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Coleman Ruiz: Overcoming Physical & Emotional Challenges

Mon Apr 08 2024
Navy SEALMilitary ServiceWrestlingMental HealthPsychedelicsHealing


The podcast features Coleman Ruiz, a former Navy SEAL, sharing his life story from childhood through military service to civilian life. Ruiz's life embodies focus, pursuit, family, love, unforeseen tragedies, and challenges that have shaped him as a human being. The discussion with Coleman Ruiz is expected to provide tremendous benefit to listeners of all ages and backgrounds.


Wrestling provides structure and discipline

Engaging in wrestling positively impacted Ruiz's academic performance and behavior, providing structure and discipline.

Transitioning to the Naval Academy

The decision to attend the Naval Academy was influenced by family history and a desire for excitement and escape.

Challenges of military training

Success in Buds training is not easily predictable by physical metrics. Some students struggle with self-doubt despite their accomplishments.

Impact of military experiences on mental health

The conversation touches on the impact of military experiences on mental health and the journey to civilian life for veterans.

Exploring psychedelics for healing

Veterans from Tier 1 operations are exploring psychedelics in legal and sanctioned ways. Talk therapy and mentorship can be crucial in integrating psychedelic experiences and dealing with resulting challenges.

Importance of seeking help and support

Seeking help from supportive individuals is crucial in overcoming challenges. Opening up about struggles to trusted individuals can lead to a supportive response and aid in the healing process.

Physical activity for mental well-being

Engaging in physical activity can have a positive impact on mental clarity and overall well-being, serving as a necessary component alongside other therapies like talk therapy and introspection.

Accepting what cannot be controlled

Surrendering to the realities of life is a challenging process that involves accepting what cannot be controlled. The hero's journey involves facing transitions and challenges that are not linear or equal in duration.


  1. Childhood and Wrestling
  2. High School and Naval Academy
  3. SEAL Training and Military Service
  4. Post-Military Life and Healing

Childhood and Wrestling

00:00 - 20:22

  • Coleman Ruiz, a former Navy SEAL, shares his life story from childhood through military service to civilian life.
  • Ruiz grew up in New Orleans East with a modest upbringing and had pleasant memories of childhood despite some challenges.
  • In seventh grade, Ruiz faced disciplinary issues and got involved in fights, but eventually found solace in wrestling which became a significant turning point in their life.
  • Participating in combat sports like wrestling instills a deep sense of respect among fighters for each other's efforts and sacrifices.
  • Engaging in wrestling positively impacted Ruiz's academic performance and behavior, providing structure and discipline.
  • Wrestling was not a popular sport in Ruiz's area, making their success and dedication to the sport stand out as unique.

High School and Naval Academy

19:58 - 39:40

  • In 8th grade, Ruiz faced abuse from older wrestlers in the wrestling room.
  • Wrestling positively impacted Ruiz's life and led to success in high school.
  • Ruiz refrained from drugs and focused on wrestling and academics in high school.
  • Despite challenges, Ruiz excelled in wrestling and aimed to wrestle in college.
  • The decision to attend the Naval Academy was influenced by family history and a desire for excitement and escape.
  • Ruiz's parents' divorce during senior year of high school prompted a mindset of focusing on personal growth and moving forward.
  • During high school, Ruiz lacked introspection, journaling, or emotional exploration, focusing mainly on external achievements.
  • Despite not initially getting into the Naval Academy, Ruiz eventually got into a prep school in Newport through their college coach's connection.
  • The prep school curriculum is designed to prepare students for the Naval Academy by teaching them the first semester material.
  • The prep school for the Naval Academy involves intense military training and academic coursework.
  • Students at the prep school are exposed to high-ranking military officials early on, emphasizing the seriousness of their training.
  • Being surrounded by accomplished individuals can inspire a sense of possibility and achievement in one's own life.
  • Some students, like Colman Ruiz, feel the need to constantly prove themselves and struggle with self-doubt despite their accomplishments.

SEAL Training and Military Service

39:10 - 1:55:36

  • The process of joining the SEAL teams involves rigorous selection processes like mini-buds and interviews with SEALs.
  • Success in Buds training is not easily predictable by physical metrics, as observed by a former instructor.
  • 85% of individuals entering Buds training thinking they won't quit end up dropping out.
  • Varsity athletes, children of divorced parents, and those who have been suspended from school are common traits among individuals who successfully complete challenging training like hell week.
  • Having divorced parents can lead to a sense of being alone and a strong desire for belonging, which can drive individuals to persevere through difficult times.
  • A feeling of biological identity and rebellion against authority are also factors that contribute to individuals successfully completing challenging tasks.
  • In military work, a rebellious mindset can be beneficial for dealing with chaotic and high-risk situations.
  • Combat experiences may differ significantly from training scenarios, requiring a different mindset.
  • Patriotism plays a role in military service, but personal experiences and mentors also shape perspectives.
  • Transitioning to Tier 1 division within SEAL teams signifies advancement to higher levels of operations.
  • Tier one in the SEAL teams refers to a special mission unit with advanced training programs.
  • To qualify for green team, individuals undergo rigorous screening processes including psychological and physical assessments.
  • Green team training involves military freefall jumps from 25,000 feet with specialized gear and tactics.
  • The command's training at tier one is described as being on another level compared to regular SEAL team experiences.
  • The exact reason why it's called Tier 1 is not explicitly known, but it may be related to military echelons and end strength numbers set by Congress.
  • The military sets end strength numbers for each branch, like the Navy having 355,000 people.
  • Special operations work involves high-risk and high-consequence tasks that are worked out on a case-by-case basis.
  • The individual shares experiences of working in counter-terrorist operations from 2006 to 2011.
  • The individual had close relationships with individuals who were killed in action, with over 40 personal acquaintances lost.
  • Dealing with the aftermath of losing close teammates involved attending funerals and returning to work every 90 days on average.
  • Warriors on both sides of conflicts believe they are doing what is right for them and their families.
  • Home life for military personnel can be well-functioning with proper compartmentalization and support.
  • The decision to leave the military after a certain period can be a conscious and necessary choice for personal and family well-being.
  • Processing traumatic experiences and transitioning to civilian life can pose challenges in terms of energy management and emotional processing.

