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Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth

2139: The Truth About Margot Robbie's Diet, the Benefits of Switching From Bodybuilding to Powerlifting, Identifying When Exercise Becomes Self-Abuse Instead of Self-Care & More (Listener Live Coaching)

Sat Aug 12 2023
Barbie movieMargot Robbie's dietcelebrity worshipAndrutatewebcam businessmanipulationJordan PetersonJoe Rogan podcastPatrick Bet-DavidBidenKamala HarriscensorshipAI technologyJake Paulimmigrant business ownershome securityTom Havillandstrength trainingpowerlifting


The episode covers a range of topics including the Barbie movie and Margot Robbie's diet, the impact of the movie on viewers, Andrutate's webcam business and manipulation, cautionary thoughts on celebrity worship, Jordan Peterson and the need for good leadership, insights from Joe Rogan's podcast with Patrick Bet-David, speculation on Biden, Kamala, and censorship, AI technology, Jake Paul, immigrant business owners, the right to protect your family, Tom Havilland, a painting by Travis Chapman, strength training and powerlifting, overcoming challenges in strength training, exercise as therapy and finding balance, finding balance in exercise and self-care, building strength and symmetry in legs, improving ankle mobility and foot strength


Margot Robbie's diet is focused on avoiding junk food and heavily processed food

Margot Robbie's diet includes protein-rich foods like fish, eggs, vegetables, rice, and oatmeal. Starting the day with protein instead of a fruit smoothie can help avoid blood sugar fluctuations.

The Barbie movie portrays a world where women don't need men and have all the power

The movie features Ken, the male Barbie, going out into the real world and realizing men are running things. His perspective is seen as foolish in Barbie's world, creating a divide among viewers.

Andrutate manipulated men in his webcam business for money

Andrutate pretended to be girls typing back to men in bikinis or various states of undress, manipulating them into giving him money. He has narcissistic, manipulative, and psychopathic traits.

Caution against celebrity worship and manipulation

Celebrities often have Machiavellian, narcissistic, and psychopathic tendencies. They can use truth to win over followers and manipulate them. It's important to be critical thinkers and consider whether we would want our children to have real-life mentors like these celebrities.

Jordan Peterson attracts older, more mature, and well-read men

There is a large number of young boys who are starving for good leadership and information. Jordan Peterson capitalized on this demographic. It's important to have good friends who can help us see things we might miss.

Insights from Joe Rogan's podcast with Patrick Bet-David

The podcast was insightful and engaging, discussing topics such as the COVID vaccine, politics, and Joe's views on Trump. Speculation about Trump being a guest on the show and Kamala becoming the first female president was also discussed.

Speculation on Biden, Kamala, and censorship

There is speculation about Biden stepping down temporarily and Kamala becoming the first female president. Censorship on Instagram and the removal of content discussing why men are weak today were also mentioned.

AI technology, Jake Paul, and immigrant business owners

AI apps can create deepfake audio and video clips. Fake products exist in the market, so caution is advised when purchasing. Jake Paul's boxing career and his own promotion fight company were discussed. Immigrant business owners defending their store against a thief raised questions about laws and vulnerability.

The right to protect your family and Tom Havilland

People should have the right to protect their families if they feel threatened in their own homes. Tom Havilland, a strong and mysterious individual with a special forces background, was mentioned.

Strength training, powerlifting, and overcoming challenges

Strength training requires consistent practice to improve. Shifting from bodybuilding to powerlifting may be a better direction for those concerned about body image. Exercise can be used as therapy but should be approached with self-awareness and balance.

Building strength, symmetry, and mobility in legs

Unilateral exercises can help strengthen previously injured legs. Focus on regaining function and strength in the ankle and foot through daily mobility work. Customizing exercises like lunges can provide stability training.


