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The Art of Manliness

How to Create a Distraction-Free Phone

Wed Apr 03 2024
phone distractionsfocusproductivityrelationshipstools


This episode explores strategies for reducing phone distractions and improving focus. It features insights from Jake Knapp, a former Google employee, who shares his journey of deleting distracting apps to be more present with his family. The episode also discusses the impact of constant phone use on relationships and productivity, as well as tips for choosing essential apps and creating a focused work environment. Tools for reducing phone usage and maintaining focus are highlighted, including purpose-built apps, limiting internet access, and creating distraction-free spaces.


Reducing phone distractions can lead to less stress and a more focused personal life

Constant connectivity through technology can lead to overload and constant stress

Setting boundaries with email and social media can improve well-being and relationships

Investing more time in inner circle relationships can provide higher value than spreading attention too thin

Enabling and disabling browser access on the phone helps create a barrier to prevent mindless distractions

Turning off apps and email on the phone leads to a powerful feeling of focus and clarity

Using purpose-built apps like Maps can help individuals access time-sensitive or location-specific information without the need for a web browser on their phone

Apple and Google may not be fully committed to helping users reduce phone usage

Using tools like Freedom to limit internet access can be more effective than built-in phone settings

Some people opt for 'dumb phones' or minimalist devices to reduce smartphone distractions


  1. Reducing Phone Distractions
  2. Choosing Essential Apps
  3. Creating a Focused Work Environment
  4. Reducing Stress and Improving Relationships
  5. Tools for Focus and Productivity

Reducing Phone Distractions

00:07 - 13:27

  • Jake Knapp, a former Google employee and current venture capitalist, discusses his journey of reducing distractions on his phone over a decade ago.
  • In 2012, major distractors on phones included Facebook, Instagram, email, web browsing, games, and news apps.
  • Jake realized the negative impact of excessive phone use when his son questioned why he was on the phone instead of fully engaging with him during playtime.
  • Reflecting on his childhood experiences with his father without smartphones, Jake decided to delete distracting apps from his phone to be more present with his own children.
  • The speaker recognized that the constant pull of the phone was preventing them from being present with their family and affecting their ability to focus on important matters.
  • The speaker described how the phone created a constant tug on their attention with the influx of new information from apps like Facebook, Instagram, and news outlets.

Choosing Essential Apps

12:58 - 25:08

  • Email on the phone causes stress due to open loops, leading to its deletion.
  • Music and podcasts are considered keepers on the phone for their value and joy they bring.
  • Maps, camera, and other apps that feel like magical tools from the future are also kept on the phone.
  • Organizational strategies include keeping a minimal number of visible apps and using a 'future' folder for apps with wow factor.
  • Many people opt to remove social media and news apps from their phones to reduce distractions.
  • Some individuals find it beneficial to only install the email app when needed and then promptly uninstall it.

Creating a Focused Work Environment

24:48 - 31:17

  • Enabling and disabling browser access on the phone helps create a barrier to prevent mindless distractions.
  • Turning off apps and email on the phone leads to a powerful feeling of focus and clarity.
  • The spread of smartphones with distracting apps coincided with the realization that work often involved unproductive tasks like meetings and emails.
  • Implementing focused work periods without distractions led to significant productivity gains in solving problems and creating new products.
  • Allowing oneself to get behind on emails and project requests is necessary to focus on high-value work.

Reducing Stress and Improving Relationships

30:58 - 43:44

  • Reducing phone distractions can lead to less stress and a more focused personal life
  • Constant connectivity through technology can lead to overload and constant stress
  • Setting boundaries with email and social media can improve well-being and relationships
  • Investing more time in inner circle relationships can provide higher value than spreading attention too thin
  • Turning off browser and signing out of services can help reduce phone distractions
  • Installing and uninstalling apps can create friction and reduce reliance on them

Tools for Focus and Productivity

43:25 - 50:00

  • Using purpose-built apps like Maps can help individuals access time-sensitive or location-specific information without the need for a web browser on their phone.
  • Apple and Google may not be fully committed to helping users reduce phone usage
  • Using tools like Freedom to limit internet access can be more effective than built-in phone settings
  • Some people opt for 'dumb phones' or minimalist devices to reduce smartphone distractions
  • The speaker discusses his preference for certain apps like the emotion tracker app and Peloton app.
  • He mentions being selective about trying out new apps based on whether they create bad feelings or stress.
  • The speaker uses tools like a time timer, Freedom software, and a disconnected internet office to stay focused while working.
  • Creating spaces without distractions is important for the speaker to focus on creative tasks.