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Deep Questions with Cal Newport

Ep. 296: Jane Austen’s To-Do List (LIVE)

Mon Apr 15 2024
ProductivityKnowledge WorkWork-Life BalanceRemote WorkDigital Minimalism


The episode discusses the challenges of productivity in knowledge work and explores strategies to improve productivity, reduce administrative overhead, and find work-life balance. It includes insights from historical case studies, digital minimalism, parenting, and long-term project management. The importance of refining concepts, centralizing teamwork, and implementing work organization principles is highlighted. Strategies for balancing meeting time in remote work and quick knowledge consumption are also discussed.


Pseudo Productivity and Slow Productivity

Traditional economic notions of productivity do not align well with knowledge work, leading to the emergence of pseudo productivity as a heuristic.

Jane Austen's Experience and Overwhelming Administrative Overhead

Jane Austen's experience highlights the challenge of productivity when overwhelmed with tasks, which is relevant to modern knowledge workers facing excessive administrative overhead.

Reducing Overhead and Tactical Advice for Productivity

Reducing overhead by focusing on solving specific problems for bosses can lead to increased trust and decreased stress in the workplace.

Digital Minimalism, Parenting, and Prioritizing Tasks

The podcast guest discusses his approach to digital minimalism and why he doesn't focus on platforms like LinkedIn.

Sequencing Tasks and Rituals for Deep Work Blocks

The speaker emphasizes the importance of sequencing tasks to focus on specific priorities at different times, such as book writing, teaching, or department building.

Structured Shutdown Routine and Obsessing Over Quality

Having a structured shutdown routine can help with productivity by allowing for easy continuation of work the next day.

Long-Term Project Management and Circular Refinement

A book on collaboration protocols in long-term projects can help reduce cognitive overload and improve productivity.

Refining Concepts and Centralizing Teamwork

The process of refining concepts and frameworks can take years of testing and iteration before they are ready to be implemented.

Balancing Meeting Time and Collaboration in Remote Work

Strategies like the 'one for you, one for me' heuristic and deep to shallow work ratio method are suggested to balance meeting time with personal work time.

Quick Knowledge Consumption and Work-Life Balance

Blinkist offers book summaries and audio guides for quick knowledge consumption in various categories.


  1. The Challenges of Productivity in Knowledge Work
  2. Pseudo Productivity and Slow Productivity
  3. Jane Austen's Experience and Overwhelming Administrative Overhead
  4. Reducing Overhead and Tactical Advice for Productivity
  5. Digital Minimalism, Parenting, and Prioritizing Tasks
  6. Sequencing Tasks and Rituals for Deep Work Blocks
  7. Structured Shutdown Routine and Obsessing Over Quality
  8. Long-Term Project Management and Circular Refinement
  9. Refining Concepts and Centralizing Teamwork
  10. Balancing Meeting Time and Collaboration in Remote Work
  11. Quick Knowledge Consumption and Work-Life Balance
  12. Implementing Work Organization Principles
  13. Breathing Room and Flexibility in Work Relationships

The Challenges of Productivity in Knowledge Work

00:19 - 07:56

  • The podcast episode was recorded live at People's Book, an independent bookstore in Tacoma Park.
  • The host followed the same structure as the regular podcast, starting with a deep dive and then answering questions from the audience.
  • The book discussed in the podcast focuses on knowledge work and the challenges faced by knowledge workers in terms of productivity.
  • There was a shift in productivity definitions from agriculture to industrialization that did not align well with knowledge work.
  • Traditional economic notions of productivity did not fit well with knowledge work due to its individualized nature.

Pseudo Productivity and Slow Productivity

07:27 - 14:29

  • Traditional economic notions of productivity do not align well with knowledge work, leading to the emergence of pseudo productivity as a heuristic.
  • The combination of personal computers and digital communication led to overload, exhaustion, and burnout in knowledge work.
  • Replacing pseudo productivity with slow productivity, focusing on quality results over visible activity, could lead to more sustainable and meaningful work.
  • The book explores historical case studies of traditional knowledge workers like Jane Austen to derive principles for modern knowledge work practices.

Jane Austen's Experience and Overwhelming Administrative Overhead

14:17 - 21:39

  • Jane Austen did not write on small scraps of paper or hide her writing when people came in, contrary to popular belief.
  • After moving to a small cottage and reducing her social and work obligations, Jane Austen was able to creatively finish her manuscripts for 'Sense and Sensibility' and 'Pride and Prejudice'.
  • Jane Austen's experience highlights the challenge of productivity when overwhelmed with tasks, which is relevant to modern knowledge workers facing excessive administrative overhead.
  • To address the issue of overwhelming administrative overhead, one solution is to reduce the number of concurrent tasks being worked on to increase efficiency.