  1. Barbie Movie and Margot Robbie's Diet
  2. Impact of Barbie Movie on Viewers
  3. Andrutate's Webcam Business and Manipulation
  4. Cautionary Thoughts on Celebrity Worship
  5. Jordan Peterson and the Need for Good Leadership
  6. Insights from Joe Rogan's Podcast with Patrick Bet-David
  7. Speculation on Biden, Kamala, and Censorship
  8. AI Technology, Jake Paul, and Immigrant Business Owners
  9. Thieves, Business Owners, and Home Security
  10. The Right to Protect Your Family and Tom Havilland
  11. The Painting, Strength Training, and Powerlifting
  12. Training for Strength and Powerlifting
  13. Overcoming Challenges in Strength Training
  14. Exercise as Therapy and Finding Balance
  15. Finding Balance in Exercise and Self-Care
  16. Building Strength and Symmetry in Legs
  17. Improving Ankle Mobility and Foot Strength

Barbie Movie and Margot Robbie's Diet

00:00 - 06:29

  • The Barbie movie has made a billion dollars at the box office and there is increased interest in Margot Robbie's diet
  • Margot Robbie's diet is actually not bad, focusing on avoiding junk food and heavily processed food
  • The diet includes protein-rich foods like fish, eggs, vegetables, rice, and oatmeal
  • One improvement to the diet could be starting the day with protein instead of a fruit smoothie to avoid blood sugar fluctuations
  • It is common for celebrities to promote diets that are not what they actually follow
  • Margot Robbie's diet does not seem gimmicky or tied to any specific product or supplement line

Impact of Barbie Movie on Viewers

06:02 - 11:57

  • Girls are breaking up with their boyfriends after watching the Barbie movie
  • Some people love the movie while others are against it
  • The movie portrays a world where women don't need men and have all the power
  • Ken, the male Barbie, goes out into the real world and realizes men are running things
  • Ken tries to bring his perspective back to Barbie's world but is seen as foolish
  • The way Ken is portrayed in the movie creates a divide among viewers
  • G.I. Joe action figures were created to appeal to boys who didn't want dolls
  • Changing the name from doll to action figure shifted cultural perceptions
  • Words have power and can shape how we think and perceive things

Andrutate's Webcam Business and Manipulation

11:34 - 18:08

  • Andrutate had a webcam business where girls would talk to guys in bikinis or various states of undress and the guys would give them money
  • He manipulated these men into giving him money by pretending to be the girls typing back to them
  • His following is made up of young men who feel like they need leadership, but he jokes about manipulating and taking their money
  • He admitted to lying and conning people for money
  • The divide on him is interesting, with some defending him and others calling him a human trafficker
  • He won't get charged because the girls he recruited don't feel like they were taken advantage of
  • Andrutate has narcissistic, manipulative, and psychopathic traits that make him charismatic but lacking empathy
  • Young men should not worship celebrities and should be critical thinkers

Cautionary Thoughts on Celebrity Worship

17:45 - 23:45

  • Do not worship celebrities; separate their actions from their character.
  • Many people, including celebrities, can say true things even if they are not good people.
  • People idolize celebrities because they want someone to worship.
  • Famous people often have Machiavellian, narcissistic, and psychopathic tendencies.
  • Celebrities can use truth to win over followers and manipulate them.
  • The bravado of a celebrity can be off-putting even if their message is similar to others.
  • Consider whether you would want your child to have a real-life mentor like the celebrity in question.
  • Jordan Peterson is seen as an alternative to problematic celebrities like this one.

Jordan Peterson and the Need for Good Leadership

23:28 - 29:28

  • Jordan Peterson attracts older, more mature, and well-read men.
  • There is a large number of young boys who are starving for good leadership and information.
  • Jordan Peterson capitalized on the 15 to 25 year old demographic who agreed with him.
  • Insecurity makes it easy for people to be manipulated in the fitness space.
  • Some young men may give up on trying to improve themselves after their hero falls.
  • Selling health and fitness messages while intentionally making people sicker and fatter is worse than many accusations against Jordan Peterson.
  • It's important to have good friends you trust because they can help you see things you might miss.
  • Idolizing people will always lead to disappointment as no one can live up to that pedestal.
  • Listening to the podcast with PBD and Joe Rogan was interesting as they were interviewing each other.

Insights from Joe Rogan's Podcast with Patrick Bet-David

29:11 - 35:04

  • Joe Rogan's podcast with Patrick Bet-David was insightful and engaging.
  • Patrick asked tough questions and got Joe to share his real opinions.
  • They discussed the COVID vaccine and politics, with Joe expressing some red pill views.
  • Joe talked about how Trump did good things but doesn't like him personally.
  • There is speculation that Joe might have Trump as a guest on his show.
  • It would be a game-changing interview that could break the internet.
  • Trump is leading in the primaries, so it's smarter for him not to say anything controversial right now.
  • The Democrats are in a tough position with Biden's declining favorability and potential replacements like Gavin Newsom.
  • They might go against Trump again because they know how to play that script.
  • There is also speculation about Kamala Harris becoming the first female president if Biden steps down temporarily.

