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Ben Greenfield Life

Negotiation, Communication & Body Language Tactics To Upgrade Your Life & Relationships, With Former FBI Negotiator Chris Voss.

Sat Feb 24 2024
empathyrelationshipsnegotiation techniquescommunication strategiesbody languageoptimizing negotiation skillsrecommended resources


This episode covers the importance of empathy in relationships, negotiation techniques, effective communication strategies, questioning techniques, interpreting body language, optimizing negotiation skills, and recommended resources for negotiation. Key insights include the significance of continuous learning and application of negotiation tactics, the role of empathy and tactical empathy in communication, and the impact of body language in negotiations. Recommended resources include books like 'Start With No' and 'Molly's Game'.


Empathy and Communication

Empathy plays a crucial role in relationships and communication. Tactical empathy involves understanding the other person's perspective and addressing their negative thoughts. Accusation audit is a strategy to disarm people by acknowledging and addressing potential negative perceptions.

Negotiation Techniques

Mirroring, paraphrasing, and labeling are key skills in the Black Swan method to make the other party feel understood. Calibrated questions, such as 'what' and 'how', are designed to collaboratively create solutions. People are more likely to say 'no' as a protective response, but this can be leveraged in negotiations by phrasing questions to lead them from 'no' to 'yes'.

Body Language and Digital Communication

Reading body language is highly unreliable, with people often misinterpreting signals. Labeling body language can help clarify intentions and emotions. Using positive communication skills like smiling can build trust and lead to long-term success in negotiations. In digital interactions, maintaining focus and avoiding multitasking is crucial for effective communication.

Optimizing Negotiation Skills

Top performers are more likely to adopt negotiation tactics compared to those in the middle or bottom of the bell curve. Educational background may not significantly impact negotiation skills, as top performers tend to excel regardless of schooling environment. Simulation exercises like '60 seconds or she dies' help train for intense negotiations and understanding human reactions under pressure.

Recommended Resources

Labeling is a successful negotiation technique that can lead to instantaneous change in a conversation. The Black Swan Group offers specialized trainings for entrepreneurs seeking to improve their negotiation skills. Recommended books include 'Start With No' by Jim Camp, 'Molly's Game' which provides insights into human nature, and 'Rise of Superman' by Steven Kotler.


  1. Empathy in Relationships
  2. Negotiation Techniques
  3. Communication and Empathy in Negotiations
  4. Effective Communication Techniques
  5. Questioning Techniques and Negotiation Strategies
  6. Interpreting Body Language and Digital Communication
  7. Optimizing Negotiation Skills
  8. Recommended Resources for Negotiation

Empathy in Relationships

00:00 - 07:17

  • Empathy plays a crucial role in relationships, especially with significant others.

Negotiation Techniques

06:54 - 13:52

  • Chris Voss's masterclass on negotiation techniques like mirroring and labeling provides valuable insights for effective negotiations.
  • Tallraas, a renowned business book writer, co-authored a book titled 'Never Eat Alone with Keith Frazi' and later came up with the title 'Never Split the Difference' for their new book.
  • The concept of win-win negotiations is criticized as it may lead to compromises that do not align with one's goals.
  • The guest learned negotiation skills through volunteering on a crisis hotline, emphasizing the importance of emotional intelligence in getting people to better outcomes.
  • The guest highlights the significance of continuous learning and application of negotiation tactics in real-life scenarios.
  • Learning about communication skills and body language was essential for the guest's development as a negotiator, drawing inspiration from various sources like 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' and 'The 48 Laws of Power.'

Communication and Empathy in Negotiations

13:28 - 20:29

  • The negotiation process in crisis situations involves communication with the distressed person inside, often via cell phone or other means.
  • Tough negotiations include scenarios where the other party may have no intention of making a deal or may be orchestrating harm.
  • In real-world negotiations, the biggest mistake people make is not listening to the other side and lacking empathy in communication.
  • Listening and demonstrating empathy is crucial in communication
  • Tactical empathy involves understanding the other person's perspective and addressing their negative thoughts
  • Accusation audit is a strategy to disarm people by acknowledging and addressing potential negative perceptions
  • Mirroring, paraphrasing, and labeling are key skills in the Black Swan method to make the other party feel understood

Effective Communication Techniques

26:30 - 33:44

  • Mirroring in conversations involves repeating one to three words to encourage the speaker to expand on their thoughts.
  • Using 'I' in communication can be self-centered, while using 'you' shows interest in the other person's feelings.
  • Labeling emotions like 'sounds like' or 'feels like' can help draw out insights and improve communication.
  • Labeling can be a powerful negotiation tool, leading to better understanding and outcomes.
  • Thrive Market offers a wide range of organic products for health and home needs, with convenient online shopping options.
  • Apothecary's Transdermal Cream provides an alternative way to absorb supplements for better effectiveness.

Questioning Techniques and Negotiation Strategies

40:14 - 47:31

  • Calibrated questions, such as 'what' and 'how', are designed to collaboratively create solutions by identifying obstacles and focusing on implementation.
  • Using 'we' questions in negotiations can help build collaboration and empathy with the other party.
  • People are more likely to say 'no' as a protective response, but this can be leveraged in negotiations by phrasing questions to lead them from 'no' to 'yes'.
  • The book 'Getting to Yes' focuses on getting agreement but is criticized for being academically rigorous and not easily applicable in real-world scenarios.
  • Body language plays a significant role in negotiation, but interpreting it accurately can be challenging.

Interpreting Body Language and Digital Communication

47:07 - 54:00

  • Reading body language is highly unreliable, with people often misinterpreting signals
  • Labeling body language can help clarify intentions and emotions
  • Using positive communication skills like smiling can build trust and lead to long-term success in negotiations
  • In digital interactions, maintaining focus and avoiding multitasking is crucial for effective communication

Optimizing Negotiation Skills

53:39 - 1:00:39

  • Distractions can hinder focus during calls, especially when sitting at a desk with various stimuli around.
  • Body language of non-speakers in Zoom calls can reveal valuable information.
  • Top performers are more likely to adopt negotiation tactics compared to those in the middle or bottom of the bell curve.
  • Educational background may not significantly impact negotiation skills, as top performers tend to excel regardless of schooling environment.
  • Traditional schooling methods emphasizing rote memorization may limit dynamic thinking in negotiations.
  • Simulation exercises like '60 seconds or she dies' help train for intense negotiations and understanding human reactions under pressure.

Recommended Resources for Negotiation

1:06:27 - 1:06:44

  • Labeling is a successful negotiation technique that can lead to instantaneous change in a conversation.
  • The Black Swan Group focuses on the impact of tiny, improbable details in negotiations.
  • The group offers two-day diamond trainings and specialized one-day trainings for entrepreneurs seeking to improve their negotiation skills.
  • Chris Voss recommends 'Start With No' by Jim Camp as a valuable book on business negotiation.
  • Another recommended book by Chris Voss is 'Molly's Game', which provides insights into human nature through the story of running poker games.
  • 'Rise of Superman' by Steven Kotler is also recommended by Chris Voss for its valuable content.