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Huberman Lab

LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman Question & Answer in Melbourne, AU

Fri Mar 22 2024
Brain HealthCognitive DeclineDementia PreventionExerciseCognitive EnhancersMeditationHypnosisPhone AddictionConsciousnessTrauma TreatmentGeneticsScience Communication


This episode covers a live event called the Brain Body Contract in Melbourne, Australia, focusing on preventing dementia and cognitive decline. It explores various strategies such as exercise, cognitive enhancers, meditation, and hypnosis. The importance of diverse challenges, phone addiction, consciousness, trauma treatment, genetics, and collective effort in science is also discussed.


Engaging in physical exercise can offset cognitive decline

Physical exercise involving neuromuscular connections helps maintain cognitive function and slow aging.

Nicotine may have potential benefits for age-related reductions in neurotransmission

Caution is advised to avoid dangerous blood pressure levels when considering nicotine as a cognitive enhancer.

NSDR and meditation can improve cognitive function and sleep

Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) and meditation practices like Third eye meditation have positive effects on memory, focus, and stress levels.

Phone addiction and the importance of conscious use

Mindful phone usage, understanding the impact of phone addiction on younger generations, and exploring the concept of consciousness in relation to AI are discussed.

Trauma treatment, genetics, and collective effort in science

The importance of trauma treatment, understanding genetics, and promoting collective effort in science and health communication is highlighted.


  1. Brain Body Contract Event in Melbourne
  2. Cognitive Enhancers and Neurodegeneration
  3. Physical Exercise and Cognitive Function
  4. Diverse Challenges and Longevity
  5. NSDR, Meditation, and Hypnosis
  6. Phone Addiction and Consciousness
  7. Collective Effort in Science and Health Communication

Brain Body Contract Event in Melbourne

00:00 - 07:26

  • The podcast features a live event in Melbourne, Australia called the Brain Body Contract with a lecture and Q&A session.
  • Ground truths for preventing dementia include the importance of blood circulation for brain health, specifically through zone two cardio exercises.
  • Age-related decline in memory can be related to reductions in dopamine transmission, which can be improved through various means including healthy lifestyle choices and potentially selective pharmacology like nicotine.

Cognitive Enhancers and Neurodegeneration

06:59 - 14:30

  • Nicotine may have some use cases for offsetting age-related reductions in neurotransmission, but caution is advised to avoid dangerous blood pressure levels.
  • Cognitive enhancers like modafinil and amphetamines are being considered to counter cognitive decline and dementia.
  • Avoid head injuries as they can contribute to neurodegeneration, especially common in sports like rugby and American football.
  • Hyperbaric chambers are being explored for traumatic brain injury and neurodegeneration, though widespread adoption may not be cost-effective.
  • Maintaining overall body health benefits the brain, while drugs of abuse like methamphetamine can deplete dopamine neurons.
  • MDMA increases serotonin levels and has been studied in populations like the LDS community for cognitive effects, with attention issues noted at higher doses.
  • There is ongoing research into drugs and supplements to enhance neuromodulator release to protect against dementia by keeping dopaminergic neurons active.

Physical Exercise and Cognitive Function

14:00 - 21:34

  • Engaging in physical exercise that involves neuromuscular connections can help offset cognitive decline.
  • The anterior mid-singulate cortex is a key brain region linked to willpower and overcoming challenges.
  • Challenging activities stimulate plasticity in the anterior mid-singulate cortex, which is associated with willpower and cognitive function.
  • Regular engagement in challenging activities may contribute to maintaining cognitive function and slow aging in super-agers.

Diverse Challenges and Longevity

21:10 - 28:16

  • Engaging in diverse challenges regularly may contribute to longevity and cognitive health.
  • The will to live may be linked to the anterior mid-singulate cortex, as seen in terminal cancer cases.
  • Shift workers should aim for cortisol elevation early in the day and limit blue light exposure at night to improve mood, focus, and immune function.
  • Reducing blue light exposure at night through blue blockers or red-tinted glasses can help lower cortisol levels during shift work.

NSDR, Meditation, and Hypnosis

27:56 - 34:56

  • website offers a tool to search for specific topics across podcast episodes
  • NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest) is a practice similar to yoga nidra, beneficial for addiction recovery and sleep improvement
  • NSDR can increase dopamine levels by up to 60% and accelerate neuroplasticity in the brain
  • NSDR is effective at restoring cognitive and physical vigor, improving sleep, and offsetting some degree of sleep loss
  • Meditation, such as Third eye meditation, can improve memory, focus, and have stress-offsetting effects
  • Meditation can improve memory, focus, and stress levels but is more of a focus exercise than an energy replenishing one.
  • Self-directed hypnosis, like smoking cessation, focuses on engaging neuroplasticity for problem-solving.
  • The success rate of smoking cessation through hypnosis is higher compared to other methods.
  • Highly hypnotizable individuals can be identified through the Spiegel eye roll test involving eye movements and relaxation states.

Phone Addiction and Consciousness

34:27 - 41:24

  • To reduce mindless phone scrolling, deleting and reinstalling social media apps daily with time limits can be effective in breaking compulsive behaviors.
  • Younger generations view phones as integral to their lives, feeling drained when the phone powers down and energized when it comes back up.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of being a channel, not a dam, in dealing with emerging technologies and children's use of them.
  • There is a discussion about the potential benefits and risks of conducting clinical trials, including exploring areas like physical contact, psychedelics, and hyperbaric chambers.
  • Childhood trauma is highlighted as an important area for research and treatment to rewire the nervous system and promote neuroplasticity.
  • The concept of consciousness is brought up in relation to advancements in AI, prompting questions about its definition.
  • There is a lack of structured framework for treating trauma with different groups using various methods like EMDR.
  • The concept of consciousness and defining it, especially in the context of AI, is considered important but lacks a clear definition.
  • Challenges and controversies exist in addressing topics like free will, ADHD, and negotiation strategies.
  • The importance of understanding genetics, including genetic screening and CRISPR technology, as well as ethical considerations.
  • Excitement around studying microbiomes in different parts of the body like the gut, skin, nose, and genitals.
  • A call to action for more focus on female hormones in scientific research due to historical neglect.

Collective Effort in Science and Health Communication

41:06 - 48:30

  • The speaker acknowledges being behind in their work due to resource issues and sociological considerations.
  • Emphasizes the importance of collective effort in making progress in science and health communication.
  • Encourages diversity in perspectives and communication styles within the scientific community.
  • Advocates for more podcasts and sharing information on social media to support public science efforts.
  • Expresses gratitude to the audience for their interest in science and emphasizes the importance of sharing information for the benefit of others.