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The Doctor's Farmacy with Mark Hyman, M.D.

Exclusive Dr. Hyman+ Ask A Doctor: Arthritis, Supporting Children’s Immune Systems, And More

Tue Nov 28 2023
Dr. Hyman Plusomega-6 fatty acidsomega-3 fatty acidsarthritischildren's healtharterial stenosis


This episode covers topics such as the benefits of Dr. Hyman Plus platform, the importance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, treating severe arthritis, exposing children to germs, and managing arterial stenosis.


Dr. Hyman Plus offers exclusive content

Dr. Mark is offering a seven-day free trial of his platform called Dr. Hyman Plus, which provides ad-free podcast episodes and functional medicine deep dives.

Increasing omega-3 levels is important for heart health

Dr. Boham recommends maintaining omega-3 levels between eight and 12 percent to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Balance is key when exposing children to germs

Research suggests that exposing children to dirt, animals, and viruses can help develop their immune system.

Stabilizing plaque is crucial for treating arterial stenosis

Lifestyle factors such as good sleep, regular exercise, stress reduction, and a low inflammatory diet can help stabilize plaque in the arteries.


  1. Introduction
  2. Interview with Dr. Elizabeth Boham
  3. Exposing Children to Germs
  4. Treating Arterial Stenosis


00:00 - 01:14

  • Dr. Mark is offering a seven-day free trial of his platform called Dr. Hyman Plus, which provides exclusive access to ad-free podcast episodes and functional medicine deep dives.
  • The platform also includes Ask Mark Anything Q&A sessions where he answers health and wellness questions from the community.

Interview with Dr. Elizabeth Boham

01:18 - 12:57

  • Dr. Boham is the medical director of the Ultra Wellness Center in Massachusetts.
  • She discusses the reasons and consequences of having low omega-6 fatty acids and suggests increasing omega-3 levels through diet and supplementation.
  • She also mentions that low omega-6 levels may indicate issues with digestion and absorption.
  • Glucosamine sulfate is recommended for treating severe arthritis, along with a low inflammatory diet and sufficient omega-3 intake.

Exposing Children to Germs

09:16 - 10:41

  • Balance is key when exposing children to germs.
  • Research shows that exposure to dirt, animals, and viruses is beneficial for immune system development.
  • Avoiding excessive use of hand sanitizers and antibiotics is important for maintaining a healthy immune system.

Treating Arterial Stenosis

14:18 - 17:37

  • Stabilizing plaque and reducing inflammation are crucial for treating arterial stenosis.
  • Lifestyle factors such as good sleep, regular exercise, stress reduction, and a low inflammatory diet can help stabilize plaque.
  • Addressing inflammation, oxidative stress, and chronic infections is also important.
  • Glutathione supplementation and IV therapy may be beneficial in certain cases.