Post-Military Life and Healing

2:59:26 - 3:17:58

  • In 2011, Ruiz faced challenges transitioning out of military life and struggled with finding purpose and managing time.
  • The speaker found solace in Joseph Campbell's 'The Hero with a Thousand Faces' which outlines the hero's journey and helped him navigate his own journey.
  • The back end of the hero's journey involves stages like the ultimate boon, refusal of return, magic flight, assistance from special power, and crossing the return threshold.
  • The podcast discusses the stages of Joseph Campbell's hero's journey and relates it to personal experiences, particularly in dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of mentors in helping individuals navigate through life transitions and challenges.
  • Personal anecdotes are shared about encountering mentors and facing the return stages of the hero's journey.
  • The conversation touches on the impact of military experiences on mental health and the journey to civilian life for veterans.
  • Veterans from Tier 1 operations are exploring psychedelics in legal and sanctioned ways.
  • The speaker had positive experiences with cranio-sacral therapy and somatics for emotional healing.
  • Engaging with intellectual content like books by Sam Harris and Robert Wright led to a shift in perspective for the speaker.
  • The speaker used plant medicines like Ibogaine and DMT in controlled environments, which had profound effects on them.
  • There are warnings about the potential risks of using plant medicines without proper guidance or in unsafe conditions.
  • Humor can be a powerful tool to navigate difficult times.
  • Psychedelics like AviGain DMT and 5-MeO-DMT can have profound effects on individuals.
  • Veteran Solutions Group has been beneficial for many people dealing with PTSD.
  • It's important to approach psychedelic experiences with caution and proper guidance.
  • Talk therapy and mentorship can be crucial in integrating psychedelic experiences and dealing with resulting challenges.
  • Seeking help from supportive individuals is crucial in overcoming challenges.
  • Taking small steps and making positive changes can lead to significant improvements in mental health and well-being.
  • Opening up about struggles to trusted individuals can lead to a supportive response and aid in the healing process.
  • There are resources available, such as friends, clergy, or support groups like AA, that can provide assistance at no cost.
  • Sharing emotional pain and vulnerabilities can be daunting but is often met with understanding and empathy from others.
  • The speaker reflects on the importance of ensuring their children are well taken care of in case of death.
  • The speaker discusses the impact of a colleague's death on their mindset and determination to stay alive.
  • The transcript delves into the mindset cultivated in special operations, where individuals may feel invincible due to intense training.
  • The discussion touches on how military training shapes individuals into weapons, both physically and mentally.
  • The emotional toll of notifying families about the death of military personnel is highlighted.
  • The speaker recalls the emotional toll of notifying families of fallen comrades, including the difficulty of informing a friend's wife about his death.
  • The speaker describes the intense and frequent cycle of loss experienced from 2006 to 2011 within their military community in Virginia Beach.
  • Reflecting on the challenging environment and constant deployments, the speaker expresses compassion for those enduring similar hardships in different walks of life.
  • Warriors on both sides of conflicts believe they are doing what is right for them and their families.
  • Home life for military personnel can be well-functioning with proper compartmentalization and support.
  • The decision to leave the military after a certain period can be a conscious and necessary choice for personal and family well-being.
  • Processing traumatic experiences and transitioning to civilian life can pose challenges in terms of energy management and emotional processing.
  • The healing process often starts when a person hits rock bottom, as shared by many stories and experiences.
  • Physical movement is considered crucial for resetting the mind, with movement being described as the final common pathway by Nobel Prize-winning scientist Sherrington.
  • Engaging in physical activity can have a positive impact on mental clarity and overall well-being, serving as a necessary component alongside other therapies like talk therapy and introspection.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of discipline in daily practices like diet and exercise.
  • They highlight the benefits of consuming fewer calories and focusing on a balanced diet throughout the day.
  • The speaker discusses the concept of being a man and stresses the importance of having a range of qualities beyond traditional aggressive manhood.
  • They reflect on parenting and the need to release control to allow children to make their own decisions.
  • The speaker advocates for having a diverse set of tools in one's toolbox to navigate life effectively.
  • Surrendering to the realities of life is a challenging process that involves accepting what cannot be controlled.
  • The hero's journey involves facing transitions and challenges that are not linear or equal in duration.
  • Skipping steps in personal growth can lead to negative consequences and erode one's well-being.
  • Returning to ordinary life after significant experiences may not be as easy or stress-free as expected, leading to a need for managing time and relationships effectively.
  • The speaker feels more in control of their life and work relationships after making changes.
  • The guest is thanked for sharing their experiences and being a mentor to many people.
  • There is an invitation for the guest to return in a couple of years for another discussion.
  • Various ways to support the podcast are mentioned, such as subscribing on YouTube, Spotify, and Apple, leaving reviews, and checking out sponsors.
  • Information about supplements and social media platforms related to the podcast host is provided.