • The Eight Sleep system allows you to save on AC costs by keeping the room temperature higher while still staying cool in bed
  • Using the Eight Sleep system can potentially save you $100-200 per month on AC bills

The Relationship Between Age, Volume, and Intensity in Workouts

39:23 - 45:23

  • As you get older, you may need less volume and intensity in your workouts
  • Training six days a week may no longer be necessary as you progress
  • Despite lower volume, getting stronger and progressing well is still possible
  • Your body becomes more responsive to training stimuli over time
  • Epigenetics may play a role in this phenomenon

Adaptation and Survival in Training and Nature

44:56 - 51:09

  • Years of training can make the body more responsive and sensitive to muscle building and strength building signaling
  • Consistent exercise over a long period of time can train the body to become more sensitive to muscle building signals
  • Adaptation to stress can lead to immediate response when faced with that stress in the future
  • A water beetle has the ability to survive being eaten by a frog and travel through its digestive tract, eventually coming out alive
  • The beetle has a protective film that allows it to survive digestion
  • Not all organisms have evolved this kind of adaptation when being eaten by predators
  • There may be some benefits or symbiotic relationships between the frog and the beetle that are not yet fully understood
  • "Up and Himer" is a movie about the Manhattan Project and the development of the nuclear bomb

The Ethical Dilemmas of Scientific Progress

50:45 - 57:15

  • The movie ends in the theater silent. It's one of those movies
  • It's obviously the true story of the lead physicist and the Manhattan Project, the development of the nuclear bomb
  • They were all very aware that they were about to create an incredibly destructive force
  • There are similarities between physicists working on AI now and those working on the nuclear bomb then
  • Jonathan Pageau refers to this as agency, where we know we shouldn't be doing something but still do it because others are doing it
  • A messed up story is shared about a person who donated their mother's body to an Alzheimer Institute, only for it to be sold for bomb tests by the military
  • There is speculation about Marilyn Monroe's body being unaccounted for after her death
  • Calories are not equal and it's more important to focus on what makes up those calories and how they make you feel
  • The fitness industry may push the message that calories are all that matter due to ties with the supplement industry

Insights on Health, Fitness, and Personal Growth

56:51 - 1:15:18

  • Candy bars with added protein can be marketed as a health supplement
  • Adding 10 grams of protein to a candy bar can make it a high-protein bar
  • Taste is the most important factor in popular candy bars
  • Shakes and bars are convenient but not ideal as meal replacements
  • Promotion of shakes and bars as health supplements leads people to rely on them too much
  • Using red light therapy and hair peptides may have positive effects on hair growth
  • A trust can be set up online for free, avoiding probate costs
  • A company called Get Dynasty has found a way to offer free trusts by using robo signing and bypassing traditional legal processes
  • Joy Mode is a product that aims to improve blood flow and enhance sexual performance. Use the code 'minepump' for 20% off your first order at
  • Building muscle through strength training does not cause an abnormal increase in testosterone levels in women
  • Strength training is an effective way to balance hormones, even for women with hormone imbalances caused by stress or lack of sleep
  • The decision to cut body fat should be based on factors like strength and metabolism rather than specific measurements of muscle mass
  • Increasing calorie intake until it becomes difficult to consume more food can be a good indicator that it's time to start cutting body fat
  • When determining whether to cut or increase calories, it is important to consider factors such as muscle mass and strength
  • Maintaining strength while cutting calories is a good indicator that the calorie cut is appropriate
  • Avoid tying goals to a specific 'skinny' look, as this can lead to insecurity and inaccurate self-perception
  • Reverse dieting is not dependent on body fat percentage, but rather on finding a sustainable calorie intake for weight loss
  • Prioritizing muscle building can speed up metabolism and make getting leaner easier in the long term
  • Losing weight is not the challenge, keeping it off is
  • Focus on creating a sustainable way to keep the weight off
  • For budget bulking, whole foods like ground beef, frozen chicken thighs, rice, tuna fish, eggs, cottage cheese, and milk are inexpensive options
  • Eating healthy can be affordable and save money in the long run
  • Look for sales or bulk deals at butchers for more affordable protein sources
  • Avoid expensive organic or grass-fed options if budget is a concern
  • Mind Pump offers free fitness guides on