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In Growth We Trust: Marketing | Growth | Startups

🔮 Bye Bye 2023, Stats Of The Pod And Fav Episodes | IGWT Mini Episode About Marketing, Growth, Startups

Thu Dec 21 2023
podcastgrowthengagementfavorite episodespodcast productionfuture plansdiversificationlive events


The episode covers the hosts' Christmas party, podcast growth, favorite episodes, podcast production, future plans, and expanding beyond audio. They discuss their success, engagement with listeners, use of AI tools, plans for live events, and diversifying guest lineup. The hosts express gratitude towards their guests and encourage feedback from listeners.


Podcast Growth

The podcast has achieved high rankings in the UK marketing charts multiple times and has close to 1000 followers on Spotify.

Favorite Episodes

Jake's favorite episode touched on black hat techniques and crafting a good funnel. The other host's favorite episode featured G-Day Big's success in personal branding.

Podcast Production

The podcast has been using AI to generate show notes, timestamps, and content since the beginning, saving a lot of time.

Future Plans

The hosts plan to improve their planning process, diversify their guest lineup, and automate certain aspects of the show.

Expanding Beyond Audio

The hosts are excited about the possibility of doing live recordings or events with listeners and attending marketing events and conferences.


  1. Podcast Overview
  2. Podcast Growth and Engagement
  3. Favorite Episodes and Takeaways
  4. Podcast Production and Optimization
  5. Future Plans and Diversification
  6. Expanding Beyond Audio and Live Events

Podcast Overview

00:00 - 07:37

  • The hosts discuss their Christmas party and how they expense it themselves.
  • They mention that they don't have a team or assistance, but still produce high-quality content.
  • The hosts are wearing hats in the video version of the podcast.
  • This episode is a wrap-up of the year and a quick overview of the podcast's growth.
  • They mention that many people are interested in the behind-the-scenes of podcasts.
  • They talk about another podcast, Diary of CEO, which has 35 people working on it and a million-pound budget.
  • Their own podcast has released 37 episodes in just over six months without missing a week.
  • Recently, they started doing two episodes per week: one with an interview guest and one shorter tactical episode.
  • Out of the 37 episodes, 23 have featured guests.
  • They have reached over 13,000 plays on various platforms, not including YouTube.
  • The hosts express gratitude for their success so far and acknowledge that many podcasts don't reach 10 episodes.
  • They share statistics on their downloads and listening time, which amounts to over 75% of a year's worth of listening time in just six months.

Podcast Growth and Engagement

07:18 - 14:36

  • The podcast has been well-received by listeners and is providing value.
  • The hosts are motivated to improve the content and grow the podcast in 2024.
  • The podcast has close to 1000 followers on Spotify and almost 400 on Apple Podcasts.
  • The integration of podcasts within the Spotify app may contribute to higher follower numbers compared to Apple Podcasts.
  • Listeners are encouraged to follow, leave a five-star review, and engage with the podcast through voice messages and Q&A sessions.
  • The podcast has achieved high rankings in the UK marketing charts multiple times.
  • Monthly listens are approaching 3000, which is significant for a smaller podcast.
  • Despite not being as big as some other podcasts, there is optimism about future growth and potential live shows.

Favorite Episodes and Takeaways

14:09 - 22:30

  • The hosts discuss their favorite episodes of the podcast.
  • Jake's favorite episode was with Roberta's because it touched on black hat techniques and the importance of crafting a good funnel.
  • The other host's favorite episode was with G-Day Big because they admire his work in the TikTok agency area and his success in personal branding.
  • They recommend listening to the G-Day Big episode and following him on TikTok or Instagram.
  • Another favorite episode mentioned is the Sony episode, which had interesting topics and performed well on LinkedIn.
  • One key takeaway from the podcast was Cody's relentless motivation to create digital mass or gravity on the internet, which inspired them to start using AI tools for text generation.

Podcast Production and Optimization

22:05 - 29:34

  • The podcast has been using AI to generate show notes, timestamps, and content since the beginning, saving a lot of time.
  • Cody is coming back for round two in early January.
  • Steve Peon provided practical ways to utilize competitors' techniques in ASO (App Store Optimization) and make changes without negatively impacting performance.
  • TikTok is a channel that they plan to spend more time on for distribution of their content.
  • They are looking for interns to help clip episodes but cannot offer payment.
  • They anticipate focusing on conversion rate optimization (CRO) due to the drying up of VC money and increasing CPMs.
  • There have been challenges with forgetting to send links to guests and starting recording on time.
  • Automating the guest booking system through the calendar has been a game changer, allowing for more planning.

Future Plans and Diversification

29:11 - 36:41

  • The podcast hosts want to improve their planning process for episodes to reduce stress and have more time for content and better questions.
  • They believe that personal brand building and using podcast content on their own channels, like LinkedIn, is an effective way to market the podcast.
  • The hosts discuss their plans for next year, including improving audio quality, upgrading equipment, and redecorating the room where they record.
  • They plan to continue releasing two episodes a week to cater to different listener preferences.
  • They are inspired by the idea of building a media brand with various segments and series to attract different audiences within the same topic.
  • The hosts want to diversify their guest lineup and be more intentional about selecting guests who represent a broader range of perspectives.
  • They acknowledge the importance of avoiding a pattern of predominantly featuring middle-aged white male guests.
  • Automation will be implemented in certain aspects, such as creating clips and utilizing footage from the podcast content.

Expanding Beyond Audio and Live Events

36:24 - 39:43

  • The podcast hosts are planning to automate certain aspects of the show, such as using clips and footage from the content.
  • They are excited about the possibility of taking the podcast beyond just audio and doing live recordings or events with listeners.
  • Initially, they plan to focus on London but may expand to other European locations if opportunities arise.
  • They envision attending marketing events and conferences to provide a different experience by offering live recordings and discussions.
  • The hosts aim to elevate their guests' knowledge and share it with more people through these events.
  • Live podcasting in marketing events is still new, so they see an opportunity to fill a gap in the industry.
  • They hope for growth in the new year by continuing what they're doing and bringing on interesting guests.
  • The hosts express gratitude towards all their guests for sharing knowledge and receiving positive feedback from listeners.
  • Listeners are encouraged to provide feedback and continue spreading the word about the podcast.