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🔮 Carrie Rose's Secrets to Capturing Attention in the Digital Age, Digital PR and TikTok SEO | Carrie Rose, CEO & Founder of Rise at Seven

Tue Feb 06 2024
PRDigital PRTikTok SEOSocial SEOSearch Engine OptimizationTikTok AlgorithmContent CreationAI in SearchWord-of-Mouth AdvertisingDigital PR StrategiesInnovative PR Approaches


The podcast episode features an interview with Kerry Rose from Rise at the Seven, discussing PR and digital PR. The conversation covers topics such as TikTok SEO and the importance of incorporating it into content creation. People are shifting from traditional search engines to social media platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest for discovering brands and finding answers to their search queries. TikTok's algorithm determines the visibility of content based on views and engagement. Google is using AI to answer people's queries instead of sending them to brands. TikTok has become the new form of word of mouth, where users recommend products and places to go. Stepping out of brand guidelines and being different can increase the chances of being seen and remembered as an advertisement. The podcast discusses the viral success of a product that unintentionally resembled a sex toy, leading to free publicity and user-generated content. The Colchester community is a new form of online community that captures local news, gossip, and trending topics. Finding trending topics and attaching your brand to them can generate press and increase traffic to your website. The speaker has hired staff who have disagreed with their process, but the speaker is strict and believes in their own method because it works.


TikTok SEO is important for capturing audience attention

Optimizing content for SEO on TikTok can lead to higher conversions and click-through rates compared to traditional advertising methods.

Views are crucial for TikTok algorithm ranking

Views are currently the most important factor considered by the TikTok algorithm when ranking content. Paid promotion can help increase views and improve visibility.

TikTok's algorithm is becoming more sophisticated

The algorithm is becoming more sophisticated in recognizing signals of trust and authority.

Creating related content outside of TikTok can improve rankings

Creating related content outside of TikTok can also help improve rankings on the platform.

AI is changing the search experience

Google is using AI to answer people's queries instead of sending them to brands. People do not trust AI answers yet, but AI may steal traffic from informational searches.

TikTok serves as a form of word-of-mouth advertising

TikTok serves as a form of word-of-mouth advertising where people recommend products or places.

Being different is important in advertising

Being different is more important than being better when it comes to advertising because standing out increases the chances of being seen and remembered by consumers.

Digital PR allows for greater reach with general consumers

Digital mentions have less impact on industry connections compared to print mentions, but they allow for greater reach with general consumers.

Finding trending topics can generate press and increase traffic

Finding trending topics and attaching your brand to them can generate press and increase traffic to your website.

Innovation is key in PR strategies

The speaker constantly innovates their process. The speaker believes that PR professionals should take responsibility for figuring out what works and what doesn't, similar to how advertisers test different approaches.


  1. PR and Digital PR
  2. Social SEO and TikTok
  3. TikTok Algorithm and Content Creation
  4. SEO Strategies and Future Trends
  5. Shift in Search Experience and TikTok's Role
  6. The Power of TikTok and Content Creation
  7. Innovative PR Strategies and Brand Trust
  8. Digital PR and Media Landscape
  9. Effective PR Strategies and Audience Engagement
  10. Innovative PR Approach and Testing
  11. Innovation in PR Strategies

PR and Digital PR

00:00 - 07:45

  • The podcast episode features an interview with Kerry Rose from Rise at the Seven, discussing PR and digital PR.
  • The conversation covers topics such as TikTok SEO and the importance of incorporating it into content creation.
  • Kerry is described as having a deep understanding of people and how to capture their interest in brands through digital PR and social SEO.
  • The hosts express their excitement about the insights shared during the chat.
  • Kerry provides a brief introduction, mentioning her background in search marketing and founding her own agency, Rise at Seven.
  • The success of Rise at Seven is attributed to approaching client strategies from different angles, particularly focusing on digital PR and social SEO.
  • One of the main topics discussed is social search, specifically related to TikTok. Kerry shares her thoughts on advertising principles and capturing attention in marketing.
  • She highlights that advertising often puts brands in front of people without knowing if they are interested or searching for that specific product or service. In contrast, search marketing allows for targeting based on user intent.
  • Keyword volumes on Google have been decreasing for certain keywords, leading to a shift in focus towards platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest for capturing audience attention.
  • Despite lower keyword volumes on Google for terms like bars in London, searches for bars on platforms like TikTok are increasing.