Reducing Overhead and Tactical Advice for Productivity

21:14 - 27:57

  • Reducing overhead by focusing on solving specific problems for bosses can lead to increased trust and decreased stress in the workplace.
  • The podcast host discusses isolating principles from historical stories to navigate modern work challenges and improve productivity.
  • The importance of using tactical advice derived from isolated principles to escape pseudo-productivity in normal jobs is highlighted.

Digital Minimalism, Parenting, and Prioritizing Tasks

27:34 - 34:09

  • The podcast guest discusses his approach to digital minimalism and why he doesn't focus on platforms like LinkedIn.
  • He explains his YouTube strategy, targeting a younger audience with the help of a consultant for video content creation.
  • The guest shares insights on parenting and productivity, expressing interest in exploring the topic further but feeling unqualified to write a book about it.

Sequencing Tasks and Rituals for Deep Work Blocks

33:47 - 40:13

  • The speaker discusses how his books are based on his personal experiences and challenges he faced in different stages of his career.
  • He emphasizes the importance of sequencing tasks to focus on specific priorities at different times, such as book writing, teaching, or department building.
  • Workload management is crucial for knowledge work jobs, and the speaker suggests using quotas and categorizing commitments to prevent overload.
  • Having a ritual for completing deep work blocks can help transition out of a flow state and into other tasks effectively.

Structured Shutdown Routine and Obsessing Over Quality

39:43 - 46:25

  • Having a structured shutdown routine can help with productivity by allowing for easy continuation of work the next day.
  • Maintaining a working memory document to jot down ideas that arise during work can help in staying focused and organized.
  • A discussion on obsessing over quality and prioritizing artistry over fame, comparing the stories of Jewel and Beyonce in their career paths.
  • Jewel's decision to focus on honing her craft before accepting a million-dollar bonus from record executives showcases the importance of skill development and preparation in success.
  • Beyonce's longer apprenticeship period allowed her to develop her skills and confidence before making significant career moves, highlighting the value of experience in artistic endeavors.

Long-Term Project Management and Circular Refinement

46:03 - 52:36

  • Developing craft led to attention from the recording industry for one individual.
  • Long-term project management involves challenges like workload visibility and prioritization.
  • A book on collaboration protocols in long-term projects can help reduce cognitive overload and improve productivity.
  • The author's framework for books emerges from collecting examples over time, leading to circular refinement.

Refining Concepts and Centralizing Teamwork

52:10 - 58:31

  • The process of refining concepts and frameworks can take years of testing and iteration before they are ready to be implemented.
  • Implementing practices and principles within a team requires breaking the barrier to the first intentional change that moves away from standard collaboration workflows.
  • Centralizing teamwork by distinguishing between team-agreed tasks and individual tasks can reduce administrative overhead and improve focus on key priorities.
  • Measuring progress, such as the ratio of focused work to administrative work, can be an effective strategy for improving productivity within teams.

Balancing Meeting Time and Collaboration in Remote Work

58:17 - 1:04:24

  • During the pandemic, remote work led to an increase in back-to-back meetings and a lack of breaks, causing productivity issues known as the 'Zoom apocalypse.'
  • Strategies like the 'one for you, one for me' heuristic and deep to shallow work ratio method are suggested to balance meeting time with personal work time.
  • Many tech companies struggle with finding the right balance between collaboration and individual work, often aiming for a 50/50 ratio.
  • Despite initial skepticism, implementing strategies to manage meeting time can lead to improved productivity and reduced reliance on constant meetings.

Quick Knowledge Consumption and Work-Life Balance

1:03:55 - 1:11:01

  • Podcasters are seen drinking Element on their podcasts, indicating its popularity
  • Blinkist offers book summaries and audio guides for quick knowledge consumption in various categories
  • Blinkist can be used for entertainment, learning, or triaging potential book purchases
  • Blinkist Connect allows sharing of premium accounts with others for a two-for-one deal
  • Balancing natural pace and quality in work is a challenge, especially when external deadlines are involved
  • Stakes in the ground help navigate the balance between perfectionism and commitment to craft in work
  • Building corporate wellness solutions faces challenges in communicating principles to higher-ups

Implementing Work Organization Principles

1:10:35 - 1:17:44

  • Large organizations tend to resist drastic changes in work structure due to internal managerial dynamics and a focus on stability.
  • Individuals can integrate principles of better work organization into their own lives or teams more easily than trying to implement changes from higher up in the organization.
  • Implementing Kanban system in team settings may require frequent check-ins and collaboration to address technical constraints efficiently.
  • Early career professionals can benefit from developing a reputation for being organized and skilled in time management to navigate peer relationships effectively.

Breathing Room and Flexibility in Work Relationships

1:17:18 - 1:21:49

  • Develop a reputation for being incredibly organized and a time management nerd to gain trust and flexibility in teamwork
  • Having idiosyncratic systems that work well can earn you breathing room and trust from colleagues
  • Sending regular update emails on task status may seem over the top but can provide breathing room and flexibility in work relationships