Speculation on Biden, Kamala, and Censorship

34:36 - 40:31

  • Speculation about Biden stepping down temporarily and Kamala becoming the first female president
  • Hillary Clinton's potential reaction to Kamala becoming president
  • Censorship on Instagram and the removal of a video discussing why men are weak today
  • Explanation of how algorithms and user reports lead to content removal
  • Challenges faced by content creators in discussing important topics without getting flagged
  • Discussion on protecting larger accounts from being shut down by groups with opposing views
  • AI-generated video promoting a product without consent or endorsement
  • Comparison to the old supplement game and difficulties in keeping up with AI technology
  • Advice for determining legitimate product endorsements from Mind Pump

AI Technology, Jake Paul, and Immigrant Business Owners

40:02 - 46:00

  • AI apps can be used to create deepfake audio and video clips.
  • To determine if a product is legitimately supported, check for a list of partners.
  • Ectis Theron has potential benefits but hasn't found a legitimate company to promote it with.
  • Fake products exist in the market, so be cautious when purchasing.
  • Deepfake technology can be used to create explicit content without consent.
  • Jake Paul won his recent fight and is improving as a boxer.
  • Jake Paul and his partner are building their own promotion fight company to disrupt boxing and MMA.
  • There may be an upcoming MMA fight involving Jake Paul.
  • Nate Diaz put up a good fight against Jake Paul despite being an MMA fighter.
  • The fight between Jake Paul and Nate Diaz was expected to end in a knockout within four rounds.

Thieves, Business Owners, and Home Security

45:39 - 51:32

  • There was a video of immigrant business owners beating down a thief in their convenience store.
  • The business owners might get charged with assault for defending their store.
  • The thief had stolen from them multiple times before and they took matters into their own hands.
  • Some cities have laws that allow thieves to get away with stealing under a certain dollar amount.
  • These laws protect everyone but leave business owners vulnerable.
  • Immigrants who worked hard to build businesses are being targeted by thieves, leading to more incidents like this one.
  • Some businesses are setting high prices on items and using discount codes at checkout to deter thefts.

The Right to Protect Your Family and Tom Havilland

51:03 - 57:05

  • The fear of a random man breaking into your house and threatening your family is one of the scariest things that can happen.
  • It doesn't matter if the intruder is armed or not, the threat to your life is real.
  • People should have the right to protect their families if they feel threatened in their own homes.
  • There have been cases where homeowners were sued by intruders who got injured during a break-in.
  • Viori makes comfortable and stretchy clothes that can be worn for both work and workouts.
  • There is a strong and mysterious guy named Tom Havilland who is incredibly strong and has a special forces background.
  • He bench presses insane amounts of weight with ease, even with a pause in between reps.
  • Tom Havilland looks like a real-life superhero and keeps his identity hidden, adding to his mystique.

The Painting, Strength Training, and Powerlifting

56:42 - 1:03:37

  • A painting of the viral girl on the plane saying 'he's not real' has been made by Travis Chapman
  • The painting features the girl pointing and a unicorn, bigfoots, and aliens in the background
  • The podcast host bought a print of the painting
  • Michelle from California calls in with a question about strength training
  • Michelle used to compete in bodybuilding but stopped squatting and deadlifting for fear of thickening her back
  • She wants to get into strength training but struggles with squatting heavy weights
  • She can lunge with a barbell without any problems but has trouble squatting with it
  • The hosts explain that squatting is a skill that takes consistent practice to improve at
  • They discuss Michelle's past squatting experience and range of motion issues
  • The hosts reassure Michelle that her current lifts are impressive and suggest she train like a powerlifter if she wants to focus on getting stronger

Training for Strength and Powerlifting

1:03:08 - 1:09:34

  • Training specifically for strength is different than bodybuilding training.
  • To get stronger, train like a powerlifter.
  • There may be a challenge with the connection between how you look and how you feel.
  • Competing on stage is about body image, so shifting to powerlifting may be a better direction.
  • Powerlifting requires a different mindset and approach to each lift.
  • Focus on technique, leverage, and movement rather than muscle pump or burn.
  • Consider incorporating mobility exercises from the performance program into powerlifting training.
  • Maintaining a higher body fat percentage and eating in a surplus are important for getting stronger.
  • Follow the MAPS Powerlift program and eat in a surplus to see big gains in strength.