Social SEO and TikTok

07:22 - 13:59

  • People are shifting from traditional search engines to social media platforms like TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Pinterest for discovering brands and finding answers to their search queries.
  • Social media platforms have transformed into both social and search platforms where people look for products, ideas, and recommendations.
  • The speaker predicted that TikTok would become a search engine and advocated for investing in optimizing content for social platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Pinterest.
  • Initially criticized for this viewpoint, the speaker's announcement of a social SEO team generated significant interest and success with global brands looking to capture traffic on platforms like TikTok and YouTube.
  • Optimizing content for SEO on TikTok can lead to higher conversions and click-through rates compared to traditional advertising methods.
  • The process of optimizing for social SEO starts with keyword research to understand what people are searching for on different channels.
  • Commercial keywords with buying intent should be prioritized in creating content.
  • Keyword is recommended as a useful keyword research tool.
  • Creating multiple pieces of content focused on specific keywords helps establish expertise in the algorithm's eyes.
  • Captions play a crucial role in optimization, with long-form captions containing keywords being preferred. Mentioning the keyword within the first three seconds of a video also signals relevance to the algorithm.
  • Views are currently the most important factor considered by the TikTok algorithm when ranking content. Paid promotion can help increase views and improve visibility.

TikTok Algorithm and Content Creation

13:35 - 19:52

  • TikTok's algorithm determines the visibility of content based on views and engagement.
  • Paid promotion can give a content creator an advantage in getting more views and exposure.
  • The algorithm is becoming more sophisticated in recognizing signals of trust and authority.
  • Content rankings on TikTok can fluctuate, similar to Google's search rankings.
  • Consistently creating new content is important for maintaining visibility on TikTok.
  • Poor-performing content may need to be deleted to improve organic ranking.
  • Creating related content outside of TikTok can also help improve rankings on the platform.
  • Monitoring the search bar can indicate if a topic or keyword has been picked up by TikTok's algorithm.
  • Overloading search results with videos on a specific topic can establish authority in that area.
  • Analyzing comments and questions from viewers can provide ideas for future content creation.
  • SEO professionals struggle to report on the impact of TikTok because external links are banned on the platform.
  • TikTok now provides analytics that show video rankings, views from search, and views from the For You Page (FYP).
  • The click-through rate (CTR) for top-ranked videos on TikTok is significantly higher than Google's CTR.

SEO Strategies and Future Trends

19:26 - 25:43

  • On TikTok, the click-through rate (CTR) for positions one to three is between 60% and 70%, while on Google it is only 30% to 40%.
  • More SEO reporting is expected to come from TikTok, with new features being introduced regularly.
  • Encouraging viewers to search for specific keywords on Google can help track organic engagement and branded/product searches.
  • Increased searches for a brand or product on Google can improve its ranking in search results.
  • If a brand does not appear on the first page of Google search results, it becomes challenging to capture demand and potential customers.
  • Advertising campaigns that generate demand may not always capture it effectively in terms of SEO rankings and visibility.
  • Rise at Seven aims to capture and generate demand simultaneously by improving SEO strategies.
  • Competition for certain keywords can be intense, especially in industries like fashion retail.
  • The BooHoo Group owns multiple brands but focuses on getting clicks across all their brands rather than competing against themselves for traffic.
  • The future of search engine result pages (SERPs) with AI-based updates like SGE (Search Generative Experience) will likely see AI answering queries instead of directing users to specific brands. However, trust in AI answers may still be limited.

Shift in Search Experience and TikTok's Role

25:23 - 31:41

  • Google is using AI to answer people's queries instead of sending them to brands.
  • People do not trust AI answers yet, but AI may steal traffic from informational searches.
  • For specific product searches like pink jeans, competition will still exist between paid and organic results.
  • The focus is shifting from search engine optimization to search experience optimization.
  • Users go through multiple platforms in their search journey, such as Instagram, Pinterest, and Google.
  • When users find an answer to their informational query, they may leave the page without exploring further.
  • Size guides in fashion are more about building trust than optimizing for conversions.
  • Users are moving faster than Google, and keywords are evolving based on consumer language and slang terms.
  • Consumers' adoption of voice search may change the way they describe their queries compared to typing keywords.
  • There is a debate about whether TikTok can be considered a search engine due to its content being pulled from its own platform instead of the web.
  • People are turning to new channels like TikTok because traditional web content is often unsatisfactory with excessive ads and lack of concise answers.
  • TikTok serves as a form of word-of-mouth advertising where people recommend products or places.

