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Voices of Search // A Search Engine Optimization (SEO) & Content Marketing Podcast

80/20 Traffic Growth

Sat Feb 24 2024
SEOContent StrategyOrganic Growth


This episode of the Voices of Search podcast explores the 80/20 growth rule for SEO. The rule focuses on identifying the top-performing pages that drive the majority of a website's traffic and intentionally creating more content to match their success. Learn how to implement this strategy and set realistic expectations for execution time and results.


Focus on top-performing pages

Identify the pages that generate the most traffic and prioritize creating similar content.

Align stakeholders and set expectations

Get buy-in from key stakeholders and set realistic timelines for execution and results.


  1. Introduction
  2. 80/20 Growth for SEO
  3. Implementing the 80/20 Rule


00:00 - 01:07

  • The Voices of Search podcast is a proud member of the I Hear Everything podcast network.
  • The podcast provides news, knowledge, and strategies for navigating the world of SEO.

80/20 Growth for SEO

01:17 - 06:40

  • The 80/20 growth rule focuses on identifying the top-performing pages that drive the majority of a website's traffic.
  • By intentionally creating more content that matches the traffic level of these top pages, companies can significantly increase their organic growth efforts.

Implementing the 80/20 Rule

10:55 - 16:31

  • To implement the 80/20 rule, start by aligning key stakeholders and getting buy-in from internal teams.
  • Calculate estimated traffic for potential topics by analyzing the highest-ranked relevant results in Google search.
  • Set realistic expectations for execution time and results, typically around three months.