Overcoming Challenges in Strength Training

1:09:09 - 1:16:04

  • The speaker discusses a woman who thinks she is weak, but her numbers show otherwise.
  • The speaker shares their own experience of taking time off from squatting and the challenges of getting back into it.
  • They mention the benefits of squatting and how it can lead to better leg development.
  • The speaker predicts that the woman could potentially add 30 to 50 pounds to her squat with proper nutrition.
  • A caller named Darren shares his personal story of using exercise as therapy for dealing with trauma and loss.
  • The hosts commend Darren for choosing exercise as a positive outlet instead of resorting to harmful behaviors.
  • They suggest that Darren seek additional support, such as talking to someone he trusts or investing in therapy, while continuing to use exercise as a tool for healing.
  • The hosts caution against abusing exercise and emphasize the importance of self-awareness in how it is used.
  • Unhealthy relationships with exercise, such as self-punishment or distraction, can lead to injury and overtraining.
  • They stress the need for a healthy approach to exercise as therapy.

Exercise as Therapy and Finding Balance

1:15:38 - 1:22:15

  • Exercise can be a therapy that brings things to the surface and cares for you.
  • Exercise used properly improves your ability to feel everything else.
  • You can work out every day by modifying the intensity and approaching it as self-care.
  • Think about how you would train someone you care about when making exercise decisions.
  • Feeling powerful should be more about showing up and being resilient, rather than physical strength.
  • Modify the intensity of workouts to exercise every day without overdoing it.
  • Consider trying the MAPS Performance program for mobility routines and unconventional lifts.
  • Listen to your body and adjust your training based on rest, recovery, diet, sleep, etc.
  • Even doing mobility work or walking on a treadmill is still moving in the right direction.

Finding Balance in Exercise and Self-Care

1:21:51 - 1:28:19

  • Learning to train differently when your body needs rest or recovery
  • Doing mobility work or low-intensity exercises is still beneficial
  • Shifting focus to technical exercises that don't require heavy weights can strengthen other parts of the body
  • Appreciation for the podcast hosts and their stories about parenting
  • The hosts' messages and examples are inspiring and a reminder of good people in the world
  • Exercise can be therapeutic but also challenging to find balance
  • Many people use exercise as an escape or to cope with insecurities
  • Some individuals push themselves too far and struggle with body image issues
  • Intensity and balance are important in exercise routines
  • A caller seeks advice on building strength in a previously injured leg without neglecting the stronger leg
  • 'Mab symmetry' program is recommended, focusing on unilateral exercises for the injured leg

Building Strength and Symmetry in Legs

1:27:56 - 1:34:08

  • Use the leg that was previously injured to dictate what to do with the other leg in a unilateral workout program
  • Focus on strengthening the previously injured leg and bringing more range of motion to the ankle
  • Incorporate daily ankle and foot exercises from Maps Prime Pro
  • Symmetry is important, even if one side feels weaker or lighter during exercises
  • Hyper focus on regaining function and strength in the ankle and foot through daily mobility work
  • Hiking can be done on weekends, but calf seizing up is due to limited range of motion in the ankle and weak feet
  • Strengthening the ankle and foot is a priority to prevent calf seizing up while hiking
  • Customize exercises like lunges by balancing on the weak ankle for stability training
  • Encourage barefoot movements at home to strengthen the weak foot
  • Goal is to get the weak foot strong and improve range of motion in the ankle

Improving Ankle Mobility and Foot Strength

1:33:42 - 1:40:06

  • To improve ankle mobility and strength, perform barefoot exercises at home.
  • Focus on moving each toe and challenging the weak side of the foot.
  • Avoid hiking until you limp to prevent further imbalance between the legs.
  • In Prime Pro, perform stretches and exercises that push your ankle's range of motion.
  • Soreness is not an indicator of workout effectiveness; focus on foot and ankle improvement.
  • Join the Maps Prime Pro community for support from movement specialists.
  • Unilateral exercises can be effective for building strength and physique.
  • Work with your body's limitations and strive for improvement.