The Power of TikTok and Content Creation

31:20 - 38:03

  • Word of mouth is a form of media that people often forget about, but it is powerful in influencing consumer behavior.
  • TikTok has become the new form of word of mouth, where users recommend products and places to go.
  • Unlike other platforms like Twitter, TikTok allows users with zero following to reach hundreds of thousands of people with their opinions.
  • Content marketing has changed in the last few years, with brands needing to catch up and revamp their strategies to grab attention on platforms like Instagram Reels and TikTok.
  • Brands struggle with creating content and knowing where to distribute it effectively.
  • Creating content has become more expensive and time-consuming for brands, while younger creators find it easier to produce content consistently.
  • Some brands have rigid brand guidelines that make it difficult for them to embrace new content creation approaches.
  • Being different is more important than being better when it comes to advertising because standing out increases the chances of being seen and remembered by consumers.

Innovative PR Strategies and Brand Trust

37:34 - 44:04

  • Stepping out of brand guidelines and being different can increase the chances of being seen and remembered as an advertisement.
  • Brands with budget can put that budget into content creation instead of paid advertising, which can still resonate and grab attention.
  • Everything in marketing is interconnected now, with organic content often becoming ads if done right.
  • Before investing in TikTok SEO, it's important for brands to have people talking about them to establish brand trust and credibility.
  • Encouraging user-generated content (UGC) can be a valuable strategy for brands, as it creates a value exchange and increases organic visibility.
  • Finding common themes or stories from customer reviews can be used creatively in ad campaigns to engage audiences and generate free content.

Digital PR and Media Landscape

43:37 - 50:18

  • The podcast discusses the viral success of a product that unintentionally resembled a sex toy, leading to free publicity and user-generated content.
  • Another example mentioned is a beauty brand designing unique bottles to optimize visibility in influencer videos.
  • The conversation then shifts to the decline of print media and the rise of digital PR.
  • It is noted that digital mentions have less impact on industry connections compared to print mentions, but they allow for greater reach with general consumers.
  • The guest believes that print media is declining due to cost and changing consumer habits.
  • Online publications are monetizing through affiliate programs and ad placements, with affiliates being more lucrative.
  • Regional publications like Liverpool Echo and Manchester News are driving significant traffic in certain industries, such as beauty.
  • The guest concludes that going digital and utilizing affiliate programs is the future for media.

Effective PR Strategies and Audience Engagement

49:59 - 56:05

  • The Colchester community is a new form of online community that captures local news, gossip, and trending topics.
  • There is a formula for finding subjects to create campaigns around, such as working backward from what would be interesting to the target audience.
  • When winning clients who want PR, it's common for them to desire placement in big publications like Forbes.
  • It's important to understand where the target audience is and what media they consume. This can be determined by analyzing traffic data and conducting audience research.
  • Rather than focusing on getting into specific publications, it's more effective to identify where the target audience is reading and engage with those platforms.
  • Tools like Buzzsumo can help identify popular topics and articles that generate high engagement and traffic on specific websites.
  • The Daily Mail has found that content related to stars generates high engagement and traffic.
  • By understanding what topics resonate with a specific publication's audience, it becomes easier to create relevant stories or products that will attract attention.

Innovative PR Approach and Testing

55:44 - 1:01:45

  • Finding trending topics and attaching your brand to them can generate press and increase traffic to your website.
  • By analyzing the popularity of Squid Game, a sneaker client was able to identify a surge in searches for white vans and capitalize on the trend.
  • Leveraging exclusive data and providing journalists with attention-grabbing headlines can lead to quick media placements.
  • Building relationships with journalists is not as important as telling compelling stories and providing valuable content.
  • Traditional PR agencies often rely on lengthy press releases and building relationships, which can be time-consuming and ineffective.
  • The speaker's agency has developed a unique approach to PR that involves following a strict script and utilizing specific tools for success.

Innovation in PR Strategies

1:01:24 - 1:02:51

  • The speaker has hired staff who have disagreed with their process, but the speaker is strict and believes in their own method because it works.
  • The speaker constantly innovates their process.
  • The speaker believes that PR professionals should take responsibility for figuring out what works and what doesn't, similar to how advertisers test different approaches.
  • The guest, Carrie Rose, is known as a legendary figure in her field.
  • Carrie Rose can be found on most channels as "Carry Rose PR," although she considers herself more of a content marketer.